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Day Z Urban Legends

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I spawned in elektro, my head bob at its highest, I delved into every house, found beans, ammo, and a pistol called jimothy mclifesnatcher, i was not frightened of this land, I watched as a man was torn apart by his undead grandmother, I smiled politely and nodded, as from my hometown, jurraisic park, this was a common sight.now, away from the banter, and into the mysteries... I had begin to sneak up the hill, the grass up to my knees, when I spotted a survivor, a hero, nor bandit. Options raced through my head, kill him, or help? It was like heavy rain. They stopped racing through my head, when the shuddering words met to my ears, he shouted in direct communication. "THE PREISTS! DUDE LOOK! YOU GOT SOME BINOCULARS! YOU GOTTA SEE THIS! IT'S TERRYFYING!" He cursed like a sailor, when I finally got a pair of binoculars out. He stopped, I searched through the scopes, the silence was eerie, only the sounds of waves calmed me, until....I saw one dark figure in a cloak with his arms in the air, a PREISTS cloak, I was creeped out, but I started becoming eerily intrigued, I saw another figure in a cloak with his arms raised in a praising type form, they never lowered there arms, the American survivor kept on questioning me, in a worried voice, that if I had saw the Horrific sight. I dodged around after putting my binoculars down, I handed out my pistol, fired a few shots, this only helped in digging out the mystery of which I had suddenly forced to see. A fire-like orb floated in the middle of four zombiefied vicars, with there hands raised, and seeming to be praying. I turned around , terrified, urging for the comforting voice of the survivor, only to find his dead, fly ridden body, on the ground. I searched him, nothing out of the ordinary, i did wonder at a Mountain Dew in this bag though, I took, nothing came upon me, no curse, but I did find a full fuelled car, a hatchback, on the side of the road up to green mountain, this is where I saw them again, muttering over the mass grave, all four of them, with theory, I turned away, they were gone, maybe the dew cursed me, but in the most unknown manner, but the most breath taking. I have seen these preists, standing over the many mass graves in which dot chenarus. I always turn away, and they always go away.

Meanwhile the survivor, he was never seen, again, I ponder if he suicided, terrified b the events, or he had died, at the hands of the men, the holy men, who dot the land, I will make my way to the church, for any possible references, in the mean time, this has scared and interested me into the world of dayz.


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Early in my days of dayz a friend and I were heading towards the NW airfield when something really weird happened. Im not exactly sure where we were so dont hold me to it but i believe it was near Kabanino. We were approaching one of those long buildings with all of the destroyed beds inside when all of a sudden a huge horde of maybe 50 or so lab coat wearing zombies started running out. They started chasing us right from the start. I dont even know they saw us because we were laying prone pretty far away from them. We started to run away and after we separated i realized that all of the zeds were aggro'd to me. I tried to lose some of them by weaving through some bushes and trees but for some reason they wouldn't stop. I figured if i brought them through the long building i would be able to lose them so i made my way through the building and waited for most of them to get inside. when they began to slow up, i bolted out of the building and kept running until i was far away. I met up with my partner and while we were re-evaluating our approach, he tells me to look behind me. The same horde of lab coat zombies was still following me. I dont know why i was sure i had broken the line of sight long ago. I thought to myself the only way to do this was to kill them all so i ran back into the long building and waited for them to come inside. they surrounded me on both sides. i threw a frag grenade (which deafened me) and shot all the bullets out of my m4 and glock. There were more and more zombies coming and i was lucky enough to find a winchester. All of the doctor zombies were dead and i had killed the remainder of the zombies that were attracted by the gunfire. After this ordeal i i figured i was done for the night so i tried to log off. However upon logging off, I got a sign that said "No Quitting" and was killed.

Now i am assuming the zombies as well as the screen was some kind of script, as others have had a similar screen on this forum. A script wouldnt be anything too out of the ordinary, but the 50 lab coat wearing zombies chasing me endlessly has kept me from heading back that way. If you guys ever encounter such a horde, just know you are in for a fight because they wont stop chasing you.

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Also anyone have any stories that involve the Black Lake and Blunt Rocks area? Im always around there and when it starts to get dark its real creepy.

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My friend and I were moving through the forests around black lake, heading up and west towards the airfield - the whole time we were making our way through the trees I would hear these footsteps behind us, my friend heard nothing and I never spotted anything moving.

I was in the lead and just as we cleared the woods I turned back to make sure my buddy was still with me and managed to take this screenshot before I hit ALT-F4.

Needless to say we have never been back.

What picture o.o

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So before I begin, I want to point something out. My clan is a mil sim, a lot of us are ex military members and play dayz using our tactics.

We were on Chernarus, we had begun travelling north on a hardcore without compasses (it was night time and we use the north star to move north)

We couldn't of be much more than 2km north of Krutoy Cap. We were moving towards a known enemy clan location who had a Ural and a few weapons, Nothing fancy but enough to hold a good firefight. Anway we were on the rocks facing into Tulga where the clan base was. The server was at 2am, so there were no more than 6 people on. (my group is 4 including me).

We sat around looking at the base for about 15 mins. By which stage the other person had gone offline, thus leaving my group and the other person who was in fact a member of their team.

We setup our position, armed only with lee enfields we opened fire on Tulga. 2 of my team launched green chemlights on the camp. Flushing the member out, we took him down with ease and waited 5 mins before heading into the town. As we got closer, the other guy was raging in voice as expected.

He then logged off leaving us with all the loot we could imagine, M4's, NVG's, Ghillies, it was all their for our liking.

We had 1 member take overwatch of our position in case someone was watching, (bear in mind the server was empty)

Suddenly a flash of light appeared back on the rocks, it was a chemlight, but not a normal colour. This one was orange. Immediately we took cover and checked our sectors. I put on my NVG's to try and locate who it was. Nothing, waited 5 mins..... .still nothing

Then this is the scariest parts. We began a tactical retreat to a nearby safespot we knew. It was a house that could be entered in the outback. Only 1 way in, 1 way out.

It sat on a hill so no chance of being watched secretly.

Then we began trying to identify what it could of been. Dodgy colour? Visual glitch? Hacks?

This went on for a while, before we suddenly heard a Ural pull up outside. Here is the dialogue that followed for us

Rifelmen 2 and 3, proceed to North west window and door and scan area.


4 proceed to outside fence and search again.


This whole time the ural sat their with lights on

Overlord to all units, setup a defensive perimeter around safehouse.

We were all outside now, imagine a tight square with all four people on corners.

Contact left, was the call from the man on NW corner, shortly follwed by

Contact front.

Contact rear

All units down. No survivors, no other players in the game, nothing.

To this day we do not know what, or who was following us, who had the orange chemlight and how we all died so quickly.

I warn you, be careful around Tulga. Even my military clan stood no chance against "this thing"

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Anyone seen the crocodile in that DayZ Civilians mod?

It looks crap btw

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I'm sure you kiddos have heard of Doctor Wasteland... yes?

If you haven't, then search him up on google. He is a man who roams the barren lands with his trusty team of medics, saving survivors from the brink of death and gifting them with supplies for survival. Then he simply melts away, back into the forest from which he came...

If you ever see him, just be happy knowing that even if he does murder you in cold blood, those meds that you had will go to a better cause.

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Drink a Mountain Dew atop the Green Mountain tower at 3am - i dare you.......

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A note to all players;

Don't go to Devil's Castle on Day 66.

So I was reading this thread today and I got suitably excited for my next session on DayZ, which I'd planned to be at nighttime. I'd had a scary experience of my own a while back, but it was the only one and I've come to view DayZ as more thrilling than scary now. I thought I could handle it.... oh how wrong I was.

All was well as I was hunting the NWAF on a low-pop server - I think there was about 8 - at 1.30am (local and game). I had a 3 day old character, who was fairly equipped, but I wanted more, and I got it. I even found Rangefinders for the first time ever in over 3 months! I was almost fully geared, but I still needed M9SD mags and a larger backpack (I only had a Survival). So my next move was to head to Devil's Castle and then on to Stary. I left from the north barracks, heading in a straight line towards DC.

The first weird thing I noticed was that after travelling for half an hour, I still wasn't there. I'd been travelling straight, but a weird looking zombie chased me for a while and I might have gone off course. I thought nothing of the zombie's appearance at the time, but looking back now it was similar to the one with a suit. It had a slight, but definite aura. It wasn't white, like a possible graphic, but more like a light red. Everytime I looked at it, it was walking towards me. But if I ever turned around, it would be about 10m closer. I loaded my G36 and aimed down the sights at the bugger, right on his noggin. I fired, but he didn't drop. I fired again, still no response. By now he's close to me and I run back to take another shot. I shoot him one last time and this time it's like there's an invisible barrier around him, I can't hit him! The bullet puffs into smoke when it's near him, like when you shoot into dirt. I decide it's just a glitch or something, and run away while looking at him, so he can't catch up. Finally, I lose him, and I eventually found the base of the hill and the dark forest leading up to DC. Unpeturbed, I began to head towards it.

I checked the player list to gauge the likelihood of someone being there, and all 8 were still online. I got in the forest, and realised my food and drink icons were at minimum. Maybe this was a coincidence, maybe not. I'm certain I left NWAF with max though... While I was in my gear list, I checked the player list again and everyone was gone. I was literally 10 feet inside the forest. Now I was spooked. This is a private hive, and I'd seen everyone on there a few times, so I knew everyone there was a lone wolf. This wasn't team-logging or anything. This was flat-out weird. I'm scared now, but I still dismiss it as coincidence. I'm running toward DC as I notice the forest is getting dark, like seriously. It's a full moon server as always now, so although it's 2am, everything's visible. But this forest was getting dark, like the good ol' DayZ. I'm seriously considering logging at this point, too many coincidences at once. It's about now I remember the zombie I saw before. So yeah, I'm shitting bricks here. But I decide to pull myself together and carry on. I spy the other end of the forest, which looks suprisingly bright, although it's probably just the contrast. As I step into the light, I step into the final phase of my journey....

Once I hit the light, I check the player list because I'm feeling really superstitious about now. Still no one. Shit. I would actually be comforted by a full server with snipers on top of DC aiming at me right now, but I am alone. At least, I'm the only human. I wait for about 5 minutes next to a pine tree, just so I can calm down. In this time, the sky slowly turns from black to a deep, dark blue. Is this real or are my eyes playing tricks on me? It changes again to a dark red. Now I know something evil is in the air. When my nerves had been regained, I took a step out and let out a silent scream.

THERE WAS A FREAKING CAMPFIRE OUT OF NOWHERE. It was maybe 30-40 metres ahead of me, and in my fear I duck back behind the tree. It's gone. No way. I pop out again, and it's back. This time, there are zombies literally walking around it in a circular motion. I am begging with my computer, my server, DayZ, Rocket, anyone, anything, to stop trolling me. I'm scared shitless. I hide behind the tree again. Gone. Nothing. I really don't want to look out again, but I force myself to. I wish I didn't...

The suit-wearing, slow-walking, aura-shining, invincible zombie is in the campfire. No words. I notice he starts slow walking towards me. Even less words.. That's it, I decide, I'm out of here. I try to log, but it says 'abort in 30'. The thing is getting closer. I go behind the tree. It's still there. I try to log again, but as I do, he starts running towards me. Not the usual zombie zig zag, but straight at me. I'm hearing vague, distant voices, growls, chants and whispers. Not coming from any particular direction, but like voices in my head. I can't hack it anymore. 'Abort in 30'. Fuck this, I say. With the zombie overlord about 15 metres away from me, I just wait and see what happens. Running isn't even an option at this point; fear has rendered me paralysed. He gets 3 metres away, gets into an attack motion, and disappears.

That's it. Everything's gone. The sky turns back to normal. I can abort now if I want. I check my gear, everything is still there. But wait... I didn't have a holy book? I am positive that I didn't have one before. I click on it to drop it, and it opens up my journal.

"My name is WBK [...] I have been here 666 days, and this will be my last..."

I hear a slithery, breathy, downright evil voice say, "Thhaaaannnkk yooouuuuu"

The entire scene before with the campfire flashes before my eyes, before everything flashes bright white and then fades into black.


Postscript: I asked one of the players on my server about it, he said he got disco'd. When he tried logging back in, the ping read 10000. This is all while I was still in there. Creepy.

Edited by WBK
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Gather round,fellow survivors!

I made my accounts to share of my tales of adventures.As most stories on this thread,mine begins at Green Mountain.Me and my friend,we didnt want to take into account other players,so we wanted to host a private server,while he was trying to host a server,I hosted a so-to-say SP server,(Bare in mind this was in,there was still a editor and I you could easily host SP broken LAN servers),because there was no melee and I was a sort of admin,I gave myself a single AKM with 3 Mags and headed to play singleplayer while my friend was attempting to host a server.After 2 hours of playing I had a car and more ammo for my AK and a revolver,a shit ton of beans and pepsi.I decided to go to Zelenogorsk for bandages.Because my luck is low as  my accuracy I found nothing but empty cans.

I headed to the giant tower,there where a few military zombies,I made nothing of this,I fired a burst of 7.62x39's at em.I inspected them and found a radio on one of the saps.I buried his body as I have been a conscript myself IRL and I have a deep respect for the military,anyway.I noticed there was something odd about the radio.It was written in cyrillic (Russian letters for the unaware) and when I pressed RMB on it there was a option 'use radio'.A weird-assed transmission came in mostly static and morse codes,some coordinates and finnaly in english with a deep "movie-russian" accent this message "Leave Green Mountain,QUICK!".I told my friend of this,who was still trying to make a server so we can play Co-op,he made nothing of it.

I was creeped out as hell,but I was like - I have a sturdy AK come at me bro!- next thing I found was a mass grave near the tower.Next thing I hurd where agroed zombie screams and my legs snapped and I died a second later.Because this was a very old version I had a editor and in it I chose a characther near Kamenka and created myself a 10 man squad of AI survivors.

I equiped myself and all of them with AKMs,spawned a truck and shipped out with my private army to Zelengorsk Radio Tower.We shipped out of the V3S truck and started guns blazzing to the tower,the AI from ARMA is pretty damn accurate if any of you are ARMA maniacs like me.My men quickly made a perimitter round the tower,I set some tank traps and wire barriers to set a perimiter,threw some lights inside,made a few fires to keep a light,placed my team as guards all around the tower.It was 23:00 outside ingame and in real life,so the immersion was total.

I was camping zombies from the top of the tower with my AK,for the fun of it.And all of a sudden my characther with his deep monotone voice started saying-

'2,3,4.....9,10,DO YOU READ OVER?' - If you are a season ARMA player you will know,90 % of the times if this question is asked by your char. automaticly,the unit mentioned is dead.

The he started screaming '2,IS DEAD', "3,iS DOWN','4,IS HIT!".

All I could say was 'WTF?!,no way a Zed got in,no way he killed all of my units!'

And when I got to "8,IS HIT!",I hurd a loud static noise,then SNAPP! my legs where broke,I turned round and my fires where extinguished,my chemlights where gone and all I could do is fire at the only doorway behind me,bullet after bullet flew through the doorway to no avail,then suddenly I hurd a Zed scream and I died...

From then on I have never gone to Green Mountain again,3 days ago me and my friend where flying in a chopper to find a bloodbag for some New Guy we picked up,because he was dying,we went over Zelenogorsk by the FNGs request.Suddenly the Main Rotor and Engine broke off mid-flight,the FNG didnt know how to eject and my friend thought he could pilot the chopper to the ground safely,I personnaly as a coward jumped off.I broke both of my legs on landing near 3 player corpses spread around a red house,again hearing the static.

Might have been a sniper in the forest,might have been a glitch,might have been a hacker.But no way I hell am I ever returning to Zelenogorsk.Hey,if you find what keeps killing players near Zelenogorsk I might share some beans over a fire,thats if you live to tell the tale.......

As a epilogue,I will say that while there might be some decorative elements in the tale,I did lead a 10 man expedition to the Tower,we did lose the chopper,we did die in that god forsaken place.If you get by mistake near Zeleno,or If you hope to raid some items,you better think about it again,Its never worth it....

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Hello everyone today im going to tell you how the magic f the Dew saved my life. me and 2 of my friends were on an overwatch server in Zelenogorsk. While there we decided to hit up the supermarket. i'm usually on point so i run in first. There is nothing in the front so i go to check behind the last shelf. Sitting there all by itslef is a mountain dew. " drink dude or we're all gonna die!" i didn't believe any of that stuff so i decided to wait for a special occassion. We gear up and my friend finds another drink(Mountain Green i think). He kept on saying that my drink is bad luck and that his is good luck and how im going to die and he will live. he was so wrong. about 5 minutes after we left some dmr shots ring out from our right. On of my friends then gets shot once through the heart and then he is dead. My other friend who thought he was so lucky with his Mountain Green then decided to flank the sniper. He took a bullet to the head. I knew i had to wait for the sniper so i layed down and sure enough he came sprinting towards me. I open fire and hit him but he hits me first. The you are dead screen pops up and i log out to do some stuff. Later on when i got back online I respawn back in the supermarket with all my stuff where i picked up the Mountain dew. You see my brethren, the Dew is good, the Dew is life.

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I once went to Green Mountain.


Well, twice, but the first time, I do not think counts. I am still very new to DayZ and do not know my way around Chernarus at all, which is why I decided to take a bike from a coastal town and just ride around the countryside to see what I could see. (I did not think this was a particularly unsafe thing to do, as I was on a low population server, maybe one or two other people.) So, I flew off into the hills. The speed on those bikes is crazy, and I covered quite a bit of ground. Eventually, after finding some military lootables including a nice AKM with some ammo, I saw an interesting building on the horizon: the Green Mountain spire. There was no hesitation, I decided to check it out. I figured it was probably a large tourist spot, being so noticeable. I didn't fret about the possibility of zeds there, as I had my new gun and was itching to use it on something.


I zoom up to the base and I immediately notice that even though it's an important-looking compound with a huge building, there's no zombies around it. None at all, not even corpses. I jump off my bike and walk around for a minute, searching for any loot. Not finding any, I just mount up and make my way off the mountain and to my eventual bloody demise at the hands of some dirty zeds in some dinky town I got caught in.


A couple days later, I start reading this thread and I hear these tales of Green Mountain. I find it very odd that while there is a clearly documented history of GM spawning masses of zeds and having strange occurrences, while I was there nothing unusual happened...except it being totally empty.


So, I decide to go back.


I hop on a high-pop server and spawn in Chernogorsk, almost perfect. After getting some basics, I start the long overland run to GM...sadly, I did not find a bike this time. By the time I get to GM, it's night. Luckily, I had a set of NV from the server custom loadout, so night wasn't that much of a problem.


As I worm up the hill to GM, I see a couple of zombies hanging out near the gate, one walking out of it and one hopping around just inside. My silenced Bizon (yes, that server is very loose with the loadout) made short work of them, and I infiltrated the compound. There was one other zed I could see, standing over by the mass grave, and he joined the rest.


Now, here comes the doubtful part. I am laying at the base of the tower, between  the tower and the nearby bunker or shed or whatever it is. I hear, from one side only,  a LOUD zed moan. I spaz a bit, check my surroundings, I'm OK and still hidden. Now, there are some bushes back between the tower and the compound wall that could have hidden a zombie, but that doesn't quite explain what happens next.


I crawl around the base of the tower clockwise a bit, to get a good view of the front gate. I had mentioned in side chat that I was going to GM (which no-one responded to), so I figured I might wait for any prospective bandits that would try to bushwhack me as I dink about in the relatively constricted compound. I lay there for maybe a few seconds and then I hear a faint gurgling moan, not like one I had heard a zed make before (though, as I said, I'm inexperienced so it might be a normal sound).


The bad part: the noise was VERY faint, not anywhere near how loud a zombie inside the compound would be to someone in my position. I might have just ignored it under other circumstances, but I was paranoid from being on GM and I'm glad I turned around...because not more than 5 feet behind me was a military zed standing and facing my direction. I blasted it in the face with several rounds, and it dropped. I grabbed a morphine auto-injector off it, ran into the tower, climbed it and logged off. I might go back to that server once I get over the (relatively minor) scare.


How did it get so close to me so quickly, given that it would have to travel at least 25 feet (to my reckoning), with no wandering? Why was it so quiet? I know it might have just been a particularly heinous spawn, but I never witnessed a zombie spawn, much less one spawning that close to a player...

Edited by Gan Ceann
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This really happened.  Me and 3 recently met "mates" sitting around a campfire just north of Balota.  It was black out, no moon.

We were all pretty green.  One guy was recording for YT, so we were basically doing salutes, sitdowns, and side-to-sides.  Good times.

Oh yeah.


We all had either a Winchester, Lee, or double barrel, and were Skyped up.

A creepy voice came on direct from the darkness.  "I seeee youuu."

One of my mates said "Sit tight.  I'll get him."  Said he knew the direction from his 250 dollar headset.  He crouched off into the darkness with his Winchester to flank him.  After a while he said he the stalker was probably gone, and he was headed back to the campfire.  Then he said "I think I see him!"  The mate to my right said "There he is!" and opened up with his Lee.  He killed our Winchester headphone guy, who cussed and logged out.


Me and the guy recording the YT vid went to strip the gear from the headphone guy, who was right near the edge of the campfire light. 

As we started this, the mate near the campfire said "I hear something! Over here!"  Me and the YT guy saw movement at the same time just behind the guy who had heard it.  We both opened up, him with a Lee and me with a Winchester.

But our guy was in the way, and we killed him.  He cussed, and logged out.  A pig ran through the campsite.  That was what we heard and what me and the YT guy were shooting at.  Not sure which of us killed the guy, but it wasn't me.


Then we heard the voice in direct again, "I seeee youuu."

The YT guy said "Fuck him.  He's probably not armed.  I'll get this gear."  He went back to looting the headphone guy's stuff.

I decided to put out the fire because it gave our stalker an advantage.   Should have told the YT guy, but hey, we all make mistakes.

As I'm about to click on "Put out the fire,"  the YT guy yells, "There he is! By the fire!" and breaks my legs with his Lee.  I returned fire with my Winchester, and I'm pretty sure I got him, but I died pretty quick, so I'm not sure.  I logged off, and deleted all 3 of those guys from Skype. 

Went solo.

Still wondering if pigs can talk.  I think so.





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Guys, the Mountain Dew curse is real.

Me and my friend were making the most of a hacker-induced server restart, obtaining a Huey as soon as possible and flying to inland markets to stock up. We were planning to inhabit Skalisty and live as long as possible while holding the island against all intruders. The scavenging was going well, finding much food and drink. We moved on to a town and a few seconds after entering a market while I stood watch, my friend exclaimed, "Mountain Dew! ...and there's two of them, one for each of us!" I was excited, but nervous. I explained to him the stories of the bad luck associated with finding but not drinking a Mt. Dew immediately. He brushed off the worries, and I complied with his reasoning, though I told him to keep both until we got back to Skalisty and I could really enjoy the drink.

We finished our search of the market and got back to our heli, which I fired up and lifted to a relatively safe altitude while my friend consulted the map. We agreed that it was getting late and that we should fly back to our private island and log off for the night. I began maneuvering to orient properly and began picking up good speed...this is when the curse struck.

Humming along with no sign of any problem, I suddenly disconnected involuntarily. I immediately notified my friend of this through our Steam call, to which he responded with an eerily calm "Yeah..." I see his death message pop up on my chat. I reconnect as soon as possible, and find myself perfectly healthy and unscathed, standing on the roof of a schoolhouse we had been on a few minutes previously. From this rooftop, I have a perfect view of the flaming, mangled wreckage that was our conveyance, but was now my friends' metal coffin.

I can only assume that the curse spared me because I did not possess the actual can at any time, nor did I get in any position to lay eye upon it. Only my friend saw and touched it, two cans in fact. The tragedy of his death and the loss of our heli and all that it contained was enough to drive me to take the long walk off the schoolhouse roof and log out, to start over fresh the next day.

***EDIT 8/10/2013***

So, today I was adventuring with the same friend and things were going great. We shot and hacked our way through more than 50 zombies, looted quite a lot of food and drink from various small towns and found an unattended Little Bird with full green condition and gas in a rural area. After we scouted the NEAF, we decided to call it a night. I piloted us to Green Mountain, as It's one of my favorite log-out spots due to it's isolation and the defensibility of the broadcast tower. But it wasn't going to be that easy.

As I came in for the landing, I got another abrupt disconnect. I was stunned for a second before scrambling to reconnect as I said "Uh, Stephen..." to my friend through our Steam call. He responded, "What? ...what are you doing? OH DEAR GOD."

I spawned back in on the Eastern slope of Green Mountain, looking through the darkened forest at the blazing remains of the chopper and the final resting place of my friend, again. The two cans, maybe causing two deaths? Hopefully, this curse has been lifted after this incident, which marks the second time he has been utterly destroyed with no damage to me. If this continues, I may have to stop adventuring with him, as the methods of his deaths seem to also involve collateral damage to my newfound property and general harm to our progress...

Edited by Gan Ceann
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I am still reading through this thread so I apologize if I'm repeating someones idea. If these stories are not true, or glitches, or whatever, the devs should implement them into everyday gameplay. It would do sooo much to add to the isolation/stress/madness that would accompany the DayZ scenario in reality. Personally, I havent experienced anything paranormal yet, but as a player that loves horror, I hope to have my own story to tell soon.

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there is something that trawls the old fields above staryj sobor, something evil, something terrible. some people say he isn't real.





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I wonder if any of this stories here are true? :)


Only reading this make me nervos... - So I hope some of these stories are not true :D


the thing is, are these happenings caused by bugs/ programming-failure...or hackers? :D - or really still made by dayz-mod? (secret installment)


what do you think?

Edited by TiMEDANCE

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Naturally all these stories are true.


Anyone seen the T-Rex of Black mountain yet?

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Naturally all these stories are true.


Anyone seen the T-Rex of Black mountain yet?




this is crazy... :lol:

I hope this is not true... - cause I dont want to play jurassic park 4 :rolleyes:

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So i just want to let everyone know this story is 100% true.


I had a crew of about 6 people who decided to make our base in the east. We had a considerable amount of bloodbags and one of our friends was about 200 from hero. I have my gun hovered over him so i see his name in the crosshair. About halfway through the blood bag it changed to "Survivor". I thought nothing of this because i thought that since hes turning hero that this was just a kind of glitch. Then when he finishes the blood bag my friend says "oh shit guys i was disconnected". We look towards where he was giving the blood bag and expect to see him gone. He is still there though and his name is replaced with "survivor".We said that he didn't leave and then he says he did. After checking we realized he was not in the lobby.His former body then stands up and takes off running into the forest toward the sea. We chased after his body titled "survivor" and yelled for it to stop but it would not.One of my friends started shooting but it just swerved alot. We realized it was heading straight for the beach where our pbx was. One of our other members then rolls up in his car and kills the survivor thing with only one bullet. What caused his body to gain new life? Was it a warning to leave? We were later shot at by a sniper. Did it predict that we would be attacked?

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long time ago i remember meeting this guy that told me he had found a radio (in some versions this item could spawn due to a bug or hack if i remember right) and that it could be used at the radio station (you know that place with the big antenna) and if you did, you would be able to know all the heli crash locations with coordinates. I couldnt confirm it but it was interesting

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this is crazy... :lol:

I hope this is not true... - cause I dont want to play jurassic park 4 :rolleyes:



Edited by Wolfensteinsaurus

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