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Yes here I am again jorn818, posting suggestions because I have no life. Now the realization is finished lets get to the suggestion.

So this suggestion isn't really a suggestion as I thought the developers were going to do this yet it seems they are taking a different road with vehicles

anyway lets get started.



Everywhere around Chernarus there are broken down vehicles and that is fine however around 40% of these vehicles should become dynamic spawns


Dynamic  car wreck = a fixable car wreck



So you have these vehicles laying around the map and some of these vehicles are still usable! If fixed...

So how would you know if one of these wrecks is a static or dynamic wreck or in other words fixable or not fixable

You open up the car hood, if there is an engine in the car it is fixable but if there is a broken engine in there it is unfixable.


Then you need to find parts which are pretty rare to fix the cars, you can get these from either other dynamic cars (although again very rare to spawn in a dynamic car) or in industrial areas, most cars have flat or missing tires, missing doors (which you can get from other cars) missing lights, and no gasoline.

Repairing one car is a big job, ofcourse getting the doors would be easy however getting the parts would be very hard. It would almost be impossible for one person to repair a car anthus it will lead to more Interaction between players, either hostile or friendly interaction.




- Easily intergrated with the already existing car system

- Devs don't need to model extra cars but can use the already existing ones and only need to add a hood function and wheels that can turn

- Would create more interaction and give more goals to the game

- Essential for the overall feeling of DayZ Survival

- Rusty cars would look better in a survival environment then a brand new Lada

- People would pay more interest to the wrecks for more than just food.

- In roleplay servers people could start a garage for other players 



- Devs need to take (almost) every model type of a car and add wheels that can be animated and a hood

- Devs need to take the time to change the loot economy to make car items more rare

- Might have a slight effect on FPS






Helicopters should go different.

they should go with the system the V3s has at the moment where they spawn at for example 25 different locations and need to be repaired with tools and such.

as the helicopter crashes are unable to ever be repaired to working helicopters and is quite unrealistic.




Bonus suggestion: be able to drag a second dynamic car behind your working car with a rope (the second car needs to have all wheels however) to drag to your garage (the car would lose 10-15 Km/h depending on the type of car)



Thank you for reading here is a glowplug:


Edited by jorn818
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Your topic title is a bit ambiguous.  Your drive to see more cars, and to see vehicle repair is in the works.  Check out the dev tracker, status reports, and dev twitters for breaking news on automobile inclusions!  


Good post!

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I just want to see that 3 wheel car from Mr Bean's tv show from back in the day and that penis car from hale and pace

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Most of those cars are well beyond repair at that point, but I'm not at all opposed to being able to find working parts inside their wrecks. They should still be rare and generally be in worse condition than if you, per se, found them in a factory, but I'm all for it.

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Most of those cars are well beyond repair at that point, but I'm not at all opposed to being able to find working parts inside their wrecks. They should still be rare and generally be in worse condition than if you, per se, found them in a factory, but I'm all for it.

yeah thats why i want dynamic spawns, see i can immediatly see if a car is working/fixable or not right now, with this system if you want a car you need to go from town to town and check wrecks around and in the town, to see if you can get a rare car that is actual repairable, anyhow thanks for reading my post man :D

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