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Day Z Urban Legends

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From the Moderator section it's self.

There is a sort of creature that lurks in a forest on a random server every night which is random, when a player enters the forest a certain sound will be heard that's sounds like a faint heart beat, it starts of slow at first bit as you go further and further into the darkness it will grow considerably *thud...thud...THUD* once the sound hits it's peak a new sound will play saying "I SEE YOUUUuuuu" in a staticy disembodied voice, and at that exact moment in time a pair of large white orbs will light up in front of you and a solid mist forms...the lights blind you and the next thing you know you're at the dead screen...

A rare image of the creature from a distance, you have to look closely


I had this happen to me. Something kept saying “I see you.” And even with 7.1 surround sound I couldn’t tell from which direction. Every once in while there were a few thuds too, like someone was moving nearby, but louder. After another “I see you” I stopped moving and thought I saw something in the trees, so against better instincts I turned on my flashlight, and expected to have some player or Z get me for my trouble. Nothing happened, just me and the trees. So I started moving around in a slow crouch and turning my flashlight on, scan the immediate area, and turn it off again. Then I heard another “I see you” and went prone in the grass and listened. After another “I see you” I opened direct chat and said “okay, games over, just shoot me already.” I figured it was a player messing with me.

After I said this I noticed there were an insane amount of Z`s around me, I was in the middle of nowhere. There is no spawn location anywhere near me. Seriously, there must have been 40-50 Z`s in a 50m x 50m patch of forest around me. It started pouring rain really hard, I figured F this, I`ll make a run for it, I didn`t have any real loot to lose. None of the Z`s even gave chase. But I heard some more loud thuds around me as I ran for my life.

Edit: Okay, after going through the whole post I see there’s video evidence of this now. Though I remember my “I see you” was a lot quieter, and with no static. I remember having to turn up my audio just to find out if I was hearing things or not.

Edited by moisan4
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Someone posted something about a Hachet murderer around Vybor I think. Next to the pond and bridge. He said he hid under the bridge and heard footsteps of the guy walk over him and say "Where'd you go boy? Hachet man gonna getcha"

Guy said he freaked out and ran off into the woods.

Now this might of been a random thing but two days after I ran into Vybor and there was a..........Axe swinging mad man killing people in town. Needless to say I remembered the forum post and decided to get out of dodge before this Abraham Licoln wanna be turned me into his next video.

Almost every player is a hatchet wielding madman at some point or another.

Anything to protect the beans, man.

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Well, once upon a time I had to respawn cause of me being dead, spawned somewhere near Kamenka and was making ma way to Cherno for some good starter lootz.

There I was crawling near some Zed, when suddenly I hear that *shuffleshuffle* crawling noise behind be, so I stopped instantly, turned around and BAM there was a Guy right behind me, unarmed. He scared the shit out of me but as the last of the Friendleecans, I starter talking via VoIP

"Yo dude, you f*cking scared me"

"Wanna tag along?"

-No response-

I continued crawling with him right in my Ass, still talking to him, still no response.

Once I got past the Zeds I hovered my Crosshair ( ye regular server ) over him and the tag said "Man".

Right at this moment I shat ma Pants cause the only "Man" tags are usually Zeds on my map.

I started running like the Devil himself was chasing me, looking behind me ever few seconds, No sign of him.

"Phew, the fuck was dat"

When suddenly that "Man" was right behind me again.

I scare-quitted the Game in an instant.

Haven't done any research yet but geeeez pretty Legen...wait for it...dary.

Yes, this.

Me and one of our group were crawling through Zeleno one cloudy night and I just happened to look behind us and there was just a bloody dude standing right behind my buddy for just like a split second then disappeared. I screamed like a little girl over the mic then just started running. Few moments later I was just laughing and my buddy was like "what?" and I was like "Haha nothing man."

Still, just thinking about it creeps me out and gives me chills. Fuck that bloody ghost man.

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I saw a video on youtube once where some players were walking on the edge of a town when suddenly a hissing "I SEEEE YOUUU!!" cam over the mike. The players were all "Did you hear that??". Dont know if it was a player nearby or what - freaky shit!

Couldnt find that one but it was similar to these:

Haha, wow. This made me laugh - that's just another player broadcasting a sound over direct chat; the sound is from a really great Source mod called The Hidden, where an invisible, knife-wielding experiment hunts down and kills a team of Special Forces commandos deployed to detain him. It's a very good mod, though the developers abandoned it years ago, so it will, sadly, never be finished.

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Has anyone else found the coveted Faygo Cola soda can yet? Rocket is a big fan of ICP so I heard.

ICP is the best band ever.

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Well i am camped close to Green Mountain as i log off - i can see the evil tower in the distance. I would have gotten there sooner but i had a duel with some douche who opened up on me - we both died funnily enough, someone is gonna get good loot if they stumble on our bodies.

I am on the north side and perhaps tomorrow night or the next (3am East Coast US Server time) i am gonna head on up to the Tower if anyone else is interested. The more the merrier.

Hopefully we can scare the shit out of ourselves as we explore. Who's bringing the beans?

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After reading the pages since I posted my story, I now have a new goal in DayZ. Going to play some creepy sounds over VOIP (maybe some Nocturne, Shaco, or Fiddlesticks sounds from League of Legends? Other creepy ones I can find too. XD) and play them for a bit. The guy's video a couple pages back made me want to do it. After I finish my fun, I shall sprint at them with an axe while playing some madmen's laughter sound. But first, I must learn how I can play audio files over VOIP. XD

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Okay, folks that was creepy... Just logged into the game and as I said yesterday I logged off on the deerstand on the south edge of Green Mountain. It was a nighttime server.

So i logged in and heard a few zombies. I turned on my nightvision and saw something scary. I nearly shat bricks...

When I looked to the north there was a Zombie, doing nothing, just standing there looking at me.

I shot a Screenshot:


Than I turned around and saw another 2 zombies which were just standing there and made creepy noises. I can assure that they weren't walking. Just standing there. Ive taken a screenshot from this situation, too and logged of instantly


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walking in cherno yesterday i heard a helico noise far away , so i begin to look for an helico in the sky then suddently find it , first time i see that i shot at him with an ak ... Surprisingly he begins to come closer to me and then land

lol nice i stop attack and join him at the gunner position, i tell that to my buddy on vocal he tells me he is balotta airfield and a guy at the top ow the tower is trying to kill him, so i ask the pilot to go there to escape my friend, He heads towards there as sson as we there no enemy in sight i still shoot the tower for the fun of it, then my buddy comes out of a hangar and we land to get him , we made a good ride and reached kamenka where we were going to get a 4th passengers so we land and the guy outside just kill me with his axe lol while im at the gunner side of helico ... that was it for my trip ...

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The BigFoot! Yes.. Yes.. The BigFoot! It lurks the Black forests at night and hunts it's prays down!

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Ok, now I can honestly say this one is true. This isn't an old wives tale or something my 'friend' whitnessed. This is something I saw for myself. I was there.

It was my characters 66th day and I had just finished off a scout of the N/W airfield to fill up on ammo. It was broad daylight so I quickly ran in and out in case there were any bandits in the area. It was a success.

A few friends of mine had logged out at Devil's Castle earlier that day, so I figured I would make my way to their location and quit so we were close.

I headed east from the airfield and made it to the tree line when I noticed it was suddenly getting darker. I assumed the sun had gone under a cloud and the shade under the tree's was adding to the effect. I kept moving deeper into the forest, the light slipping from the sky with each step I took, it quickly got darker, darker, now pitch black. For a sanity check, I looked at my watch. Noon. A bug maybe? I wasn't so sure. I switched to my flashlight to get a bit of light, but wait - where the heck was my gun?! Impossible! I just stocked up on ammo... Had I left it at the airfield? Just my luck.

I drew my hatchet and continued through the forest to the other side where I came to a road. Checked my map - Great - At least I knew I was in the right place. Still pitch black with no sound other than my heavy breathing, I decided to stick to the road. I hadn't made it far before I was forced to dart back to the trees as the silence was pierced by the distant sound of a rustic engine. It was coming my way! I did my best to improvise with a hiding place stashed amongst nearby bushes. The sound of the engine was now closer than ever, the car came to a stand still opposite my position. What the heck was going on? How could they see me in this darkness?

Fallen: Hey! You over there! Come on out!

Me: Friendly?

Fallen: Sure! I've just found this car with a whole bunch of loot! Looks like you could use a weapon!

I reluctantly made my way out into the road, all the time flicking over my shoulder to make sure I wasn't walking into a trap. It was a strange looking vehicle... decent in size, but pretty run down. It didn't look like it had been fully repaired. I opened the boot and found a whole range of gear, this guy wasn't kidding about the loot! FN FAL, MP5SD, you name it.

Fallen: Well now don't be shy... take what you need and get in!

Me: Wow thanks buddy you're a life saver.

I walked round to get into the car and was took back by the characters appearence. Pale faced, but too dark to make out any features. I got into the car as a passenger and Fallen began to drive into the darkness. I told him my story, but there was no response. I asked if Fallen would mind driving me up to the castle, but again there was no reply. We appeared to be heading in the right direction anyway.

Eventually, to my relief we made it to the castle and the car came to a halt.

Fallen: I left something of mine in the caslte - would you mind getting it for me?

Me: Sure, I owe you one.

I made my way up to the castle and the car was now out of sight when I remembered I hadn't taken a weapon from the boot of the car. I turned around to go back towards the vehicle - It was still there, but empty. Fallen was nowhere to be seen. In a panic, I ran to cover as fast as I could, but as I was doing so there was an explosion - a grenade had been thrown at the car! Completely destroyed. Where was Fallen?! I looked back to the castle and saw a haunting red light near the entrace. Was it a player? A flare maybe? I moved east for a better look and saw a tall figure facing the ground consumed by the glow. Slowly, the figured turned to face me and started walking towards me. I ran.

I headed south as fast as I could, sprinting, my water icon now flashing red but there was no time to stop, I gave a glance behind me and caught a glimpse of the glowing red figure walking towards me. I came to a wall. "This can't be right" I thought. I followed the wall around but it was completely surrounding the castle with no way out.

Fallen: Hey buddy!

Me: Fallen! Where did you go? What the hell is going on? How do I get out of this place?

Fallen: We don't want you to leave.

I continued to run, even knowing there was no way out of this cage. Snap. My leg was broken. It sounded like a shot from a sniper. I tried crawling as far as I could but it was no use. I gave up, the red light now at my feet. I got a good look at that sucker, it wasn't human, a zombie wearing some kind of straight jacket.

Me: Fuck you

*VOICE COMM* Thank youuuuuu

-------------------------------------------YOU ARE DEAD--------------------------------------

A note to all players;

Don't go to Devil's Castle on Day 66.

Love this story!! "you have my beans"

Edited by Courleone
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wow, this one was really scary, complex

you've got my beans for that, too. I really hope that this one is true. (Im pretty sure in this thread are a few threads with faked facts)

But if soo ... wuaaah, cant lose the creeps ... brrrr

If we compare a few of the stories, someone could think that the developers have a lot of fun while playing scary movies with us ;)

*like that*

And unfortunately i noticed by the vid's that the arma free edition really contents lower resolution graphics than the full-verison of the game .. dammit

Hopefully we'll get a lot of more stuff like this with further updates. This will help to become the milestone DayZ deserves !

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ICP is the best band ever.

If by best, you mean worst, and by band... you mean garbage. Then yes, I agree with you.

On-topic... Nice stories y'all! Trying to dig up some screens that I had of the Myshkino lights.

Edited by Katana67
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My friend and I were moving through the forests around black lake, heading up and west towards the airfield - the whole time we were making our way through the trees I would hear these footsteps behind us, my friend heard nothing and I never spotted anything moving.

I was in the lead and just as we cleared the woods I turned back to make sure my buddy was still with me and managed to take this screenshot before I hit ALT-F4.

Needless to say we have never been back.

what screenshot????

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Well, I've been playing a while now, got myself a day 25 character and still going.

Weirdest thing I can recall was about 2 weeks ago. All of the way up the north west there's a place called Grozny Pass. Follow the main road for about 5 or 10, or even god knows how long I wasn't paying attention, mins on foot then you'll come to a fork in the road. Take the left path. Always take the left path if you know what's good for you. To the right path leads madness.

A couple of days previous I got my sneak on up on and solid snaked it behind some poor guy in the market in Vybor. He had his back to me and I told him through direct chat;

"If you turn around I'll kill you."

He sat up straight and seemed to stay still.

"Drop everything you have then walk forwards from the loot."

Again he did as he was told but never spoke to me.

"Stay still I'm going to check your pack to see if you were holding out on me"

I tell him. He'd done as he was told and dropped it all. I quickly gathered all his things but left his makarov and 1 mag for it.

"Thanks for cooperating, I'll tell you when you can turn around"

I backed out of the store and once our line of sight was broken I gave him the go ahead. I went north and promptly went back to my little camp to deposit all my delicious loot.

Once I was done I decided Lopatino was worth a little spying on. Watching from a higher place with my binos I saw a player run into the church. I decided fairly quickly that players are far more interesting up close than at a distance. Getting near to the church I heard a gun sound off a couple of times, sounded like the makarov, you know what I mean, that 'put put put' it makes. Once the firing had ceased I threw a smoke grenade inside to get the attention of the local horde to go in and flush my prey out. The zombies came flying past me into the smoke but my guest didn't panic shoot at all. In fact there were no shots at all. Once the smoke died down the Zack dispersed and I was left watching the door. I waited and waited, minutes or an hour I'll never know it was so tense eventually I thought what the hell and called out over chat.


Much to my surprise I got an answer.

"You again?"

It was my friend from Vybor.

"Well hello there, how are you keeping?"

I jested at him but I got no response.

"You didn't go and log out on me did you?"

I said after waiting for a little while. Finally he replied.

"Karma's a bitch you know."

What an odd reply I though, I've got him out gunned and he's trapped. How on earth would he possibly have the upper hand? That's when I looked around from the door.

All those zombies that I'd attracted with the smoke were all stood around me. Not attacking, not making any noise just stood there watching me. I fucking bolted. I've never moved so quickly ever. I ran north out of town and up a hill. That's when things turned really weird. I got a distorted laugh over the comm channel and when I turned around nothing was there. No one was following me, zombie or player.

"Where'd you go, man?"

I heard, but I thought it was silly, direct chat only has an 80m range, it quickly went from silly to frightening, that meant he was near. I powered north some more. Sticking to the main road so I could see clearly behind me. I ran past a small lake then came to some industrial buildings. Not a zombie in sight. Just as I stopped running to have a look behind me I got that laugh again. That was when I saw him, coming up the road with maybe 10 zombies in tow. Now don't get me wrong, they could have just been chasing him but it was far beyond strange. I hit the deck, took my FAL out and dropped him. As soon as he hit the floor the zombies dissappeared. What was strange though was I got no "Soandso has been killed". So I put a few more shots into him and advanced slowly. He didn't move but as soon as I reached his body to check it, it vanished.

Seriously creeped out I went to proceed south when I saw a horde of something like 20 zombies coming at me. Low on ammo I did the only thing I could, I turned and pegged it. I went north through Grozny Pass and stopped briefly to assess my situation, that horde of 20 had become something like double. I kept running until I goto that fork in the road and ran right, desperately looking back and only seeing their numbers swell. I did it a couple more times when suddenly when I turned around I saw a player with is back to me. I stopped and shouted.

"Hey, give me a hand with these I'll make it worth your while"

As soon as I'd said something weird happened, I looked back and the zombies had gone docile. As I moved my head forward I came to notice there was some sort of camp in the road, tents and barbed wire. I looked forward to see the player and he'd turned around and walked real close to me. I shit myself. This guy looked like a zombie. All I heard was;

"I'm sure you will"

Followed by that laugh. My character passed out. Everything went white and my blood went down to just over 2000 but I wasn't bleeding. The timer stayed there for so long I just quit. However when I went back to it the next morning, I found myself at my tent, still with 2000 blood but everything I had that could be stolen had been.

Turns out that fucking creep was right, Karma is a bitch. Don't rob from other players guys.

EDIT: Spellings

Edited by Nineel
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A short Day Z Horror story:

Canned beans were removed in the latest patch.

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My friend and I were moving through the forests around black lake, heading up and west towards the airfield - the whole time we were making our way through the trees I would hear these footsteps behind us, my friend heard nothing and I never spotted anything moving.

I was in the lead and just as we cleared the woods I turned back to make sure my buddy was still with me and managed to take this screenshot before I hit ALT-F4.

Needless to say we have never been back.

No screenshot in post.

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Was gonna head on up to green mountain tonight but alas i have real world stuff to do - anyone been up there lately??

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I was running along the side of the road today while fleeing from Elecrto. It's possible that I was just hallucinating; I only had 1,600 blood and I was low on food and water. But I swear I looked over my shoulder and saw a survivor running down the road. I froze, proned, and prepared for a very short fire-fight. The other guy kept running in the opposite direction. And then he faded away. Not a gentle into the mist fade. Like a disintegrating chunky fade; it was really strange. He looked grey, but everything does at that blood level.

Did I see the ghost of a past survivor?

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