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DayZ Maintenance ~ Should be functional again

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Hey' date='

@Vipeax : How many time approximately for this maintenance plz.


Give or take 3 to 4 hours, but this is not a deadline, if something happens it will go beyond this expected duration!

Is this fucking serious? Jesus christ, give us a bit of warning next time you pull a 'maintenance' during Australian prime time.

Im surprised your government even allows you people to play DayZ, what with all the blood and violence. Do you guys have a version that squirts out butterflies instead of blood?

Firstly this game has very little actual gore unless you think red paint is scary.

Secondly Australia will soon have its R18+ rating, as the law allowing it was passed federally. However ratings are managed on a state level so it still needs to be sorted out there before we actually get the R18+ rating. In the mean time it's important to note the sum total of all games that have been denied a rating or have been edited to meet the MA 15+ rating is about 50. A lot of the ones that didn't make it to our shores weren't very good anyway. (Think Postal).

Thirdly, at least Australia doesn't have any states trying to equate games with pornography *cough California *cough.

Finally (and on topic), the status of the hive needs to be better communicated. I only saw this topic after seeing a link in a thread about the server being attacked.

Going to be ignorant here, but what's the deal with this? I don't know as much about AUS as I'd like, considering I should have been born there but my parents flew back to England to have me, but have you been denied 18 rated games/movies and stuff or what? EU is pretty lax on these things. Still, I don't think Americans have ANY reason to make jokes about it, after all, remember when Janet Jackson popped a nipple out? Oh what an embarrassment at how they over reacted, to a nipple...a NIPPLE.

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Again i don't care what happened exactly, but it did

so it needs to be fixed, and you are so amazing you call people names over the internet


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Vipeax you have the patience of a god. That or ample supply of popcorn and beverage to diligently keep us informed and be so responsive despite the uh..insanity of this forum.

I commend thee fair leader-type.

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Thanks for letting us know devs! Keep up the good work! This game is my new obsession I can wait for it to be up and running.

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The servers were initially down because of the DDoS attack. They decided to take advantage of the downtime and do some maintenance. Also keep in mind that this is an alpha + the mod developers aren't getting paid to work on this--it is completely out of the kindness of their heart.

Which is fine. I'm extremely grateful for the chance to take part in the alpha. What wasn't clear was this: At what point in time did the issue go from being DDoS to maintenance? Was it before Vipeax's post? How many hours after the decision to perform maintenance had I and my friends spent trying to get on a server?

When an ETA is given to having everything back up and running, that implies that the DDoS is no longer an issue. Is this not the case?

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Give or take 3 to 4 hours' date=' but this is not a deadline, if something happens it will go beyond this expected duration!




Firstly this game has very little actual gore unless you think red paint is scary.

Secondly Australia will soon have its R18+ rating, as the law allowing it was passed federally. However ratings are managed on a state level so it still needs to be sorted out there before we actually get the R18+ rating. In the mean time it's important to note the sum total of all games that have been denied a rating or have been edited to meet the MA 15+ rating is about 50. A lot of the ones that didn't make it to our shores weren't very good anyway. (Think Postal).

Thirdly, at least Australia doesn't have any states trying to equate games with pornography *cough California *cough.

Finally (and on topic), the status of the hive needs to be better communicated. I only saw this topic after seeing a link in a thread about the server being attacked.

Going to be ignorant here, but what's the deal with this? I don't know as much about AUS as I'd like, considering I should have been born there but my parents flew back to England to have me, but have you been denied 18 rated games/movies and stuff or what? EU is pretty lax on these things. Still, I don't think Americans have ANY reason to make jokes about it, after all, remember when Janet Jackson popped a nipple out? Oh what an embarrassment at how they over reacted, to a nipple...a NIPPLE.

Actually I was wrong, there's hardly any banned/edited games.


Anyway, we for the most part have not been denied R18+ games. They've just been squeezed down into the MA15+ bracket, so funnily enough not having an R18+ rating is probably more "corrupting" than it would be to just have it in place.

We get R18+ ratings for everything else, video games have just been a weird exception up till now. I'm not entirely sure why.


Also I agree that overall I think Americans have had a much worse rap when it comes to crazy prudishness.

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Vipeax you have the patience of a god. That or ample supply of popcorn and beverage to diligently keep us informed and be so responsive despite the uh..insanity of this forum.

I commend thee fair leader-type.

It's a trade-off. Generally speaking I can't blame people for wanted to play' date=' some go a bit beyond what I'd consider reasonable, but many people seem to use the "I paid $30 to play this"-argument, forgetting they didn't pay us to play, but paid for the engine to play the [b']mod.

As long as it doesn't turn into a major unending trollfest, I'm definitively willing to answer in a reasonable way at any times :).

And again, thanks all for supporting the project. Even if not being able to play turns you into an aggressive zombie. Grab yourself some beans!

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I expect they've received donations

We don't accept donations' date=' but enough on the money subject. It's way too off-topic and a rather meaningless discussion. Thanks for the support.


I wasn't aware of that but like I said in the post, I won't pretend to know what you do and don't get. It just pisses me off seeing people whine about something that's free created by your average Joe (Not meaning you're average! but you're not a big games development team). It pisses me off seeing people whine that you're doing it at the wrong time, because apparently you should be getting up at 4am to work on an alpha mod because you're not allowed a life and need to work for free for some whiny spoiled brat you've never met, and it pisses me off seeing people whine because you should be answering every post on the forum while doing the maintenance at the same time with your small man team.

I can understand (most) people's frustration, but at the end of the day, they should be helping rather than hindering, or at the very least think before they post acting like the team owes them something. Anyway, seem's I'm doing just that taking up your time here, just trying to be polite in replying, no need for a response.

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The servers were initially down because of the DDoS attack. They decided to take advantage of the downtime and do some maintenance. Also keep in mind that this is an alpha + the mod developers aren't getting paid to work on this--it is completely out of the kindness of their heart.

Which is fine. I'm extremely grateful for the chance to take part in the alpha. What wasn't clear was this: At what point in time did the issue go from being DDoS to maintenance? Was it before Vipeax's post? How many hours after the decision to perform maintenance had I and my friends spent trying to get on a server?

When an ETA is given to having everything back up and running' date=' that implies that the DDoS is no longer an issue. Is this not the case?


Does it matter?

They can take all the time they need. Remember, you are not a paying customer.

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Professionalism comes with education or experience, one or the other, Im sure rocket didn't bring in unprofessional people, they are just overwhelmed at the moment, and are getting on their feet, professionalism comes when things aren't nuts, plus its a mod, its free, don't expect any notification on something that is free, but we got notification, thus its professional to some degree.

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When an ETA is given to having everything back up and running' date=' that implies that the DDoS is no longer an issue. Is this not the case?


Fixing 1 will likely fix the other, but not going into the technical details here for obvious reasons. Expect to be able to play, that's it for now!

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I can relate to AussieStig's frustration.

It's pretty simple - lack of communication. I'd been keeping my eyes on the forum from a bit after midday' date=' local time. It's 9.30pm here now, and up until Vipeax's post about maintenance, I'd spent a few hours trying to get on for a bit of Zombie action.

Then I find out that it's not hackers causing the problem, the server's offline for some work. Fine, I understand that maintenance is something that needs to be done. Finding out that it's maintenance after trying to get onto a server for three hours or so, that's frustrating.

A bit of communication goes a long way.


I have to agree here..I was trying for ages to get into servers not knowing hives were down

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I have to agree here..I was trying for ages to get into servers not knowing hives were down

Actually till about an hour ago it was the DDoS. Like I said, you wouldn't be able to play either way. Looking good so far btw. ETA should be fine.

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my first post .

Just like to say thanks for a great ALPHA version of a top zombie game that i`ve been enjoying playing .

I know when you guys have the servers back up and going again it will be better than before as all your effort you all put in for us to play a free moded game.

Thank you

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<_< well consider yourself lucky Vipeax. I happened to have a serious problem playing the game and through sheer luck and keyboard smashing. i resolved it. But where were you on my forum when I needed you! ;-;

I would complain more but CLEARLY. You have enough of a demand to speak that I'd say your like the Dayz mascot...which as creepy devil cat..thing. I find amusing for Dayz. WTB zombie cat though.

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SO we have an ETA, awesome. Now I don't have to keep trying to get on for the next few hours. THanks for the update!

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im just wounding what time it will be back on in Central Time bc its 7 am and been trying to play for about 5 to 10 hrs now and haven't been able to

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I think I was one that got attacked..

I was sitting in ANZ7 a couple of hours ago before someone came into the server and said 'All dead'

Seems most of the guys on the server died..bye bye DMR and my other bits and pieces :(

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I can relate to AussieStig's frustration.

It's pretty simple - lack of communication. I'd been keeping my eyes on the forum from a bit after midday' date=' local time. It's 9.30pm here now, and up until Vipeax's post about maintenance, I'd spent a few hours trying to get on for a bit of Zombie action.

Then I find out that it's not hackers causing the problem, the server's offline for some work. Fine, I understand that maintenance is something that needs to be done. Finding out that it's maintenance after trying to get onto a server for three hours or so, that's frustrating.

A bit of communication goes a long way.


I have to agree here..I was trying for ages to get into servers not knowing hives were down

I did too, I am also worried I've lost my stuff (and I found a chopper crash site, and worried I won't get what I couldn't pick up due to the servers going down). I got my friend to log on to see if it was me (Seemed like people were still playing) and he couldn't, we tried a few servers thinking it was them and I checked the tech support forum. I couldn't find anything (Why would it be there? I was just seeing if others had the same issue) and I checked twitter and there was nothing on there at the time.

The thing is, I got linked this thread from my one in the support forum and I'm happy I have an answer. This is from a small team. Had this been Blizzard, a multi-billion? dollar company with huge teams across the globe, you can bet your ass you wouldn't find out about it for hours. CCP (Eve online) are the only real games company who I think take the time to bother with their customers (Had a GM ask me how I was in my first week of playing some years ago) and they interact with the forums. I can safely say I see more posts from these guys here, than I do Blizzard, DICE/EA or any other games giant.

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Well I hope that your hard work and dedication will work and HIVE will return to its former glory. Maybe 1.7.2 will be released shortly after. Thanks for the update :D

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Actually till about an hour ago it was the DDoS. Like I said' date=' you wouldn't be able to play either way. Looking good so far btw. ETA should be fine.


Ah, well that's a bit different. I'd assumed incorrectly that the DDoS had finished earlier and unannounced maintenance had been occurring for a while prior to the posting of your message. That's where my frustration was, along with plenty of others.

Would it be worth your effort to put up a locked sticky with one post in it about what's happened over the last day? Might save you some time in this thread.

The fact that your game can have such an effect on a huge number of people must give you guys no small amount of satisfaction. :)

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I have to agree here..I was trying for ages to get into servers not knowing hives were down

Actually till about an hour ago it was the DDoS. Like I said' date=' you wouldn't be able to play either way. Looking good so far btw. ETA should be fine.


Hmm, this is weird. About 24 hours ago I couldn't get on for 12 or so hours, but then I played a bit and went to bed, played this morning until an hour ago though and it seemed fine, kinda worried now that I wasn't actually playing (or should I say, servers really registering that I was playing) and the stuff I found won't save. Still, not your problem I know.

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