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Who needs ammo ---> Forum corrections always win!

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Yeah have a good holiday guys!


ill be throwing flash bangs around, then ill just have to use my axe..

maybe i should try to make some slingshots, and throw beans at you all in cherno.



Better yet lets throw smoke around, the black one is pretty.




Edited by TheSneakyDude

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Why o why did you put a m on who :'(.

The souls of one thousand english teachers are crying out from their graves....


What's in the picture?  I see it spells DayZ but i can't make out what they are... are they... yes i think they are... DOMOMON!? (well at least the one's making up the Y)


Edited by q.S Sachiel
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I can picture flashbanging a guy in a city and just watching the zombies gangbang him while he's blind.  can you tripwire one?

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On a more serious note, the smoke grenades would seem quite effective.

Haven't tried them under fire yet, but you know what they say, where there's smoke there's fi... HOHOHO...


But yea, much better than in dayZ mod where you could see through them (if i remember right) and immediate smoke instead of the slow to start Arma3 type. 

You can also run with them active in your hand.  Seems like it would put up quite the smoke screen (my ribs) while zig-zagging, and particularly good if you're running down topography with them, even more so if down elevation from attacker.


From what I can tell, there's almost no reason to throw them if it's cover you want, and you're not running directly at your attacker...

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Why o why did you put a m on who  :'(.

The souls of one thousand english teachers are crying out from their graves....


The live ones aren't very happy about it either.

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you just had to go there didn't you. Bastards last time i say merry Christmas you English Nazis :)



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