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Toilet time!

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How about the ability to urinate and defecate (take a shit)


The urination side of things would be in regards as to how much you have drank. Water would pass through the body quicker than sugary drinks, etc.

The defecation side of things would be in regards as to how much you have eaten. Meat would pass through the body quicker than a snack bar, etc.



I've only thought about this as we've got the eating and drinking side of things, what comes after that? The above.


I'd suggest sleep deprivation and such but I wouldn't want to play a game where you're needed to sleep every few hours!



(This is a serious suggestion, please only have serious discussions here)

Edited by iGetty

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Peeing and pooping has been talked to death, and I still can't figure out if they were serious or joking about adding it in at some point.  Sleep I don't think could be put in as a mechanic for DayZ in a satisfactory way.  Think of it this way, if you're logged out, you're sleeping.

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18 minutes ago, IkaikaKekai said:

Peeing and pooping has been talked to death, and I still can't figure out if they were serious or joking about adding it in at some point.  Sleep I don't think could be put in as a mechanic for DayZ in a satisfactory way.  Think of it this way, if you're logged out, you're sleeping.

That's my thoughts exactly, about sleeping that is. It would be annoying to log out and then, the morning after - log back in.. Then have to sleep for ages.


Pooping and peeing is a simple but realistic system which would fit the game perfectly. Would be good if they could add it in.

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8 hours ago, Whyherro123 said:


Give more of a reason than just the word "NOPE" please, I think it'd be a realistic addition.

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11 minutes ago, iGetty said:

Give more of a reason than just the word "NOPE" please, I think it'd be a realistic addition.

Tell me, what is the overwhelmingly most likely use for "excretion", both urination and pooping, going to be in the game?

Hint: your first two choices don't count.

There are almost infinitely other methods through which waste excretion, or, more realistically, the wilderness diseases associated with pooping and vomiting, can be done in-game without leading to such griefing potential. I prefer the "black screen, when you come back to the game, you just lost a whole bit of water" bit. Vomiting is ..... ok, but we shouldn't have the option of seeing our characters pop a squat and shit. Even if we can't "do it on command", griefers will "hold it" until they have someone to shit/piss on. Its..... it is just gonna happen.

I just prefer to avoid that whole can of worms altogether. Day Z is already famous for being a "sociopath torture simulator", we don't need any more water/scat sports thrown into the mix.

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On 27. 2. 2016 at 1:26 AM, iGetty said:

How about the ability to urinate and defecate (take a shit)


The urination side of things would be in regards as to how much you have drank. Water would pass through the body quicker than sugary drinks, etc.

The defecation side of things would be in regards as to how much you have eaten. Meat would pass through the body quicker than a snack bar, etc.



I've only thought about this as we've got the eating and drinking side of things, what comes after that? The above.


I'd suggest sleep deprivation and such but I wouldn't want to play a game where you're needed to sleep every few hours!



(This is a serious suggestion, please only have serious discussions here)

But what would be the gameplay mechanic behind such things? I mean, i can both pee and poo in my pants and i dont even have to stop shooting in the meantime :)

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