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Wire fenced Cherno in ANZ1

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Cherno in ANZ1 (an Australian server with Side Chat still activated) has been COMPLETELY fenced off. I dont mean the buildings I mean there is just a whole heap of barbed wire fences going all the way around Cherno. There is just so much barbed wire fences that you cannot possibly get so much without cheating. As we all know toolboxes are rare so I had to join another server, get out of Cherno and rejoin. ANZ1 needs to have a reset, I think.

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No expert here' date=' but I believe those survive resets. Not sure, though.


Really?? So that means in a few months time the whole coast will be completely barb wired. Awesome!

My suggestions - lose the barbed wire its crap anyway.

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You know you can take down wire with a toolbox, or are they still not available since the last patch... haven't played in a while so I can't remember.

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Restarts dont work, its on all servers its so people can server hop an keep all the good loot. On my server the church in electro has about 5 rows of the stuff infront of the doors

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They are persistant through restarts. Toolboxes are spawning and aren't really that rare, just check industrial spawns. And while they're probably cheated, wire fencing kits are hardly rare - if somebody decided they wanted to either troll the city it wouldn't exactly be hard to gather a lot of them. It could even be a clan trying to defend the place--I know I've considered it as a possibility for setting up a city 'base' (though not sure how it would work with server hopping etc.).

They will have to sort SOMETHING out with them, because spamming them is way too easy now.

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You know you can take down wire with a toolbox' date=' or are they still not available since the last patch... haven't played in a while so I can't remember.


You don't realize how much barbed wire is there. I saw it last night, every single way into Cherno is blocked off.

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Yeah I have seen this happen on a couple servers it is pretty annoying. Just means you should find a different server or hope that maybe the admin will take care of the offenders.

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The infinite barbed wire glitch will be fixed next patch... In the meantime don't waste your time taking it down. Server restart won't help persists through. They are doing you a favor by walling it off.

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Wire fences and tank traps SURVIVE server restarts. so just DON'T FUCKING GO TO CHERNO. Why the hell do you wanna go there anyway? Also give us some pics you serverhopping nab

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Wire fences and tank traps SURVIVE server restarts. so just DON'T FUCKING GO TO CHERNO. Why the hell do you wanna go there anyway? Also give us some pics you serverhopping nab

Supermarket and Hospital are the two main reasons, I can think of.

And I'm glad to see that when someone's stuck behind an irremovable wall and changing servers is the only way out, they're a 'serverhopping nab' to you.

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Yeah, supermarkets are pretty important in the earlier stages of a character…best place to stock up on food/drink and get a bigger backpack. The barbed wire situation is just totally out of hand, and that's all there is to it.

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Same thing is happening to all the ANZ servers- cherno and electro and a lot of other buildings about the map...

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lol awesome.

Hopefully it is still there when I get back to my PC so I can check it out.

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