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exploding propane tanks.

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I think it would be cool to be able to blow up the white propane tanks next to houses like you could with the gas stations.

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Better yet if you didn't blow them up and could use them to run a stove and heater in the house or fill smaller bottles for camp stoves or lamps.

Come to think of it, I've never explored whether this works with the big ones at a gas station.  Does it?

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Sure..... go ahead and blow up a valuable and finite resource.

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You still can blow up the gas pumps, at least last I checked you could.  I know different patches have added and removed the ability, but I think the removal was always a bug.  during one of hte live streams they blew up two friendlies by absentmindedly shooting the pump once, haha.  I think three .308 rounds on the same pump will spark the whole thing.

Edited by Haven923

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It used to crash servers when you blew a pump up in previous builds, but I'm pretty sure that has been fixed.

The idea about using big gas tanks to fuel a house etc is kinda coo

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You can blow up those white gas tanks, at least in some of the builds.

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