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Which branch of Dayzmod should i play?

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I've got Dayz Commander opened now, what should i download? I've been out of the loop a while, so advice is always welcome.

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Follow these steps:


  1. Uninstall DayZCommander



You don't need it, DayZ Mod is on Steam.

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I also prefer DayZLauncher. But I personally prefer DayZ overpoch on Taviana. 10/10 spent most of my DayZ life there.

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Use Steam as it's the fastest and most reliable way to install the mod.  DayZ Commander is BROKEN!  Definitely uninstall it.


The current release is 1.8.5 but 1.8.6 will be dropping very soon (today maybe).  I recommend finding and joining vanilla DayZ mod server before joining heavily modified ones or downloading derivative mods.  Here's a list of vanilla servers:



You can use GameTracker to find servers you want to join and then copy the ip/port and then go into the DayZ multiplayer window and click "remote" to bring up the prompt for ip/port and paste it there to join the server directly.


If you want to try derivative mods or have a 3rd party server browser most people are using DayZ Launcher or Play With Six, but just remember that 3rd party apps often stop getting supported/updated.

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Ah, ok. Didnt Know Dayz Commander was broke, i just remembered using it back in the day and thought it would still function. im installing through steam, and i will be playing through Dayz Launcher.

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If you want a survivor feel, play vanilla DayZ. If you want more of a shooter feel with more weapons and vehicles than you'll ever need / use, play epoch / overpoch ... whatever.

I've played epoch for a while but it's just not the same after some time you have everything and the game just get's boring. (for me at least...)

Edited by QuimiQ

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  On 6/2/2015 at 5:09 PM, QuimiQ said:

If you want a survivor feel, play vanilla DayZ. If you want more of a shooter feel with more weapons and vehicles than you'll ever need / use, play epoch / overpoch ... whatever.

I've played epoch for a while but it's just not the same after some time you have everything and the game just get's boring. (for me at least...)

Epoch is really aimed at the clan/squad scene. everything from the economy, to the more heavily defended 'missions' to the higher end base materials. if your not playing with friedns/group and attacking/raiding other groups it gets boring easy mode after you have the basics in place. A Lone survivor can easily whack down a camo net and a tiny shack with a safe in a wooded hillside somewhere and be relatively left alone.



Definitely start with vanilla. still has active servers and good gameplay- branch out from there if you so desire. dayZCommander hasn't worked right since the change over to steam after the gamespy shutdown. (I seem to recall someone saying the guy wasn't even supporting it anymore?) at any rate simply installing the mod and launching thru steam is adequate for vanilla. if you want to start branching out, get the dayZ Launcher and use that.

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All right. I think i last played vanilla in 1.7.5, what has changed since then? 

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