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Duo core issue.

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Ok I know I suffer from the duo core issue, and Hicks said the fix will be out in Jan.. 


My playability is 50/50 at best since 0.59 , sometimes it works great for days , other times i cant do anything 


Right now I can not play on any 3pp server, private or public. I get 2-5 fps no matter my settings 

Yet somehow I can magically play on any 1pp server and get 60 fps ?????? 


Did I mention i FREAKING HATE 1pp servers ???? 

WTH DayZ Your bugs make no sense to me !!.. 


Ok now that that's off my chest.. Does anyone have any clue what this is about ? What's the difference between the two ? 


And why the hell are 1pp and 3pp not connected to the same hive?

Edited by J0nathan

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1 : 3rd person is rendering more client side (try playing in 1st person on 3rd person server).

+ : Is a known problem as well you know, has been fixed once I believe, then broke again.


2 : Different play styles with undeniable advantage for those in 3rd person view.


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Just play on 3pp server in 1pp mode and it works way better. I do it all the time and only switch to 3pp when I need the extra view. 1pp is more immersive also and makes the game more fun. Especially if you, like me, enjoy getting shot in the face all the time.

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1 : 3rd person is rendering more client side (try playing in 1st person on 3rd person server).

+ : Is a known problem as well you know, has been fixed once I believe, then broke again.


2 : Different play styles with undeniable advantage for those in 3rd person view.


Title edited.

I get not such options.. the moment i join a 3pp server i'm in 1st person view standing up. with 1 -5 fps and like 2d rendering 


This shouldnt have been moved to trouble shooting , as I am not trying to fix the issue, 

I just asked what the difference between the two types of servers are.

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