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Radio Tower

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Large towns should have large radio towers that can broadcast across the entire map.


Each tower broadcasts on a fixed frequency.


That way a player with a walkie talkie can scan the channels(the channels can be named for the town of the tower eg. channel Electro) and if somebody is in the radio building broadcasting they know they can go therte and find somebody.


It will create a hub for players to meet , or fight over.


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From the February 16th status report:


... there will be static radio stations where players can with interfere and hijack frequencies, or transmit crucial message from long distances to allies.

Radio stations will be located more or less in the middle of the map on the top of Altar Hill, so it will be fairly easy to trek to no matter where you are. To go even further, you can use public address systems with amplifiers locally in towns and villages. 


Edited by Goose
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This is going to be a super interesting idea i hope it works out and has a good response from players and we need the radio(s) to be all crackly from a distance and such.

The busier servers will be the most interesting

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Devs already made it a WIP. There are going to be a few stations there that you can communicate with your friends or strangers over certain frequencies, and you could also hijack channels.

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