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tatchell (DayZ)

How to remove spare wheel stored in Lada Offroad Hatchback?

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Simple question that I haven't seen answered with my simple search (and frankly don't have the time right now to dig deep into old out-dated threads for answers).


How do you remove the spare wheel from the Lada? I have tried with just aiming my hands at it like detaching spark plug or battery, nothing happens. Done the same thing whislt holding the lug wrench. Nothing.


How do you do it? Really really really need to know asap :P


Cheers in advance

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Use the new UI and drag it to your hands. It will be the last wheel you stored in the car - on the right of the other wheels. It may be difficult to get it in again though (sometimes it didn't work for me), so only do it when you really need to. 

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Thanks S3V3N, that worked in the end. That new ui is really nasty though! Switched right back straight away


Our guys tend to switch back and forth a lot- in some cases it's downright handy since you can search lower floors of buildings /hunting  stands / light towers without climbing or going upstairs- valuable with all the broken legs etc happening when you're upstairs on anything. Also allows you to work on the car / tires / car doors etc without tools.


But then once that's done, they log, switch back to the old UI- then come back in. 


Fortunately the new UI is only a technology demonstrator- barely even a placeholder I think at this point. Don't be discouraged by its appearance since it has very little relation to what the finished product will look like. I'm not 100% sure exactly what it's demonstrating- since its form and function are awful... though I've heard it is smoother and has less impact on FPS. I can't speak to that since I've never noticed an impact on FPS with the old UI given the fact that I look at a city, car, zombie, other player and my frames are cut in half. 

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Half of my friends despise the newui. I've learned to accept it for what it is, give and take. mostly I like the ability to use my whole tent. Don't get my wrong i miss my healthy status a lot, and knowing if I'm about to get thirsty before I'm actually thirsty. Maybe I'm a bit of a sucker/purist but even though I don't have to I still prefer using tools on the car in new ui, because I've found it has a little more control. Grabbing a damaged tire out of the ui I am not always sure which one is coming off and can't anticipate the impending slide/bounce. where as with a lug wrench I know which tire I'm pulling out. On the other hand with the lug wrench unless you look really closely you usually cant tell which tire is no longer pristine, so you end up playing a guessing game. Its a bit of a toss up, but I've compensated for the loss of statuses by eating and drinking frequently and I just endure the newui. Keeps me in the game more.

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