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Rogo Ignoscant

Ten Reasons why Kill on Sight is 'Realistic'

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So saying 'IN A REAL SITUATION!!' is moot really ... in a 'real' situation it would be doggy dog and people would kill each other just as viciously as they do in the game.

I believe you mean dog eat dog, sir.

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Ok now, lets add hands shaking after each murder for 24 hours(per kill), and lets killed survivors wont be lootable. Cos the main reason is... HE HAS A GUN I NEED IT BADLY!!! AND BEANS!!

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Bandits who kill everyone they see aren't bandits, they're called murderers. They're not historically common, and they cannot last long because their actions only hasten their death in the long run. Lets run it down:

Murderers find a couple of survivors who have a camp near a town, they kill them take their shit. the survivors will not come back cause they are dead, the murderers get a singular amount of resources, and now must find a new means of gaining resources. Their relationship to survivors is predatory.

In the same situation, Bandits instead rob the people, leaving them with more than enough to survive themselves. A week or so later, the bandits come round again, and take another moderate portion of their resources, again leaving them with enough to survive. The bandits get less at a time, but have a long term means of getting resources. Their relationship is parasitic.

Now lets put in social factors: The survivors around the area know each other. If someone murders one of the groups the others find out. They either move away from the area, or they group together to defend themselves. If they give the bandits what they ask for and the bandits don't kill them, they're more likely to assume they'll survive if they just give in. This way the bandits can take repeatedly from more and more people, their take grows exponentially with each group of people. The more resources they have the more people they can recruit. The greater their numbers, the less likely it is that the survivors will turn against them.

Simplest way to put it: Predatory relationships end faster because either the prey kills the predator, the prey leaves the area the predator hunts in, or the predator kills off all his prey. Parasitic relationships last longer because both parties have less of a chance of dying. Murderers = Predators, Bandits = Parasites.

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Bollocks. Human specie is used to live in a herd, it's a precise animal instict, and has nothing to do with the progress, society, environment or so.

Even the worst scenario the humans would join (for the simple reason that many is better than few) to share the individual skills. Nor that assassing wouldn't exists, but they wouldn't be the majority (and ironically the "killers" would join together as well!) ...in other words the "kill on sight" affair wouldn't happens in real life, if not in very rare occasions.

But this is a game and you cannot replicate the real life mechanics (mostly because you have nothing to lose/earn killing others in a videogame) ...so you can't compare the real life with DayZ.

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People would group up for the most part. its human nature.


Also, most of humans in a real zombie apocalypse will just sit and cry instead of becoming badass specOps like most of pro-wannabe here.

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People would group up for the most part. its human nature.


People would kill other ppl on sight for the most part. its human nature.

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This thread is a prime example of people obviosly having problem distinguishing between video game world and real life.

There is only one solid evidence, and that is reality. And in reality, people socialize if there are enough ressources for everyone. That fact is not disputable, otherwise our species would have died out long ago.

In DayZ however, people do not socialize, although there is an abundance of ressources.

Therfore it can be concluded that KOS is not a believable or "realistic" behaviour pattern for an environment like dayz.

In reality, people would try to stay alive, and in dayz you can stay alive forever if you want. Just go north with hunting gear and a can of water and you'll never die.

Because DayZ is a videogame, people get bored from surviving and start shooting each other. And have fun at that.

And then feel guilty for it.

And then start apologetic threads like these, because they fail to distinguish between video game and reality.

Accept that its simply fun to kill people in dayz. It doesnt mean that youre a potential mass murderer. There is no need to spread misinformation how it was "realistic" like in this thread and use inappropriate history examples and make up all that crap trying to justify your gameplay behaviour.

Its ok how it is. Deal with it. This is just a videogame.

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People would kill other ppl on sight for the most part. its human nature.

I mean no offence but, you know nothing about social attitudes of human cultures in time of crysis.

We are no cavemen and, after a month of a zombie apocalypse every man with some sanity left (at least 3/4 of the surviving population) will seek the security of a group of fellow humans because:

1. Only 1/100000 (this ratio can change depending on the country, in this case we are in a rural area) of the original population got some sort of military training (don't forget that survival skills are not always related to weapons).

2. After a month one should expect to find in large part smart people with some survival skill (and maybe someone with military training) and a small part of lucky people (those survived out of pure luck).

3. Every sane person will seek groups because it is easier to survive in group than being alone (consider the ability to do things you are not able perform and are needed to build something or to hunt/prepare traps for animals).

4. Having someone guarding you while sleeping will help keep health and sanity.

5. Having someone taking care of you if you're injuried/sick.

6. Numbers against numbers: if there are overwhelming numbers of zombies it will be easier to survive if you are with others.

There are also, of course, those individuals with mental problems, with murdering attitude and similar things or just people with the attitude of stealing things instead of doing the hard work.

Small groups of this last kind of individuals will be called bandits (look at the ideal setting of having some communities working hard to eat/drink/survive and small groups armed and with the will to treathen/kill to steal food/equipment).

Even in bandit groups an individual shooting on sight at everything will be eliminated in no time because he may be dangerous, unpredictable and he will risk the safety of the group because of his attitude.

Another factor is that there will be a limited amount of ammunitions avaiable and one can't simply kill everyone.

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There is no definitive answer!

Some people will group up. Others wont.

There are some people that will need human contact to survive. Others will not and eventually lose touch with their humanity.

Play the way you want and stop imposing your ideas on others.

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I am glad to see some sanity in this thread.

Human beings by their nature group up to overcome the environment. This has been shown to be true throughout history. There are exceptions and in any situation where there is no law evil things happen...but this does not change the fact that most people would be driven to find a group in which to exist. I am a historian and can not think of a situation where what the OP states is accurate. I am open to suggestions. First off...

I have heard Katrina mentioned: This is Bullshit. The hurricane effected millions but the number of murderers was quite small. Most of what we saw on TV was HYPE for ratings (or political benefit). Katrina is not a valid example in any case because every one knew that the rule of law would return in a few days.

The closest event I can think of was possibly behind the german lines in the U.S.S.R. after Barbarossa. Millions slaughtered' date=' SS hunting down and killing almost anyone, food and meds short. No idea when they will be gone. People grouped up and fought back. (Even this is not a good match)


Poster is right on all accounts.

Everyone who dis agrees needs to pick up a history book.

There is a reason we had to threaten people with "your going to hell if you rape/murder/sodomize/cheat/steal/make suffer/ turn gay' date=' theres a big bearded old guy in the clouds whos watching you at every moment so dont fuck up, or else"

it worked for a long time, mostly because they killed off the people smart enough not to fall for that bullshit, or who where convinced that some other form of bullshit was correct.

fact is, every one of you whos saying no one would kill anyone, we would all ban together and form drum circles, just needs to understand one thing.

while i agree that is the way things should be, you are unfortunetly projecting the way you live and see the world and assuming everyone else is just like you.

thats why you see protesters getting beaten with hardend sticks and riot shields, all the while there screaming "whats wrong with you! were peacefull!" they dont understand hostility, maliciousness, cruelty, misbehavior... or suffering... youve been sheltered from all that and in its place you had teletubies and mr dress up.

its time to put on your big boy and big girl hats and see the world for what it really is. a nasty cruel place.

there is more slavery in the world then there has ever been (by the numbers)

there is more crime

there is more murder ( how many did that mao guy starve in china? and how many did he gun down in that square ? dont know, google it! ) and that was in the last 20-30 years. not including the great wars and every war since and to this day. and the genocide, good lord dont forget the genocide....

sry people. fact is if SHTF tomorrow, it would be about three days before the already overworked police gave up trying to keep law and order, after that the military would step in, and under military law if you so much as steal a candy bar you would be put to death... legally...

wake the fuck up. read books. stop watching t.v.


No one is suggesting the "NO ONE" would be shot or killed.

In the world you suggest protesters would be SHOT on sight.

Slavery and all the other things you mention are more numerous (by the numbers) because there are A LOT more people in the world now.

Oh, and GENOCIDE is by definition an "organized" activity. How does it justify running around in the woods killing people?

I am sorry you have such an evil outlook on life but your arguments are spurious.

you mis understand because your getting defensive.

im not suggesting people are gonna go solo and shoot every one. im suggesting that despite peoples screwed up idea that were all gonna join hands and sing camp songs, that there are gonna be other groups patrolling a city or rural country side specifically looking for there passive sheeple asses and rape torture and kill them for what they have.

call me cynical all you like. ive seen the world, and it only takes three days to shave off the fine veneer twats like you call humanity and civilization. underneath is the animal in all of us, the one that says "better you die than me or my kids" you probably go to church dontcha dummie?

and for the record, if your trying to defend your point with Katrina and new orleans because youve formed an opinion on what you saw on t.v. via the bought and paid for media of the world, then your asleep. katrina was way worse then they told anyone...

first there was voluntary confiscation of any weapons people had registered (youtube it), (good people, ones who registered there weapons...) which was perfect because all the gangs thugs didnt register theres, so when everyone pulled out (i.e. the military...) of some areas, the first thing they did was hunt down police officers and raid the fuck out of anyone still around.... you should see the bullet holes around the concrete perimeter of a few of those officers homes...

never mind the fact that it took WAY more than 3 fuckin days for anyone to get help.

people like you have your head shoved so far up your ass you would believe anything fox news told you.

shit, id shoot you just for being a passive ninny. and i bet you i could recruit atleast 5-10 people from new orleans just because you think "it wasnt as bad as the media made it out to be" newsflash dip shit, it was bad... real bad.... swimming in shit bad... swimming in dead bodies bad...

and thats because they lost people, to things like roaming gangs of thugs... and water born disease... not to mention the poor bastards who where stuck in there homes because they refused to believe they would be chased into there attics and forced to cut there way out of there roofs with a hatchet. (which many people could have put in there attics for like 5 dollars but didnt because the people who said the levys could break or ""SINGIN"" new orleans is sinking man and i dont wanna swim"" where nuts... imagine that getting prepared in case of an emergency, only crazy people do that... wonder why the government does it.... they must be crazy!)

which brings me to my closing paragraph... there where some good people who ran around in there own boats, people who knew they couldnt count on the gov to help them out. and those people took it upon themselves to cut people out of there own homes and save there lives. aka hero's. but if you honestly think we have more heros in the world than morons and thugs, you fit into the moron category, and that so called education you paid for, or your parents paid for, or are still paying off, amounts to precisely shit fuck all, because thats what they teach at any and every level of education these days. shit fuck all, just enough to make you a good little worker bee and embolden you with the belief that you have a high school diploma, college and university education and your gonna make a mil bux because "your special".

ive got news for you, and its all truth.


when the SHTF like katrina, or a civil war in another country, or a big war like ww1 and 2 youl have nothing and youl know exactly what im talking about, cause your gonna feel like nothing and probably hang yourself in a random closet.

dont worry tho, someone like me will be there to take your boots. wether your kicking or not.

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People would group up for the most part. its human nature.


People would kill other ppl on sight for the most part. its human nature.

if you truly believe this then you're a psychopath and need to be medicated. see a doctor please.

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People would kill other ppl on sight for the most part. its human nature.

I mean no offence but' date=' you know nothing about social attitudes of human cultures in time of crysis.

We are no cavemen and, after a month of a zombie apocalypse every man with some sanity left (at least 3/4 of the surviving population) will seek the security of a group of fellow humans because:

1. Only 1/100000 (this ratio can change depending on the country, in this case we are in a rural area) of the original population got some sort of military training (don't forget that survival skills are not always related to weapons).

2. After a month one should expect to find in large part smart people with some survival skill (and maybe someone with military training) and a small part of lucky people (those survived out of pure luck).

3. Every sane person will seek groups because it is easier to survive in group than being alone (consider the ability to do things you are not able perform and are needed to build something or to hunt/prepare traps for animals).

4. Having someone guarding you while sleeping will help keep health and sanity.

5. Having someone taking care of you if you're injuried/sick.

6. Numbers against numbers: if there are overwhelming numbers of zombies it will be easier to survive if you are with others.

There are also, of course, those individuals with mental problems, with murdering attitude and similar things or just people with the attitude of stealing things instead of doing the hard work.

Small groups of this last kind of individuals will be called bandits (look at the ideal setting of having some communities working hard to eat/drink/survive and small groups armed and with the will to treathen/kill to steal food/equipment).

Even in bandit groups an individual shooting on sight at everything will be eliminated in no time because he may be dangerous, unpredictable and he will risk the safety of the group because of his attitude.

Another factor is that there will be a limited amount of ammunitions avaiable and one can't simply kill everyone.


your point number 1. by your logic 1 in every 100 000 people has military training... do the basic math on that and let us all know exactly how many people in the world have military training. its real easy.

you take 7 billion. and divide it by 100 000.

now tell me if that number seems a little... off...

your point number 2, you might be right, a month isnt a very long time. personally id say about 6 months to 2 years. and if there smart survivers and they see you... a random person walking towards there camp or farm, there gonna put two in your chest at a distance, and one in your head up close. cause they have survival smarts. they dont know you, they wont trust you, shit, your a liability unless your a doctor or something. most people in a situation 6 months to 2 years down the road would shoot you in the face and call it mercy, beats sharing rations with you or watching you starve.

3 what if the survival situation was cause by say... a disease. seems to me that being in a group might not be such a bright idea would you say?

4. id rather spend three days digging dead falls around my tent then trust some random person ive known for a year... shit you cant even trust friends of ten years.. one day they start snorting cocaine and the next day they steal your fuckin truck to get more cocaine. replace cocaine with food or water when there is none around. i think id sleep better alone. loool.

5. not gonna argue with that one, but if your sick with the plague you really think there gonna take care of you? well... they might... *wwwiiinnnkkk*

6. bigger numbers = bigger target. group problems, internal conflicts, disease threats, limited resources, espionage and security issues.

honestly tho small group or big group there are gonna be pros and cons.

but i can tell you with all honesty, if i saw you walking towards my camp because you thought it was smart, that would be your last day on earth, i wouldnt risk you bringing disease, i wouldnt risk firing a warning shot and you running away back to your previous group, or you getting captured by a raiding group and spilling the beans on our location, or any of that shit.

its gonna be the law of the jungle baby. learn quick or die! pray nothing bad happens looool.

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. not gonna argue with that one' date=' but if your sick with the plague you really think there gonna take care of you? well... they might... *wwwiiinnnkkk*

6. bigger numbers = bigger target. group problems, internal conflicts, disease threats, limited resources, espionage and security issues.

honestly tho small group or big group there are gonna be pros and cons.

but i can tell you with all honesty, if i saw you walking towards my camp because you thought it was smart, that would be your last day on earth, i wouldnt risk you bringing disease, i wouldnt risk firing a warning shot and you running away back to your previous group, or you getting captured by a raiding group and spilling the beans on our location, or any of that shit.

its gonna be the law of the jungle baby. learn quick or die! pray nothing bad happens looool.


Certainly your point of view mate.

Doesn't mean that would actually happen all the time.

If someone stumbled across your camp they could certainly go back to get more survivors and raid it. Or they could even help you. That's the gamble you take.

Ultimately each to their own but if you say that you would do that, who knows if you would if you were actually in that situation.

Stop reading too deeply into this. We all act differently

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This thread is a prime example of people obviosly having problem distinguishing between video game world and real life.

There is only one solid evidence' date=' and that is reality. And in reality, people socialize if there are enough ressources for everyone. That fact is not disputable, otherwise our species would have died out long ago.

In DayZ however, people do not socialize, although there is an abundance of ressources.

Therfore it can be concluded that KOS is not a believable or "realistic" behaviour pattern for an environment like dayz.

In reality, people would try to stay alive, and in dayz you can stay alive forever if you want. Just go north with hunting gear and a can of water and you'll never die.

Because DayZ is a videogame, people get bored from surviving and start shooting each other. And have fun at that.

And then feel guilty for it.

And then start apologetic threads like these, because they fail to distinguish between video game and reality.

Accept that its simply fun to kill people in dayz. It doesnt mean that youre a potential mass murderer. There is no need to spread misinformation how it was "realistic" like in this thread and use inappropriate history examples and make up all that crap trying to justify your gameplay behaviour.

Its ok how it is. Deal with it. This is just a videogame.


lawl... look at us and the richest people in the world theyve got more than enough resources and they dont seem to want to share.

""oh but there psycopaths""

you dont say??? hey can i have half of your money? live in your house? bang your daughter? borrow the car? borrow your bike? shit, why dont we just share everything! ill bang your wife next!.

fucking hippies, delusional. the only part of zeitgeist movement i hate... they honestly believe they can get 100% of the people on this planet to co operate with each other if we have infinite resources... its that higher thinking, from the two hemispheres on top of the little lizard brain that completely misses the fact that we have lizard brains and act like animals. especially when it comes to sex...

youl get your peace on earth, and your resource based economy with human beings who co operate with one another logicly after our lizard brains dis appear and we stop humping. that should be a couple million years down the road... unless they GM us sooner than that.


. not gonna argue with that one' date=' but if your sick with the plague you really think there gonna take care of you? well... they might... *wwwiiinnnkkk*

6. bigger numbers = bigger target. group problems, internal conflicts, disease threats, limited resources, espionage and security issues.

honestly tho small group or big group there are gonna be pros and cons.

but i can tell you with all honesty, if i saw you walking towards my camp because you thought it was smart, that would be your last day on earth, i wouldnt risk you bringing disease, i wouldnt risk firing a warning shot and you running away back to your previous group, or you getting captured by a raiding group and spilling the beans on our location, or any of that shit.

its gonna be the law of the jungle baby. learn quick or die! pray nothing bad happens looool.


Certainly your point of view mate.

Doesn't mean that would actually happen all the time.

If someone stumbled across your camp they could certainly go back to get more survivors and raid it. Or they could even help you. That's the gamble you take.

Ultimately each to their own but if you say that you would do that, who knows if you would if you were actually in that situation.

Stop reading too deeply into this. We all act differently

wurd, well said.

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Didnt read all post so not sure if it was mentioned already,but the prevalent reason of rampart killing in DayZ is not any kind of "real life simulation", but simply because we have means and are allowed to.

Also to the guy saying that he couldnt trust even his friends he has known for 10 years or more...dude, you're a sad person really.

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In DayZ however, people do not socialize, although there is an abundance of ressources.


In DayZ, people do not socialize WITH RANDOM STRANGERS

If you want a co-op experience just hook up with a clan or a group of friends over VOIP, socializing right there

We can't change anything about the fact that if you meet a random dude with no name you are NOT going to give him your camps coordinates and invite him over for a cup of tea

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its gonna be the law of the jungle baby. learn quick or die! pray nothing bad happens looool.

I understand your points but what I read here is most likely your personal attitude, not the one of a disorganized society (look at examples in history where large areas were excluded from the world, people will tend to group and try to recover the resemblance of an organized society).

Anyway, all of my points are based on some well known factors (social studies) and are mostly based on information from DayZ (fictional facts since we are talking about a zombie apocalypse in this setting so, we can also take a little look to the most realistically accurated movies).

In DayZ (at this point) there is not zombification and, considering that here we talk about Infected people we also must assume that survivors are immune to this infection (different from a disease); a situation described in I am Legend with Will Smith.

So, the infection factor is gone and the problems are:

1. Fear to die because of the infected killing and eating everyone.

2. Fear to die of starvation.

3. Fear to be alone (humans developed a dire need of being with other fellow humans due to the nature of our society based on exchange of services and safety - more like I'll give you this if you do that for me).

4. The security/trust factor of some individuals will raise the paranoia of the others but not at the cost of their humanity (and here the mental sanity plays an important role).

5. Fear of the bandits.

6. Fear of those individuals killing on sight because of paranoia/mental insanity/psychosis/etc.

The answer will most likely (on 90% of the cases) be "I am alone, I want to survive, I don't want to be alone therefore I must find a group of trustfully fellow humans to be safe".

Also, anyone with no mental issues and a strong will with survival and military training will search groups because they know that an organized team is better than a sociopath individual killing everyone because of things.

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Frankly the notion that people would not kill on sight in real life as they do in Dayz is absurd. Know what Dayz and a real life apocalypse have in common? No laws, no repercussions beyond you losing your life.

You're actually lucky that the game is limited in scope. Look at any part of history, humans are dicks -- Why would you possibly think otherwise? Even now, with all our pretty laws there are still serial killers, people who rob, rape, murder and torture for monetary gain, pleasure or power.

Imagine if there was 10k people on a server? You'd have gangs of people "claiming" areas . You'd have to pay to get to the NW airfield, you'd have people robbing and killing -- Genocide would go down. Tribes only existed in the real world in order to rob and kill from other people and offer protection from enemy tribes. That hasn't even stopped within the last hundred years -- Humans love killing and exploiting each other even with our "laws and rules".

If there was an apocalypse someone might not kill you on sight -- They'd potentially:

-Torture you for fun.

-Steal all your things and leave you for dead.

-Capture you as a slave to sell or exploit (potentially sexually).

-Use you to lure in other survivors.

-Eat you.

-Cut you and use you as bait for a bear.

People band together in game as it is, I've met up with people randomly at the start because I NEEDED them in game. That's the only time it's going to happen in real life. I have friends, maybe some of you should get some or make some who play together. If I'm running alone and I see someone I either avoid them or kill them (in case they kill me, for their food, for the thrill of a PvP engagement where both of us could easily die... a most dangerous game).

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So saying 'IN A REAL SITUATION!!' is moot really ... in a 'real' situation it would be doggy dog and people would kill each other just as viciously as they do in the game.

Ricky, the expression is DOG EAT DOG, not doggy dog.


On the actual points. What is funny about assholes is they always try to convince themselves that everyone else is an asshole and that its just human nature (even though the core of our human identity is social not predatory). People in this thread talking about how they would just kill everyone they meet: in-case you weren't already aware you are sociopaths.

> Look at any part of history, humans are dicks -- Why would you possibly think otherwise?

Because the bits of history you have read are all the most notable parts. You do realize that 100 billion people have lived, and you have only ever heard the stories of a tiny fraction, because most have just lead normal lives?

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Lol people in this thread thinking women would not become more of an item than they already are in today's non zombie law abiding world.

The day Zombie or whatever apoc happens is the day every woman becomes a target.

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