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Will there be more or less weapon related loot in next patch?

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Just died 3 times in a row now because it kept spawning me in Cherno.


There's literally 0 loot, because the game spawns everyone in the same place. Anyway, my gripe is with the fully kitted out neckbeards who just sit in one house killing freshspawns.


I fell into the trap when i went slightly near the pile of bodies they had collected by the main door, in the vain hope it was safe, seeing as there was no other loot around.


Anyway, on the 2nd and 3rd Spawn, i deserved to die, because I went looking for these guys.


Got one of them boxed into a corner, but 3 axe hits in the face did nothing and he unloaded his clip of silenced AK74 into me.


It's just a bit annoying that the game seems to follow the same pattern with regards spawning, and loot spawns. Is it going to be better in the next patch?

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Don't play stable,and yes it will be better. The hardcore pvpers are up in arms and threatening to quit next patch because the CLE is doing its job.

Edited by DanicaHamlin

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man if you see piles of dead bodies its always a trap or theres a sniper or killers near by just walk away. the saying curiosity kills the cat holds very true in dayz.

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Haha, make it 4 times.


I got my loot back but it was all ruined. Two guys started shooting it out nearby so I ran away. Someone with a single shot weapon nailed me in two shots whilst I was running at full speed (which i find tricky to believe, as when i try and shoot people they're sliding all over the place) :/


alpha pls.


Also, if i start a new character on an experimental server now, will it still be wiped when the current patch goes stable? Does everyone get wiped?

Edited by Shiva_O

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Also, if i start a new character on an experimental server now, will it still be wiped when the current patch goes stable? Does everyone get wiped?




How hard is it to get weapon loot in 0.58?


compared to .57 its defnitly harder. But if you know what you r doing & the loot god is on your side you should be good to go. Can take an hour to get your first loaded gun, but for me it hasnt be more - till now.



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How do you know they have neck beards?  :huh:

wish my toon could have a neck beard or mutton chops even the creepy salvador dali moustache.

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wish my toon could have a neck beard or mutton chops even the creepy salvador dali moustache.

Edited by Zombo
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