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Three easy things

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All these three suggestions are things that are almost already in the game but not quite but could probably be implenmeted with an hour of programming.

- Breathing: As it is now you can only hold your breath by aiming down the sight and theres no sound or effect when doing so. I suggest that holding your breath should be applicable elsewhere. When swimming for example, enabling diving, or more importantly when sneaking or hiding. Right now you can hear someones breathing from 10-15 metres away and that just isnt realistic but thats what we got. However if I am being chased i would like an option for me to, when quickly ducking away, hold my breath for a little bit, removing the noise so my would-be assassins dont hear me and run past instead.

- Scope repair: Scopes often spawn as damaged making them a completely useless spawn as they are of no use(hunting scopes excepted). Why not make it so you can repair a damaged or badly damaged scope to worn status using the weapon cleaning kit. it would make damaged scopes AND weapon cleaning kits desired items.

- Molotov cocktails: I actually saw these in .....another game where they were simple but effective. Dayz already has everyhting needed for crafting and item implementation. Theres alcohol and gasoline, glass flasks(theres supposed to be Vodka too, whatever happened to that?), rags and matches. Nothing else is needed. As a placeholder the grenade function could be used, only without the timed explosion. It would ofcourse be nice with fire effects and stuff but not really nessecary right now. An easily craftable explosive is all that I want.


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  1. I do not think that with the current systems they Devs could do diving and such. As for the breathing, I don't know if other people besides you can hear you breath.
  2. Like the idea
  3. Another good idea and I think it will be implemented in the future

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Yes, you can hear other people breathe if they have been running or doing  other things. I believe the radius of the sound is like 5-10 metres or so but it doesnt seem that height is properly calculated as you can hear people on several floors up in a house. Normally the sound of you running masks it but in a sneaky peaky scenario this could be important. Sounds aren't really working well right now as some things are heard way too much and others not at all.

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I have been waiting to see molotovs since the early mod days of 2012. I don't recall devs ever mentioning them what so ever. Are they even in the mod as we speak ? I would guess not.

So all we can do is keep dreaming. So I say follow your heart and dream big people


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