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Stop telling folks to take a break.

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I remember before DayZ came out everyone complained about how crappy the mod was and thought the standalone would fix it. Now everyone's acting like the mod is the best thing ever made. In my opinion they are both broken pieces of crap , but only one of them has potential. Not saying they aren't good games, though.

Takes tons of man power, and tons of cash to make it right.

You can almost quit your day time job just filling in the environment. I know, been doing some of it myself. So many hours spent trying to make a perfect game play. I can only dream remaking a whole mod, or SA game without some assistance making it right. SA will be good, it wont be the same as the mod in the end. It will however take a good number of years to make it right.


If only they can jump over some of these horrible bugs, maybe that arma 3 engine will destroy some of that, and push the team past it all.

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Yeah because constantly telling people they are whining or crying or 'move on to something else" or "the game is not for you play COD" is really, really constructive isn't it?


Not much in the game to be worth not crying about. I had to take a break, as the constant push backs are mind numbing say the least. Ill be back though. I check into the forums from time to time, and whine some more like the rest of you guys hehe

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Not much in the game to be worth not crying about. I had to take a break, as the constant push backs are mind numbing say the least. Ill be back though. I check into the forums from time to time, and whine some more like the rest of you guys hehe


Yeah but when I take a break which I do from time to time I don't need a bunch of fanboys to tell me to take a break.

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Yeah but when I take a break which I do from time to time I don't need a bunch of fanboys to tell me to take a break.

Take a break from taking a break then :)



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