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Video: How is he still alive!!!?

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Doesn't matter if the windows are bullet proof. AS50 can shoot through /walls./

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Invalid point. First person also has the same issue. I can't tell you how many times in Arma 2 or DayZ that I've fired prone for example and hit the ground geometry or a wall that I was firing around in First Person. Etc. Etc.

You better unlearn those FPS habits. A bullet is not fired from a crosshair or a scope. The crosshair is not perfectly accurate in 1st or 3rd' date=' since it's camera angle is attached to the player, not the bullet. ArmA's bullets are fired from the chamber, so if your muzzle is clipping a corner or the crest of a hill, you wont hit your target. Nor is your bullet fired from your elevated sights, just because your sights clear the corner/hill, doesn't mean the bullet's path is unobstucted.



Doesn't matter if the windows are bullet proof. AS50 can shoot through /walls./

Windows aren't bullet proof, but firing through glass will change the bullets trajectory. Also who in the video was shooting an AS50 though glass, OP was firing a much less powered suppressed M4 though a window. You hear the target getting hit, but he could have been struck in the arm, while the majority of bullets missed him or were doing reduced damaged from passing through the window.

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Wait, first person isn't accurate even when using iron sights? Doesn't that make Q and E pretty much worthless?

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Okay a few things I have seen pointed out, but feel the need to do so again.

The first guy that went in, I can't make any good comments based on the fact that I didn't see what happened. Many times I've been told by people that they, "pumped a magazine" into the target, but in FRAPS I see only 1-3 bullets hitting out of 30. Not saying that is what happened, only saying you can't guarentee that you didn't miss without solid evidence.

2nd, the shooter through the window missed most of the rounds. I pretend the windows are generally bullet proof, so I don't shoot through them if I can help it. Maybe 1 hit the target, and then they hit the deck. Not nearly enough to kill even a wounded player. The sniper (man in the hallway) took so long to do anything I could have bandaged myself in that amount of time.

3rd, he used 3rd person to shoot the target. BAD MOVE, this compromises your accuracy to an insane amount, and in the video I seen him make some serious mistakes. The first round DID NOT hit the target. The second looked to be a miss as well. As said, don't fire using third person if you can help it, and remember the bullet comes out of the barrel, not your head, not your sight.

Otherwise, that guy was extremely lucky and your team was very unlucky. With the hits he took he was probably pretty hurt, but from my experience, a single round from an M4 and some rounds from a silenced pistol DO NOT KILL OFTEN. Again, I can't comment on the first fight that I couldn't see as anything could have been to blame, from lag (firing at a person before they were completely loaded) to bad aim (can't see, can't tell, nothing but assumptions).

Also when in Stary Sobor it is a good idea to get in and out quickly, you were there in only a few select spots for much too long. I understand that you had sniper support, but I've turned lootings like that into bad mistakes by myself alone, disappearing into the brush before I even heard return fire, and that was with a civilian skin on.

So. I'm not trying to be rude, this is contructive criticism. We all have been there (mistakes under pressure) it happens to the best and worst of us. Bad luck is named that for a reason :P

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Wait' date=' first person isn't accurate even when using iron sights? Doesn't that make Q and E pretty much worthless?


No it's not enough to clear your sights, even iron sights. I think ArmA generate the fired bullet from the chamer of the weapon, so you have to make sure the camber is clear of the corner. I'll demonstrate with a rifle with elevated sights.



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Its not about windows at all. Just the Windows in the barracks are bullet proof. Ive seen it in many youtube videos and testet it with a silenced mp5 and a M4.

I think its a bug, or the textures have just the attribute "solid". The other behaviors (sound e.g.) are normal.

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Its not about windows at all. Just the Windows in the barracks are bullet proof. Ive seen it in many youtube videos and testet it with a silenced mp5 and a M4.

I think its a bug' date=' or the textures have just the attribute "solid". The other behaviors (sound e.g.) are normal.


There's a good change the glass deflected atleast some of the bullets, maybe the window also decreased their energy/damage. Lastly if you placed the red dot sight on the targets head, you might actually have hit him as low as his shoulder. Notice position of the sights and the bullet decals on the window.



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Yeah' date=' alot of people talking about the 3rd person thing. You gotta remember, he was carrying an as50, when you go iron on that it has an insane zoom. At that distance he'd be zoomed so far in he'd be looking for green patches to shoot at. That's why he tried to opt out to use the 3rd person. Was just a mistake, but thanks for the info and assistance :D


Noope thats not the case at all, you also need to remember that he didnt need to sight to kill the guy. Simply leaving third person and shooting with the first person sights would have been enough to ensure multiple accurate shots instead of rounds hitting doors and the floor.

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That's the kind of players I love. He survived incredible odds and got lots of good loot for it, all because he didn't alt+F4 like a loser.

As Dallas has pointed out the bullets don't fly from your sights, they fly from the barrel of the gun. The whole point of the sights and zeroing them is to get accurate estimation on where the bullet will hit when you take into account gravity and the elevation of the sights. If you don't zero your weapons (AS50, you have to Zero in that gun or you won't hit the guy at such an close range). Also with AS50, as it's 50 caliber round it'll go through even a car (disables a car if shot in the engine twice), the player could've shot through the doors and kill the target.

It doesn't matter how many bullets you fire AT the player, if you don't hit the player. He obviously wasn't hacking, he had to bandage. It's funny how many times people call HAX instead of looking at themselves.

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Actually... hehe, he didn't get any of the loot. Our 4th showed up in time to kill him, but it seemed he'd pressed "hide body" so we did lose the gear.

Also, though I've yet to go in game to practice it and make sure, I clearly remember shooting zombies stuck inside the barracks. Silenced weapons can't (it seems) shoot threw windows. Also, the only windows so far you can't shoot threw are the market's. From my experiences anyways.

As far as the 1st person/ 3rd person "cross hairs" We don't actually use them very often since we're all used to "iron sight only" severs. So it was basically pot shots from the person on camera you could see.

The other two shooters shot from iron sights and scopes. I believe i said in the window I knew i missed most of my shots threw the window, but that's becasue on my screen, I watched the head shot hit on the 2nd bullet and him drop. Not the first, and the rest missed. It seemed the 1st was sucked up by "breaking" the glass. That's what it seemed like to me. I could very much be wrong. As we all know, alpha is alpha, and the rules are constantly changing, and there is always something to learn.

Also... To the person above me... not once in any way shape or form did I call HAX, I was surprised that 3 people who are decent players could screw up this much... Well besides the 1st shooter, I have little doubt that he missed, he's very very good. In the video it's self i say "this is were WE make our mistake". Putting fault on ourselves. So get a life and stop trolling. You suck at it. lol.

@ Dallas, Thank you for the pictures and explanations. I only glanced at them yet, but I plan to take a closer look when I have an extra moment to study them. I very much appreciate it, and it explains a lot.

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Dunno what happened there. You/he unloaded a lot of AS50 rounds into the guy when you/he regained consciousness. And I doubt you/he missed them all.

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i didnt see any shots connecting in that video, sorry, the guy with the big rifle shot the bodys in front of the guy, and i couldnt see blood when the other one fell down

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What does matter for me in this video... How can you be so lame with such a good gear? Really, laughed my arse off. Go back in Cherno, please :) No offence but... this is just hilarious.

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What does matter for me in this video... How can you be so lame with such a good gear? Really' date=' laughed my arse off. Go back in Cherno, please :) No offence but... this is just hilarious.


Nothing wrong with losing your cool, happens to everyone in the heat of the moment.

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What does matter for me in this video... How can you be so lame with such a good gear? Really' date=' laughed my arse off. Go back in Cherno, please :) No offence but... this is just hilarious.


Nothing wrong with losing your cool, happens to everyone in the heat of the moment.

Yeah. AS50 sniper in close quarters fighting from third perspective with a rifle poking through a door... And there was _lots_ of mistakes like that. Nope, sorry. It's not about loosing cool in the heat of battle... I mean come on! This is so wrong, i just want to unsee it. On the other hand at least noone DCed out of combat. Happens so often novadays :(

And dude killed them in a legit way as far as i can tell. He was barely hit then gone prone. They missed it all but had tonns of opportunities to kill him. My applauds to the unknown camo guy but i bet he didn't lived enough to carry all that gear away :D Gunfire at NWAF = Dead players = Something tasty. No matter how loud you shoot and how many players you killed. Someone will always go to investigate.

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What does matter for me in this video... How can you be so lame with such a good gear? Really' date=' laughed my arse off. Go back in Cherno, please :) No offence but... this is just hilarious.


Nothing wrong with losing your cool, happens to everyone in the heat of the moment.

Yeah. AS50 sniper in close quarters fighting from third perspective with a rifle poking through a door... And there was _lots_ of mistakes like that. Nope, sorry. It's not about loosing cool in the heat of battle... I mean come on! This is so wrong, i just want to unsee it. On the other hand at least noone DCed out of combat. Happens so often novadays :(

And dude killed them in a legit way as far as i can tell. He was barely hit then gone prone. They missed it all but had tonns of opportunities to kill him. My applauds to the unknown camo guy but i bet he didn't lived enough to carry all that gear away :D Gunfire at NWAF = Dead players = Something tasty. No matter how loud you shoot and how many players you killed. Someone will always go to investigate.

I agree - everything was sloppy here and also; awkward moment at 4:20 when Atlas is telling you to log out in order to try and retrieve his NVG...

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What does matter for me in this video... How can you be so lame with such a good gear? Really' date=' laughed my arse off. Go back in Cherno, please :) No offence but... this is just hilarious.


Nothing wrong with losing your cool, happens to everyone in the heat of the moment.

Yeah. AS50 sniper in close quarters fighting from third perspective with a rifle poking through a door... And there was _lots_ of mistakes like that. Nope, sorry. It's not about loosing cool in the heat of battle... I mean come on! This is so wrong, i just want to unsee it. On the other hand at least noone DCed out of combat. Happens so often novadays :(

And dude killed them in a legit way as far as i can tell. He was barely hit then gone prone. They missed it all but had tonns of opportunities to kill him. My applauds to the unknown camo guy but i bet he didn't lived enough to carry all that gear away :D Gunfire at NWAF = Dead players = Something tasty. No matter how loud you shoot and how many players you killed. Someone will always go to investigate.

I agree - everything was sloppy here and also; awkward moment at 4:20 when Atlas is telling you to log out in order to try and retrieve his NVG...

Apparently your dumb and deaf... he said "That guy is going to log out with my nvg's"... As in the guy we were assaulting would alt f4 now that he had his gear... So how about you take your fail trolling else were. Kay:D

I'll take that "it was sloppy", you should of done this or that because most of you are right, and its something I can learn from, yada yada. But senseless trolling..and a fail troll at that... Yeah get the fuck outta here, lol. Or come at me with something good, I can laugh at myself. Can you?

Enjoy YOUR awkward moment.

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Someone takes far to many bullets to still be alive' date=' and then the amazing door glitch ruins it all. Followed by a look into a 4 man team's tactical play.


I lol'd at your sniping skills.

I seriously have no idea how that barracks floor can still be alive after so many .50 hits...

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Everyone else has already pointed out all the mistakes made and the reasons why you didn't manage to kill your attacked so I wont bother repeating any of that... at least you are taking the right attitude that you are able to learn from the mistakes. If only I could say the same about the commenter on the actual YouTube clip, who I can only assume is one of your team mates... comes across as a complete tool.

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Any way i could team up with your group ? :D like your strategies of 2 snipers in the hills 2 guys in. can be the 3rd sniper or something :)

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From 4:20 onwards, i'm happy to be challenged on the wording if you think I get it wrong.

Atlas: ok im running about 20m miles now. I'm in -electr

Erebus - Is he lookin yet?

Whatsherface - Ok he just went back into the room.

Atlas - Someone crawl round (//Whatsherface - we got him pinned!) the outside and quiet and snipe him.

Atlas - Go log out, he's probably taken my Night Vision Goggles.

Hardly a troll sweetheart, the words are being injected into my brain with 48khz headphones. Umad? And whilst you're telling me you're happy to receive other criticism regarding play.

Don't take 14 hours to loot a poxy grocery store, 2 snipers on the hill mean nothing when someone spawns in inside the town and gets vision on you, your situational awareness down there was lazy.

Secondly why in a 4 man team are you discussing whether people need food or not once you've infiltrated all the way down into the town? All that should have been sorted on the way down or 10 minutes before.

Last and yes least, they're called Binoculars not bidoculars ~8:50.

Turn your audio cue off for PTT as well, it just annoys people on your server and garbles the first thing that comes out your mouth, which is sort of the opposite of useful. Other than that - "good video".

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I'll take that "it was sloppy"' date=' you should of done this or that because most of you are right, and its something I can learn from, yada yada. But senseless trolling..and a fail troll at that... Yeah get the fuck outta here, lol. Or come at me with something good, I can laugh at myself. Can you?

Enjoy YOUR awkward moment.


Okay, okay :) At least OP is still here so yeah, let’s go easy on this one since they don't denying their mistake. Mind some advice time? Not like I'm an expert but I had my share of NWAF fights and I play in a group too. I bet other players have something to share too.

So here's my part.

1. Never. And I mean it. Never let your sniper do your dirty job. He should cover your position and provide intel. As you was able to see - they mostly useless in close quarters as their gear are not suited for such situations.

Common sniper points at NWAF are here. In our team we have about four dedicated snipers and at least one online during primetime.


This is how we place them. So they can cover each other and scan surroundings at the same time. This is not perfect positions, they are well known and our first act as we reach NWAF is to check these positions for enemy snipers. Sometimes we find "free candy" tents there... and enemy bullets to the face from afar :D But hill position is fortified with trees, bushes and old brick walls so it attracts snipers no matter how obvious it is. And you can see most of the airfield from there.

Your sniper must be there at all times during raid and provide cover. Share some loot with him after and bring food/water/heatpacks with you. It might take a while. In the end it might be only him that left guarding cold dead bodies full of loot while you sprinting to NWAF back from the coast.

2. Fight from first perspective only to ensure greater accuracy. Rest to steady your gun and don't shoot right after sprinting if you have the luxury of surprise attack.

3. Always check your gun and frame length. Especially if you are prone. This is just a game and it's full of bugs. One of them is legs or gun frame poking trough wall/door textures. Ever been shot in the boot to the death? No ghillie will help you there.

You and your enemy made that mistake btw. Your sniper forgets about his rifle length and your enemy had his legs outside of barracks walls. Which you were able to use in your advantage...

4. Use your zombie shield in your own advantage.

Your sniper had zed on him who was unable to reach him but continued his attacks. Why did he kill that zed? He was relatively safe with that kind of shield and his enemy wasn’t been able to leave the building. You had an advantage and wasted it.

If your enemy had decided to shoot the zed then he had to reload after. We always do this no matter how stupid it is. This is where you might have another opportunity.

On the other hand time was against him. So you were able to pick your position better, aim at your enemy better...

5. Communication. There was lack of it.

I know DayZ fights can be really stressful. But if you can provide essential intel during combat - you can win the day. There is other side of the medal too. Chatty players can ruin everything so it's okay to ask them for a brief "Shut up!" time (We do have this issue rather often atm :X). So only essential stuff during combat.

6. Don't fill flasks in the high risk areas. Don't open your inventory there. Never! Do your things first then go raid later and not the other way.

7. Pick only essential stuff. Don't waste your time looting non essential ammo and guns. There is NEAF and deer stands for that. Kill military zeds for spare ammo there. It's a lot safer.

8. Never go inside of the building in a group. No point in this, one man can do the job and don't forget about glitched doors. Always keep your pace between team members to avoid being easy target.

Secure the perimeter first, leave someone to guard it. Try to sneak up in close to watch/listen for anything suspicious. Then go inside. Alone.

And don't forget to describe any loot you find to your team mates. Pick it up for them if they ask to. Switch positions and go outside to guard if you have your inventory full.

Remember that your enemy can't leave barracks alive if he plays fair. There's only one exit there. Be patient. It's just a matter of time but be aware of server hoppers/DCers too so pick your hiding post wise.

Well... that summs it. I'm kinda feel tired writing this much in English :)

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From 4:20 onwards' date=' i'm happy to be challenged on the wording if you think I get it wrong.

Atlas: ok im running about 20m miles now. I'm in -electr

Erebus - Is he lookin yet?

Whatsherface - Ok he just went back into the room.

Atlas - Someone crawl round (//Whatsherface - we got him pinned!) the outside and quiet and snipe him.

Atlas - Go log out, he's probably taken my Night Vision Goggles.

Hardly a troll sweetheart, the words are being injected into my brain with 48khz headphones. Umad? And whilst you're telling me you're happy to receive other criticism regarding play.

Don't take 14 hours to loot a poxy grocery store, 2 snipers on the hill mean nothing when someone spawns in inside the town and gets vision on you, your situational awareness down there was lazy.

Secondly why in a 4 man team are you discussing whether people need food or not once you've infiltrated all the way down into the town? All that should have been sorted on the way down or 10 minutes before.

Last and yes least, they're called Binoculars not bidoculars ~8:50.

Turn your audio cue off for PTT as well, it just annoys people on your server and garbles the first thing that comes out your mouth, which is sort of the opposite of useful. Other than that - "good video".


O.o wow... lol... I find it even more funny that you went back to watch it again... was proven wrong.. then made shit up. You realize this is a video right... as in everyone and their mother can see that your wrong.

As far as making fun of my lisp ... yeah what a REAL MAN you are lol. So big and stwongggg picking on the wittle girl who can't speak right... hahahaha.. what a joke.

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