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we need 180 vertical view angle

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I suggest that our characters dont suffer from stiff necks. We need 180 degrees vertical view angle. I just got killed just going up some stairs, and because my character cant point his gun high enough I wasnt able to defend myself. So sad.

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Yeah, I would agree that it is currently a bit too low. I don't think we need to go as high as 180 degrees, that always feels a bit odd to me, but it definitely needs to be higher.

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Yeah, I would agree that it is currently a bit too low. I don't think we need to go as high as 180 degrees, that always feels a bit odd to me, but it definitely needs to be higher.

180° is a bit low for the view angle... that would mean you can only look straigt up and down (and everything in between).

i just tried it and i can cover around 240° degrees:

when 0° is looking at the horizon +is upwards -is downwards i can go from +120 to -120° using only body and head movement (not eyes).

even in terms of aiming you should be able to cover a range from -90° to +100°, as you can move your arms better than the rest of your body... only if you keep your arms always perpendicular to your torso you can't cover more than how it currently is...

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Maybe there was some confusing about the degrees. I meant that we should be able to aim straight down and all the way straight up to the sky. I can do that in real life, and so should be able to do in a game with heavy tactical gameplay

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I assumed that the zombie infection in our bodies, even though we are immune, gives us all severe neck ache.

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Totally agree with this. Tried lighting up myshkino tents with a flare, but it totally overshot. The low angle meant in only lasted only a few seconds before hitting the ground. Make this gun/tool almost pointless unless you already know where your threats are and they're 150-250 metres away and can spot em quick sharp

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Maybe there was some confusing about the degrees. I meant that we should be able to aim straight down and all the way straight up to the sky. I can do that in real life, and so should be able to do in a game with heavy tactical gameplay

Ooooooh so you can also fit a tent in a backpack? Cool.

And L fucking OL at "heavy tactical gameplay." Jesus man where do you come up with this stuff?

Edited by ENO75

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