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DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

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I feel sorry for the forum moderators that see posts like this multiple times a day.

Thanks for that.

With all the *ucks and *agots I could simply warn or ban the OP.

Sometimes it is more constructive to let the thread run so that some may learn from others.

This thread is a perfect example.

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Perhaps it is time to take a step away from your computer before you actually snap.

Nah...keep going.

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personality disorder characterized by "...a pervasive pattern of disregard for' date=' and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood."[1']

Fuck you faggets who shoot on site. I was playing all fucking day just to be kicked from a ping spike and loose my chance at morphine so I had to head back to society. Society of Sociopaths, I was shot on site with a broken leg.


This DayZ has been ruined for me today I will never play until these sociopaths are banned from every game and life and killed at birth.


Nice use of a dictionary. What's the word for someone who thinks of games (make believe) as real life? Because that's the only way your definition works.

I only shoot off site, work place regulations and that.

Also you seem to think that murdering babies in real life is a valid response to getting killed in a computer game.

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I was raging like that after countless broken bones. Somehow I am over it :D

Right now me and by buddy have a flipped quad on the road + no fuel + both of us had broken bones with no morphine. The quad has DMR + M16. Perfect !!

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I was raging like that after countless broken bones. Somehow I am over it :D

Right now me and by buddy have a flipped quad on the road + no fuel + both of us had broken bones with no morphine. The quad has DMR + M16. Perfect !!

Fliped quad?

In a bridge for sure.

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um buddy 12 hours? wasted... that is fucking real? you can be in Denial all you want.

I'm just sharing my experience and opinion.

Welcome to hypocrite ville they cry realism only when its convenient god forbid diminishing PVP'ers happens...sorry dude but watch out the only responses you will get are hypocritical D bags like the first guy to respond, butt hurt bandits who think you want them punished or people who agree that this game needs more work and thought put into its "realism".

P.S I used the word sociopath in this one thread that got a lot of views a month ago lol now i see the word being used quite a bit now...just saying im glad the term sociopath is being used since its the best fucking word to describe people who play dayz lol

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personality disorder characterized by "...a pervasive pattern of disregard for' date=' and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood."[1']

Fuck you faggets who shoot on site. I was playing all fucking day just to be kicked from a ping spike and loose my chance at morphine so I had to head back to society. Society of Sociopaths, I was shot on site with a broken leg.

12 hours fully loaded everything you can get thats good, Tent, Mathes, Hachet, the works, except Fucking stupid fucking morphine.

FUCK MORPHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used 7 bandages and fucking nothing were the fuck was i putting them?.

This DayZ has been ruined for me today I will never play until these sociopaths are banned from every game and life and killed at birth.

Or atleast till they fix the stupid morphine crap, and fucking zombies breaking your leg wen they are only shuffling there hands standing UP, five feet infront of you.



Opinions are like arse holes, everyone's got one, speaking of which " can't beat them, join them "

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I will never play until these sociopaths are banned from every game and life and killed at birth.

Quote of the year.

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Never ever leave town for the northern territories without alteast 2 morphine if you play solo.

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This guy do realize that the point of this game is to die right? Well its to survive, but you CAN'T survive forever. You will die, whether it be by another player, a zombie, or something stupid like vaulting over a cliff and falling to your death.

But you seem to think that everyone in this game kills for the hell of it. If you're close to a player with a gun, they will shoot you. Its killed or be killed, they don't want to lose the stuff they get either.

But more importantly, its a GAME. I hear people saying "Oh saying a game is not a good excuse", but it is. People have fun trolling people on the internets if you haven't noticed. Just because some wants to ruin someones fun on a game doesn't mean they're going to get up a shoot someone for no reason IRL. I don't see the logic there...

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personality disorder characterized by "...a pervasive pattern of disregard for' date=' and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood."[1']

"Fuck you faggets"




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This made my day, so funny to read how a little kid is crying because he died in the game. I played hours and hours and died with full gear and a car :D who cares, do better next time and try to stop crying

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I read the OP out aloud (including the spelling errors and caps) on mumble and I am glad to be able to tell you, it was a roaring success. Highly amusing, would read again.

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Hahahaha, it's people like this that make each sniper round I pump off into someone from my safe spot all the more satisfying.

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Hahahaha' date=' it's people like this that make each sniper round I pump off into someone from my safe spot all the more satisfying.


yeah well its these people that will give the game life, not the people that are just in it for some easy kills, until the next shooter comes around...

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Great rage!! Got a good laugh. The next survivor I shoot in the face, OHH PLEASE DEAR GOD, LET IT BE YOU!

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personality disorder characterized by "...a pervasive pattern of disregard for' date=' and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood."[1']

Fuck you faggets who shoot on site. I was playing all fucking day just to be kicked from a ping spike and loose my chance at morphine so I had to head back to society. Society of Sociopaths, I was shot on site with a broken leg.

12 hours fully loaded everything you can get thats good, Tent, Mathes, Hachet, the works, except Fucking stupid fucking morphine.

FUCK MORPHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I used 7 bandages and fucking nothing were the fuck was i putting them?.

This DayZ has been ruined for me today I will never play until these sociopaths are banned from every game and life and killed at birth.

Or atleast till they fix the stupid morphine crap, and fucking zombies breaking your leg wen they are only shuffling there hands standing UP, five feet infront of you.




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