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Why you don't sell DayZ 5 or 10 €

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i play every day more than 5H . so when it's not there any more u just wondring what u should do else than waiting to go in ur server and continue moving from town to town it's very nice game i love it. and i adore the ppl who are there spending from there time a lot for our joy (FREE of Charge) and i want to ask them do it by Money u deserve to gain some money with this mod and i'll be the first one to buy it. just to improve the servers and buying a protecting software or what ever i'm interior designer and graphic designer i don't understand any thing from this computer hacking stuff ... but i understand that this mod become a big game right now and i think the sales of arma CO is much more high now because of Dayz

i've frinds they don't know arma II they only know Days and they don't think even to play Arma all what they want is DAYZ..

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Because that's Rocket's dream and he's a nice guy...but yes, I'd gladly pay the full price for the game as it is right now in alpha!

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its an alpha you lackwit. i would spit in the face of the man who attempted to charge me to test their alpha build.

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Perhaps you don't know it, so I'm saying it without any remarks. This mod is in an alpha stage. The game can't be sold at that stage. It is planed to be a stand alone game (In other words they'll sell dayz when it's ready.)

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i think it might be because theres allot of legal jargon to go with "charging" for a mod. permissions from devs etc. im not 100% ;p

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I suppose the other good thing is that this game is getting good publicity and attracting tons of new gamers so eventually when it's released the sales should be good.

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I think what the OP is trying to say is he'd pay cash money right now to play DayZ in its current state.

Which is nice. I probably would too, now that I think of it.

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"its an alpha you lackwit. i would spit in the face of the man who attempted to charge me to test their alpha build"

Go spit where you like.

Just don't do it here.

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