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Found what I assume is a dupers camp

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Stumbled upon a big camp with at least 10 small tents, 3 military tents, 3 truck tents and about 10 barrels and 1 truck.

Occupied by at least 4 players (found notes) but I assume it belongs to a group or clan of at least 8 players.

On the pic below is some inventory I found which to me looks like duping. What do you think? I found at least 6 Steyr in the camp.

Some of the tents seemed to have a legit stash though.



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Duping / stacking is still a problem in certain circumstances and the Devs are aware.


Seek & Destroy...

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Seek & Destroy...

You mean throwing all items on the ground and pack the tents to make it all disappear?

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I dunno, doesn't seem right. It has more of a server hopper's feel to it. Helicopters tend to spawn a shitload of red dots, iron sights, and ACOGs, as is indicative in that picture. The balance of magazines looks consistent with that suspicion, too.


If I were duping, I'd personally only duplicate the double magazines—I wouldn't bother with anything less than that. Why bother duping anything less than the 60 round magazines for your M4A1 and AUGs?


As far as food, there isn't much there aside from the...pumpkin, is it? (I don't do a lot of farming, so I can't remember if that's what it is or not.) Very easy to acquire, if that's the case.

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Whatever means you have at your disposal I guess, I've never encountered the problem / situation, call teh cops or the Experimental Dream Team to help might be an idea  :D

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No Rick, that is duping I believe.

SAK, send me the server and camp location details I'll get it checked (PM only).

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