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Back to square one

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Hi guys and gals,

I got disconnected this morning and when I changed server there was no list available. So I typed in a server remoteley and when I spawned I was back to starter gear, everything gone. Is this normal?

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If you typed in the ip of the last server you played on then no, this is not normal.

You can find this information in your DayZ (name) DAYZPROFILE file / My Docs/DayZ.


If you joined a different Private or Public 1st/3rd person server then yes.


In rare circumstances the server may have trouble connecting to the Hive, in which case you should retrieve your character when server/hive connection is functioning correctly.

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Sometimes I join a public 3rd person server and my character is "reset". When I log out and go to another 3rd person server my character is okay and I play normally. Happened to me atleast 3 times with my current character (Alive for like 1~ months?).


So just relog on another server and it should be good.

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The char-reset-at-server-restart issue should be getting better given that many (most?) are on 12 hour cycles now, no?


OP, the most important thing to do is exit the server quickly before it has any chance to connect to the public hive and overwrite your character data.

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This happened to me yesterday, logged in to my home server on the coast as a freshie, immediately disconnected and joined another server I frequent, had all my stuff, good thing since I logged out carrying all my best stuff.

It just means the server isn't connected to the central hive, if you were to log out after running around that server and log back in you'd be a freshie again.

Don't do anything, log out and join a server where your character spawns properly, then either play there or log back out. I didn't play yesterday because running around with a full inventory and everything to lose didn't seem all that appealing.

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