KennyNZ 121 Posted August 11, 2012 Mouse wheel > open gate Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 12, 2012 Is there no other way to get out of the outpost? I think I saw someone run past in the woods. I was tempted to call out to him but I just got decent gear and don't want to get killd by a bandit. I tried switching server but it doesnt seem to make any difference; the gate is always closed and I can't get it to open up. Is this a known bug? Any suggestions?The mountain is telling you something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kryvian 123 Posted August 12, 2012 So after reading so many stories in one night regarding dayz urban legends and about... THAT mountain, I find a downed chopper near NWAF, and to my complete joy, I find a L85A2 AWS, was still noobish with it so I didn't know how to toggle on termal, I was low on food and water and I dropped everything at the chopper for the loot I just found, headed south in search of food and water, didn't come across any, then... IT came into view, it was getting very late at night, moon setting, getting dark, I say HEY, let me wip out that AWS, cool thing about it it doesn't see the graphic glitches, at least not all of them, then as I reached the gates ( I was farther in the woods, not on the road), I look at the tower, and here he was. one zombie, commanding all the other zombies, searching for something, and as I put my sniper cross on it, it turned it's head towards me and stared at me. didn't continue it's search cycle. and it stared and it stared and it stared.......... then I see all the zombies from the base coming towards me, I stopped looking through the AWS, turned 90 degrees and ran like hell. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kryvian 123 Posted August 12, 2012 fucking seriously never again, not alone, not without 2 other dudes and a .50 cal. weapon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kryvian 123 Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) double post >-< Edited August 12, 2012 by kryvian Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metalworm 13 Posted August 12, 2012 Ok, I'm starting to freak out a bit here. I'm at the top of the tower, I've been throwing road flares around in the hopes of attracting people. I hope they don't shoot me but at least I could get out of here and respawn on the coast. I'm sure I saw another player run past again but they didn't stop at the compound. Can anyone who reads this come and help? I'm in Dallas 1 server. I'm getting tired of waiting here, if no one shows up in the next hour I'll probably jump down the ladder; I lose my stuff but heh, that's a price that I'd be willing to pay, it's getting dark now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metalworm 13 Posted August 12, 2012 Right, awesome. I got fed up of waiting and throwing flares into the night so I threw myself down the ladder of the tower. But I didnt't die!! I have this little broken bone icon at the side of my screen and can't get back up, I fall down every time I try. The zombies don't even try to eat me! They're ignoring me completely. I know some of you have passed by; I see you running around in the woods! Can't you take 5 minutes of your precious time to take me out of my misery here??I CAN'T GET OUT!I CAN'T DIE! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metalworm 13 Posted August 12, 2012 I can't stop, I have to get my character out of there, I feel that something really bad is going to happen if I don't. Some guys are griefing me from the woods, I can hear them whispering to each other; I shot at them but now I have no ammo left. I have nothing to drink or eat, I should die at some point right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesR 74 Posted August 12, 2012 Great he'll never be the same after that. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 10 Posted August 12, 2012 I KNOW WHERE THAT BUS STOP IS!!!!!Where is it coordinates please Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KennyNZ 121 Posted August 12, 2012 I can't stop, I have to get my character out of there, I feel that something really bad is going to happen if I don't. Some guys are griefing me from the woods, I can hear them whispering to each other; I shot at them but now I have no ammo left. I have nothing to drink or eat, I should die at some point right?Lol, you're so screwed lol. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JamesR 74 Posted August 12, 2012 Metalworm? did you make it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metalworm 13 Posted August 12, 2012 I'm still there, I'm happy now, I don't ever want to leave. Some people came by, they don't see me, not anymore, but I see them.Wont you come and stay with me too? 12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hotshot 24 7 6 Posted August 12, 2012 I saw a video on youtube once where some players were walking on the edge of a town when suddenly a hissing "I SEEEE YOUUU!!" cam over the mike. The players were all "Did you hear that??". Dont know if it was a player nearby or what - freaky shit!Couldnt find that one but it was similar to these: this happened to me too i was following this guy in cherno and i think he heard my footsteps cause he kept turning around and i would hide so he went to the other side of the fence at the supermarket and i heard "iiiiiiiiiiii seeeeeeeeeeeeee yoooouuuuuuu" sorry for the long words but it was like that and i crapped my pants and ran like a mother fudger (seriously they run really fast) anyways i ran to the residential near the church and just camped the stairs with my double barrel and again like 5 times i heard the i see you and then i acted like i was talking to my friend to come to the residential area to come corner the player thats saying i see you so we could kill him and take his loot then he got quiet and found out he was fake and a little wus cause he heard me crouch walking really fast so he thought i went to a room but i ran back saw him walking up the stairs then i shot at him with my double barrel and he ran away lol it was hilariousand when i was acting like i was talking to my friend as soon as i said "oh ya that guy at the door way shoot him" all i heard was footsteps running outside and zombies running too so i guess i scared him away once he then caught on to me that i was lying about the back up and then he came back and after i shot at him he ran away 4ever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TGxGriff 5 Posted August 12, 2012 This thread is awesome! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cassius1988 11 Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) I don't want to play this game anymore!!!!!Literally read the whole thread, RIP trousers Edited August 12, 2012 by Cassius1988 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 12, 2012 (edited) Hackers may be the bane of DayZ but they do give us some magic, trouser-soiling moments! Edited August 12, 2012 by DemonGroover 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cassius1988 11 Posted August 12, 2012 Hackers may be the bane of DayZ but they do give us some magic, trouser-soiling moments!Agree Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rock (DayZ) 95 Posted August 13, 2012 If only all hackers were content to do scary things to us on night servers, we'd all like them a lot more! They'd be putting the horror into this zombie apocalypse! 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DemonGroover 8836 Posted August 14, 2012 I saw the amazing disappearing Elektro sniper today. He shot at me and missed. I fired back and in front of my eyes....he vanished!!What devilry is this, that a man who begins combat with you can simply disappear when fired upon?I have even heard that this Ghost Sniper sometimes reappears behind you minutes later and kills you. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xWildChild 30 Posted August 15, 2012 a quick bump, and a storyMe and my friend were heading to the NW airfield from kamenka (i got spawned at the coast.. stupid game!)We were using his ATV, which had full condition except his wheels which were yellow. We decided to take the road through Green mountain (even tho i remember this thread and it was a nighttime server.As we get closer to the base, I just suddenly started bleeding, and so did my friend, so we pulled over and used bandage. after a couple of seconds while we both were bandaging, the ATV exploded without reason. KABOOM.Okay.. This was creepy (This is a true story fyi)As we approach the tower, a huge zombiehorde spawns and starts walking out towards us and i unload all of my Stanag SD (I Have m4a1 CCO SD on me, and AS50 in backpack)When they were dead, i sent my friend up the tower (He has an m107, but no close quarter weapon, so i let him scout while i check for loot)I walk towards the massgraves and im not shitting you, the biggest fudging horde walking towards me ive seen so far, must have been atleast 20+ Zombies!! I Panic and starts shooting wildly. Soon enough i run out of ammo and bring out my revolver to finish the last 4 zombies Alive. then i proceed to check the area for more of them when i suddenly hear an AS50 shot. My friend asked me "Was that you?! you f*cker that landed right next to my feet!""It was not me, my as50 is in my bag!" And keep in mind, my friend had an m107, NOT AS50, and people know that they sound helluva different.I run into the tower, we close the door on the 2nd floor, and lay there for over 20 minutes, listening for movement sounds, not even footsteps were heard, only the flies from the massgraveWhen we decided to go down, there were so many Blue chemlights all over the place that everything was blue and i couldnt use my NVG's.We hauled ass. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ShadowNacho 6 Posted August 15, 2012 Ok this one is another Green Mountain one:I was on a server with about 5-7 people, most of them friendly. Awesome thing was about that server was the fact that they had a Helicopter to transport people from the shore to the more inland areas for better loot etc. Not even at a price. I asked for Green Mountain, since I thought "Hey why not, lots of legends have been told about it, worth checking it out on my way to Stary". They picked me up from Cherno. All I had was an M1911,the starter gear, and some food and drinks.When I got there it was really glitchy. And the only way I could see properly was by looking up and down. It had been happening in Stary also so I got used to it. I got near the tower and started looking for some supplies. But I couldn't find anything. So I thought "What bullshit, nothing here that's interesting at all" Then all of a sudden as I looked up it was covered in smoke, maybe green or red, I can't remember. Then I got hit. There were atleast 9 zombies closing in on me I ran like hell out of there. Into the forest. When I looked back, all I could see was glitches. Apart from the zombies chasing me. I fortunately got out of there. I wanted to catch another ride with the Helicopter group to anywhere but that terrifying mountain. I tried to look back, but nothing but glitches and that sticking out tower. I saw the helicopter land near a crash site to check it out, with more zombies there than the ones I was being chased by.I caught up with the group. But with no hesitation, they hauled ass and got out of there when I showed up. No idea why, maybe because of too many zombies, but they went so quickly. They left another guy behind. Armed with a sniper rifle, he told me he had not alot of ammo left. We mowed so many zombies down. But to no avail. I had broken my bones, now facing that horrifying tower. I saw the Helicopter nearing the Tower, passing it, but as I saw it closing the distance between the tower. It blew up. For no reason. And as the sight of the deadly tower remained, I was frozen with fear. Relieved by the words "YOU ARE DEAD". From then on I vowed to myself never to go back there, because I know. That if you enter the vicinity of the Mountain, and try to escape..Just know, that you can run all you won't save you... 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ICYTHROWER 3 Posted August 16, 2012 How fortuitous that you mentioned GM. I had been there recently and the trip was most unsettling.After our server was "wiped" by a hacker (he telekilled everyone on the server, shortly after I spawned 50m away from where he did it. Yay for free gear) I decided to make a trip up to GM before I hit up NWAF.The trees were silent, not even the sound of the wind whistling through them could be heard. I payed little to no attention to that as I ran through them before quieting my approach to the radio tower. When I got to the road I saw a distinctive lack of bodies, both walking and still. Chalking it up to a bug I walked through the front gate.I began to notice the lack of the flies from the nearby body pile. I climbed the tower and checked for loot. A couple tin cans, and a jerry can, nothing outstanding. Choosing to survey the surroundings and make sure I wasn't being watched I opened the door to the catwalk. For a second I thought I saw someone to the left but when I dragged my view in that direction again the area was empty. I quickly made my way around the catwalk and when I got the the body pile I saw it.The body pile was filled with the fresh dead, even from up here there was no buzzing and I could see the pigment from their faces had not faded, or rather that they used human textures instead of burned or zombie ones.Climbing down I wanted to make sure my game wasn't just bugging out and approached the pile again. The flies were still missing but the humans were still there. Once I got close enough I saw the study body option pop up. Studying it I saw a players name: Matt.Me: hey Matt I just found your body.Matt: ??Me: The one by green mountain.Matt: I haven't been that way dude.Me: Really? Maybe it was someone else then.I studied a few more bodies and each of them had the name of a player on the server. There were only about five and none of the players (that responded to me) had been in green mountain, or even knew of the place.I decided to get out of the place since I had broadcasted my position 5 times now. And as I left I heard a thud behind me, I turned but saw nothing, and quickly evacuated the area.I made my way to vybor and when I got there I saw more text chat.Matt: Fuck you Aeon.Me: ?Matt: You fucking pussy ass camper.Me: What are you talking about.Matt: I went to Green mountain and you sniped me as soon as I got in there.Me: Dude I think you got bandited by someone else, I'm nowhere near there.Matt: Sure you are. Having fun luring noobs into Gm to kill with your silenced sniper?Me: ...There are no silenced snipers in dayZ.Matt: So I got killed by a hacker? Fantastic.Me: I didn't kill you dude.Matt: Fuck you.Matt has disconnected.This happened a couple more times to the others whose bodies I saw in the pile. Finally someone else showed up there...Alex: hey Aeon you still here?Me: yeahAlex: at Green Mountain?Me: no dude. Like I said to the other guys, I'm not fucking at Green Mountain, I was at Vybor and now I'm somewhere between the NWAF and Grishino.Alex: Alright, but I found your body.Me: what body?Alex: the one in the pile.Me: I haven't died yet though.Alex: well the other guys are all gone and now your body is the only one left.Me:...I haven't been back since. That is some "Final Destination" shit right there! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ICYTHROWER 3 Posted August 16, 2012 i have found one and only one mountain dew drink... has any1 else found some? I have found one too! And I kept it and never drank it cause of how rare I found it to was tough though cause I LOVE mountian dew! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fox_SPH 19 Posted August 17, 2012 Ok this one is another Green Mountain one:I was on a server with about 5-7 people, most of them friendly. Awesome thing was about that server was the fact that they had a Helicopter to transport people from the shore to the more inland areas for better loot etc. Not even at a price. I asked for Green Mountain, since I thought "Hey why not, lots of legends have been told about it, worth checking it out on my way to Stary". They picked me up from Cherno. All I had was an M1911,the starter gear, and some food and drinks.When I got there it was really glitchy. And the only way I could see properly was by looking up and down. It had been happening in Stary also so I got used to it. I got near the tower and started looking for some supplies. But I couldn't find anything. So I thought "What bullshit, nothing here that's interesting at all" Then all of a sudden as I looked up it was covered in smoke, maybe green or red, I can't remember. Then I got hit. There were atleast 9 zombies closing in on me I ran like hell out of there. Into the forest. When I looked back, all I could see was glitches. Apart from the zombies chasing me. I fortunately got out of there. I wanted to catch another ride with the Helicopter group to anywhere but that terrifying mountain. I tried to look back, but nothing but glitches and that sticking out tower. I saw the helicopter land near a crash site to check it out, with more zombies there than the ones I was being chased by.I caught up with the group. But with no hesitation, they hauled ass and got out of there when I showed up. No idea why, maybe because of too many zombies, but they went so quickly. They left another guy behind. Armed with a sniper rifle, he told me he had not alot of ammo left. We mowed so many zombies down. But to no avail. I had broken my bones, now facing that horrifying tower. I saw the Helicopter nearing the Tower, passing it, but as I saw it closing the distance between the tower. It blew up. For no reason. And as the sight of the deadly tower remained, I was frozen with fear. Relieved by the words "YOU ARE DEAD".From then on I vowed to myself never to go back there, because I know. That if you enter the vicinity of the Mountain, and try to escape..Just know, that you can run all you won't save you...The strangest thing I've just read in this story is definitely the server.A server with all friendly players that are organized with a chopper to transport people without asking anything in return is something comparable to the legend of the Holy Grail. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites