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DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

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A friend of mine just managed to connect to a server after ~30 minutes of trying, and he spawned as a bird and got the 'You are Dead' message... i really hope that's just a bug and he hasn't just lost everything... i'm too scared to try and log in at the moment...

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im pretty sure alot of us trying to log in are either dead or in the debug forest. which blows because i literally just got out of it...

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It would be nice to have some sort of post from the Dayzmod crew telling us expected downtime and when its safe to login.

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So is the game screwed atm? Should I not attempt to play for a couple of days?

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So is the game screwed atm? Should I not attempt to play for a couple of days?

yeah dont log in... just as i suspected im in debug again... fuck.

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So is the game screwed atm? Should I not attempt to play for a couple of days?

yeah dont log in... just as i suspected im in debug again... fuck.

Ok thanks. Shame though, I had a few hours free I was going to play in :( Hopefully everything gets sorted soon.

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It would be really nice' date=' if some mod could keep us informed about the situation.



What the fuck is going on???.. Can we PLEASE have a ETA or anything?

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Maybe the devs should shut the game and website down for a couple of days. wipe everything out' date=' set up new patch 1.7.2. maybe get a new ip/hive and start all over again.

Everyone can calm down, that skript-kiddie has it´s satisfaction by taking down the game for some time :( and all fellow survivors and bandits could check the real world for some beans or get some fresh cooked meat at mummys.


And what good what that do? By shutting everything down and wiping everything you let them win, which is never a good thing. You should never cave into someone who does this.

YES let him win that one battle, at the end WE will win this war.

Strategic withdrawal !

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also when u not trying to login you reducing the load of the hive

when you spamming connect button u actually helping ddosers...

also, i barely understand the countermeasure tactics, but i think hive's ISP could be blocking some ip ranges temporarily where most of attacks come from. If there are any centers. That could explain why u successfully log onto some servers and no luck with the others

just wait for official message

don't panic because ddosers want u to

have u seen any activity from the stuff lately? here, on the twitter, anywhere? Even moders - i believe they all fighting for u to play, stop crying u only making it worse. Even if they all went to sleep, they deserve some rest, don't u think?

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I still have no idea why anyone would ddos a freaking video game. I mean, if you have the skills (albeit very BASIC skills) to take down servers, don't you think that your time would be better spent taking down, say, government servers instead? Why waste your time on video game servers?

Just because you got banned for doing something you shouldn't have been doing in the first place? Pimply little nerds in their mommys' basements fapping it to shemale pr0n while they piss thousands of people off.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

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shortly after getting out of the debug forest i get put back in. this time i get pk'd. and then now i cant play again >_> you win, ddosers....

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all works fine. no idea what kind of crap servers you guys are joining lol

Good for you dick. Disrespecting hosters who let you play their servers just so you can dog them out on forums' date=' nice move bro.


lol dude, iam running my own servers. so no disrespecting anyone there with my comment. my server is full and everybody is playing. also i could connect without any problems. so no idea wtf your problem is.

i was only stating out that some servers work fine without problems. true that i installed this server yesterday and was whitelisted yesterday. but still it works like a charm

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all works fine. no idea what kind of crap servers you guys are joining lol

Good for you dick. Disrespecting hosters who let you play their servers just so you can dog them out on forums' date=' nice move bro.


lol dude, iam running my own servers. so no disrespecting anyone there with my comment. my server is full and everybody is playing. also i could connect without any problems. so no idea wtf your problem is.

i was only stating out that some servers work fine without problems. true that i installed this server yesterday and was whitelisted yesterday. but still it works like a charm

then give us your servername/ip, etc. :p

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Cant Get In Again.

USA Central Time Zone, 5:20 AM.

Its Like Crack! Help Meh!

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i would suggest that Dayz should start with slave DB's around the world. like 2-3 of them. even when the master db is down. that people can play the game without having problems.

having 1 big database for 400.000+ players + ddos kiddies its no wonder the hive is undertaking big packageload

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Oh man, I had a couple hours spare that I was hoping to get some DayZ in today, but stuck on endless 'Waiting for character to create' screen. Guess the server is still hammered from yesterday! Now I won't get to play until tomorrow! WAH WAH WAH! :(

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So, my server hangs only on.

It comes as no longer in, it gets stuck loading.

Same Problem as yesterday.

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i would suggest that Dayz should start with slave DB's around the world. like 2-3 of them. even when the master db is down. that people can play the game without having problems.

having 1 big database for 400.000+ players + ddos kiddies its no wonder the hive is undertaking big packageload

of course a distributed database, mirrors etc is an option. But it takes money. And Rocket don't even want to hear about donations. I wounder why

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I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

That sentence made my day, which indeed is quite sad at the moment :P

I'm sure that the team is doing the best they can to get those DDosers out and I'm sure that it will be fixed in the next few hours.

Aslong as the community stays calm and does not begin to flame the hackers everything is fine with me ;) . The only thing those people want is to make us angry and they only laugh at any insult that we give, it will make them even more happy.

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LOL! Perma ban for using WINE. pahahhaa shame.

But guys, we're not getting any support here from any forum mods / admins. I think this would be a good lesson for everyone that the public that love your mod so much deserve to be told what the deal is. It's almost been a whole day of little kids ddos...surely it's bed time for them all?! I'm sure the man who is now working on Arma 3 due to this modification can afford maybe...one more backup db? Seriously ;/

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