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Good FPS but runs choppy

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If you have the possibility to turn Hyperthreading off give it a try.

I don't believe this to be the problem but with W10+DayZ anything is possible, this was perhaps a solution a few years ago but with the latest tech should be considered a thing of the past.


Also forget about your previous settings, put everything on High while at the same time respecting the Vram available.

You can then turn down blur or PP to your liking.


Also check AHCI (on) and OS Optimisation (max) in Magician.


Cookies/malware, something trying to access your disk ?

Only happens in DayZ ?

Create a bootable disk for a fresh install of W10. (I'm waiting until the last minute before upgrading to W10)


I hate computers !

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It sounds like your new laptop is running on a slower hard-drive. Could this be the case?


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I hate computers !

I hate them more!!


- getting out of the pc industry if i can. After 21+ years maybe 24 who's counting.... i cant stand the whinny ass customers. They do something wrong, they blame the IT always



Wait on windows 10 guys, do the download, but don't install it yet. This is until you get all your drivers, and research everything before installing it. Otherwise you wont be happy when your FPS drops to 20 and your wondering why.


Don't get me wrong win 10 looks rather nice, but isnt ready yet.. Mostly the manufacturers are not ready.


Rather buy OEM of win 10 so its a fresh license.

Edited by TheSneakyDude

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If you have the possibility to turn Hyperthreading off give it a try.

I don't believe this to be the problem but with W10+DayZ anything is possible, this was perhaps a solution a few years ago but with the latest tech should be considered a thing of the past.


Also forget about your previous settings, put everything on High while at the same time respecting the Vram available.

You can then turn down blur or PP to your liking.


Also check AHCI (on) and OS Optimisation (max) in Magician.


Cookies/malware, something trying to access your disk ?

Only happens in DayZ ?

Create a bootable disk for a fresh install of W10. (I'm waiting until the last minute before upgrading to W10)


I hate computers !

Ill check around in magician to see what i can do. Ill also keep trying ingame settings to see what i can get out of higher settings.

I only have dayz installed on this laptop atm so nothing else really uses the 2g gpu it uses the intel graphics for surfing and whatnot.




I have this running on a samsung 840 evo ssd atm and it is still taking a fps shit every few seconds :(


I hate them more!!


- getting out of the pc industry if i can. After 21+ years maybe 24 who's counting.... i cant stand the whinny ass customers. They do something wrong, they blame the IT always



Wait on windows 10 guys, do the download, but don't install it yet. This is until you get all your drivers, and research everything before installing it. Otherwise you wont be happy when your FPS drops to 20 and your wondering why.


Don't get me wrong win 10 looks rather nice, but isnt ready yet.. Mostly the manufacturers are not ready.


Rather buy OEM of win 10 so its a fresh license.

Im wondering if this is a main issue with what is going on. I think because i installed 10 fresh on this ssd and had to go through and pick out drivers to update: something isnt working right together.

It really feels like the hard drive is getting bogged down. I look at processes and it seems like its about 40 things going on but my disk usage is barely anything. But looking at the graph while dayz is running its maxed out over and over and over (hence the fps spikes)

Thanks to everyone for throwing their ideas in to the ring, ill report back with more findings when i get them! :)

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I went in to samsung magician and ahci and os op is on. I then noticed rapid mode was turned off. I trurned it on and ran the benchmark test, it seemed to be going much faster so i went in game to see if that helped. No difference.

I dwitched my settings to high in most things but still had the same result: constant laggy gameplay and fps drops.

I put it in windowed mode again to watch my processes screen. I noticed something weird in the cpu screen for performance. My cpu is 2ghz with a 2.6ghz boost. But on my screen it was showing it was currently 2.99ghz with 63 processes running...

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I went in to samsung magician and ahci and os op is on. I then noticed rapid mode was turned off. I trurned it on and ran the benchmark test, it seemed to be going much faster so i went in game to see if that helped. No difference.

I dwitched my settings to high in most things but still had the same result: constant laggy gameplay and fps drops.

I put it in windowed mode again to watch my processes screen. I noticed something weird in the cpu screen for performance. My cpu is 2ghz with a 2.6ghz boost. But on my screen it was showing it was currently 2.99ghz with 63 processes running...

There is no way you can build a gaming rig? Laptops are so picky running high end games like arma, and dayz. Ark probally runs like crap on it too.

It really boils down to the CPU. If you can purchase an older i7 3770k, and find a 980 or less for decent price online it will serve you much better.


Nothing you do really will make the game run better, faster. Nothing...


Laptops are not meant for real gaming needed. They try, lots out there but at what costs to upgrades? in the long run you spend way more then a desktop like i suggest.


3 years? i got out of this one, and it still runs the games perfectly. Its a 780ti sc card (900.00) at the time, but the i7 3770k you might find that somewhere cheap. Online many people will be selling older gaming rigs. But it still runs this one great. socket 1150 isn't all that bad, you can by the 4790k and over clock it now or later.


Its a choice you have to make. Laptops simply don't have what it takes.

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There is no way you can build a gaming rig? Laptops are so picky running high end games like arma, and dayz. Ark probally runs like crap on it too.

It really boils down to the CPU. If you can purchase an older i7 3770k, and find a 980 or less for decent price online it will serve you much better.


Nothing you do really will make the game run better, faster. Nothing...


Laptops are not meant for real gaming needed. They try, lots out there but at what costs to upgrades? in the long run you spend way more then a desktop like i suggest.


3 years? i got out of this one, and it still runs the games perfectly. Its a 780ti sc card (900.00) at the time, but the i7 3770k you might find that somewhere cheap. Online many people will be selling older gaming rigs. But it still runs this one great. socket 1150 isn't all that bad, you can by the 4790k and over clock it now or later.


Its a choice you have to make. Laptops simply don't have what it takes.



I absolutely agree that I'd have a really huge improvement switching to a desktop. But I bring my laptop to work many times due to the lack of playing time i get at home with life getting in the way. At work I can usually get about an hour straight of playtime.


My major gripe is how now with a new computer that is better in every way (now that i have installed a ssd)... i can't get the game to run worth shit.


It is unplayable atm. It used to run good enough on my 5 year old satellite laptop that died. now this new satellite with better everything, won't run it.


That's what is pissing me off. I don't mind not having the "Full gaming experience" due to playing on a laptop. But it USED to run fine on the old laptop and, for the life of me, i can't understand why it won't run on this thing!!! :(

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Problem now is downgrading to windows 7. The HDD has been changed, and the laptop may only support UFEI drives. You will need to check the bios

first. Make sure you have window 7 drivers, and if not check with Intel, etc....


I really shouldn't be telling you this online, since its not a support site and its not good practice at all to tell someone to redo their system.


I hope you understand its up to you.


Doing so may help improve your gaming experience but remember you wont have DX12 then.


Your on your own after that.

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If your sure you want to do this, and are not really that strong with it. Find a good PC tech and ask him if you can downgrade it. He or she should be able to search and find out if they can downgrade it for you.


Even if its a test.


Its only money, not that you cant redo it in windows 8.1 and then windows 10 after doing all the windows 8.1 updates.


I really hate computers you know.... and i am starting to despise MS, apple..... We need someone new, and solid to rebuild what we like.


Remember this.....







Before you even think of anything, and also backup your files please.....!!!!

Edited by TheSneakyDude
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So update.

Brought the laptop to my buddy who tracked down some different drivers after a win10 reset. Seems to run better but still suffering from lag off and on (seems to be loading all the time slowing things down). Its more playable but still not as good as my old laptop. I guess i'll have to bite the bullet and "wait for optimization" like so many others out there. Sigh.

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