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capt. beefsteak

Yea, I've done it all, or have I? Let's talk Ideas!

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I'm just curious about the things other people do. We've all killed, looted, hunt, fished you name it we've done it. However, I am more interested in the things others do to pass the time in game. I don't really want complaints just new ideas from fellow survivors. I manage to have fun, take photos and live. I was mentioning that I've recently picked up on watching other players, seeing what they do (from a safe distance) and how they act. Ocassionally sneaking up to get within earshot of converstations, wondering how they might react if I made my presence known.


I would also be interested on ideas you might have for adding in game crap.


For me, with this "people watching thing" I would love to see some kind of shoe that reduces the footstep sound by a good bit to be able to get close without detection. I would also like to be able to lock someone in a jail cell, granted they'd be able to get out, but more along the lines of how handcuffs work where they would have to work at the lock. This would give me the option to tell them to stop struggling with it "or else??". I think a semi long distance less than lethal weapon would be interesting too. Something that was effective within I don't know; 50-100 feet or so. Like a tranquilzer gun or blow gun with a seditive on it. I would also like the ablity to drag a body, whether dead or just knocked out.


I know there are other creative things to do out there. I also know you have your own Ideas on things to do in-game. If you wouldn't mind sharing them, please do.

Edited by Deepfryer
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Dragging bodies would be so helpful; both for assisting unconscious team mates in the field, and for kidnapping knocked-out hostiles.  The people-watching is okay, but risky.  I guess that's what makes it fun.  I'm either really bad at it, or many people just log out fairly often.


Lately I've been pretty keen on camping/sniping a couple of popular fields from the treeline.  I use a full water jug and about 5 cans of peaches to sustain a presence for extended periods.  gonna mix it up a bit on night servers and use the flaregun to try and create a more exhilarating experience for other players.  How ruined would your underpants be if you were searching a helicrash and suddenly found yourself lit up (and then lit up) in the open?  Now we just need a bullhorn (and batteries again!?!) to give the unsuspecting a chance to lay down, strip, and surrender from 300 meters.


That's why I play DayZ: to enrich the game experience of others.  ;)

Edited by emuthreat
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Dragging bodies +1.




If I have a friend get knocked out from a firefight.


Damn straight I want to get his body out of there.




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This is a pretty good topic.

I never run and gun for players and KOS. Thats pretty much every fps i played before dayz. Tho there seems like a lack of things to do you really have to make your own fun some how.


One thing I always do is try to talk to anyone that is within potential distance of making contact. And i can assure you I have only been KOS perhaps under 5 times in 300 hrs of gameplay. Although I play strictly on a private hive, pretty much  everyone I meet is willing to talk and have a peaceful result.. now the things is most people always have there weapon raised first and are willing to shoot before they talk but once they hear me initiate a conversation they are usually fine and willing to have a conversation. I'm tellin you guys ! just try to talk to people first unless you are a KOS retard of course but like deepfryer said he likes to people watch and I also like to do a bit of that myself, just need a damaged trench coat to where.  


I think when barricading buildings is implemented properly there will be some interesting things to do.. like navigating traps of a potential clan HQ. I'm pretty interested to see this and how much people will focus on trying to rob peoples safe houses..


Also taking your shoes off should make your feet quite ! but shit yes we need different level volumes specific to footwear.. 


I also think when the game has evolved some more there maybe alot more potential for role playing and maybe it will be more popular. I mean this may sound far fetched but imagine you and a pal get to a town and you meet other players that tell you there is a group of men abducting women players (in game) and apparently  they have them in the next town and you go hunting for these dogs.. and yeah you get the picture.. I never really played any roleplay dayz but some of the videos I have seen were off the chain baby and I think thats what the driving force for this game will be in the future, all by its "emergent game play" nature

Edited by liquidcactus
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I'm just curious about the things other people do. We've all killed, looted, hunt, fished you name it we've done it. However, I am more interested in the things others do to pass the time in game. I don't really want complaints just new ideas from fellow survivors. I manage to have fun, take photos and live. I was mentioning that I've recently picked up on watching other players, seeing what they do (from a safe distance) and how they act. Ocassionally sneaking up to get within earshot of converstations, wondering how they might react if I made my presence known.


I would also be interested on ideas you might have for adding in game crap.


For me, with this "people watching thing" I would love to see some kind of shoe that reduces the footstep sound by a good bit to be able to get close without detection. I would also like to be able to lock someone in a jail cell, granted they'd be able to get out, but more along the lines of how handcuffs work where they would have to work at the lock. This would give me the option to tell them to stop struggling with it "or else??". I think a semi long distance less than lethal weapon would be interesting too. Something that was effective within I don't know; 50-100 feet or so. Like a tranquilzer gun or blow gun with a seditive on it. I would also like the ablity to drag a body, whether dead or just knocked out.


I know there are other creative things to do out there. I also know you have your own Ideas on things to do in-game. If you wouldn't mind sharing them, please do.

People watching, you devious bastard ;)



But actually, your shoe thing, I like that. Im thinking of would be making "improvised" mufflers.



You can almost improvise everything else in this game, why cant you do this?


What im thinking is wrapping rags around your shoes, therefore making things quiet"er".




As for me, I usually stock up on gear, and depending on what mood im in, ill either find newbies, help them, or, if I dont trust them....I well.....kill them. Shifty buggers aren't getting my gear. :P

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Dragging bodies would be so helpful; both for assisting unconscious team mates in the field, and for kidnapping knocked-out hostiles.  The people-watching is okay, but risky.  I guess that's what makes it fun.  I'm either really bad at it, or many people just log out fairly often.


Lately I've been pretty keen on camping/sniping a couple of popular fields from the treeline.  I use a full water jug and about 5 cans of peaches to sustain a presence for extended periods.  gonna mix it up a bit on night servers and use the flaregun to try and create a more exhilarating experience for other players.  How ruined would your underpants be if you were searching a helicrash and suddenly found yourself lit up (and then lit up) in the open?  Now we just need a bullhorn (and batteries again!?!) to give the unsuspecting a chance to lay down, strip, and surrender from 300 meters.


That's why I play DayZ: to enrich the game experience of others.  ;)


Definatly need to keep hydrated and energized while watching some folks. Sometimes I build a fire at night right in the middle of the airfield just to see if I can grab someones curiosity. Yea it's a lure, but I don't have bad intentions of those who can't help themselfs.



Dragging bodies +1.




If I have a friend get knocked out from a firefight.


Damn straight I want to get his body out of there.





Yup dragging bodies would come in useful in a ton of different situations.



This is a pretty good topic.

I never run and gun for players and KOS. Thats pretty much every fps i played before dayz. Tho there seems like a lack of things to do you really have to make your own fun some how.


One thing I always do is try to talk to anyone that is within potential distance of making contact. And i can assure you I have only been KOS perhaps under 5 times in 300 hrs of gameplay. Although I play strictly on a private hive, pretty much  everyone I meet is willing to talk and have a peaceful result.. now the things is most people always have there weapon raised first and are willing to shoot before they talk but once they hear me initiate a conversation they are usually fine and willing to have a conversation. I'm tellin you guys ! just try to talk to people first unless you are a KOS retard of course but like deepfryer said he likes to people watch and I also like to do a bit of that myself, just need a damaged trench coat to where.  


I think when barricading buildings is implemented properly there will be some interesting things to do.. like navigating traps of a potential clan HQ. I'm pretty interested to see this and how much people will focus on trying to rob peoples safe houses..


Also taking your shoes off should make your feet quite ! but shit yes we need different level volumes specific to footwear.. 


I also think when the game has evolved some more there maybe alot more potential for role playing and maybe it will be more popular. I mean this may sound far fetched but imagine you and a pal get to a town and you meet other players that tell you there is a group of men abducting women players (in game) and apparently  they have them in the next town and you go hunting for these dogs.. and yeah you get the picture.. I never really played any roleplay dayz but some of the videos I have seen were off the chain baby and I think thats what the driving force for this game will be in the future, all by its "emergent game play" nature


I don't think the quite approach should be like ninja pro, however just muffle it enough for people to write off what they "think" they may have heard.


Barricading, building, ect... good stuff, we're gonna need stable persistance first though.


People watching, you devious bastard ;)



But actually, your shoe thing, I like that. Im thinking of would be making "improvised" mufflers.



You can almost improvise everything else in this game, why cant you do this?


What im thinking is wrapping rags around your shoes, therefore making things quiet"er".




As for me, I usually stock up on gear, and depending on what mood im in, ill either find newbies, help them, or, if I dont trust them....I well.....kill them. Shifty buggers aren't getting my gear. :P


Yea kinda like improvised rope only rag's or w/e for the old footwear. This would extend to all players spawns and fully geared, so i would imagine maybe it would only work with a pristine pair of (fill in shoe type here) so it's not something you don't have to risk your life to get. Or maybe make it an option once you tan some leather to craft a quiet shoe, and make hunting have more meaning because technically you can live off canned food right now. This might become dangerous once they implement predatory animals.


I think yes maybe some people will roleplay a bit more once there are more things to do, of course the game allows for natural things to unfold and make each life different. This is the part that keeps me coming back, no two people are the same, I mean yea they can all do the same thing (kill you) but they aren't really the same as the previous person.

Edited by Deepfryer

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People watching, you devious bastard ;)



But actually, your shoe thing, I like that. Im thinking of would be making "improvised" mufflers.



You can almost improvise everything else in this game, why cant you do this?


What im thinking is wrapping rags around your shoes, therefore making things quiet"er".




As for me, I usually stock up on gear, and depending on what mood im in, ill either find newbies, help them, or, if I dont trust them....I well.....kill them. Shifty buggers aren't getting my gear. :P


little night ops....






I like cooked fish



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