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people can last days without food, but my characters record is 1 hour, it would be great if you guys extend death to atleast 3 hours. 

same goes for water, a man can last 3 days without water , my character 1 hour. let people have more time (especially the noobs) to search for water and food.

or just make food and water even more common loot than it is now.


thx for reading my idea

Edited by thomas05
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people can last days without food, but my characters record is 1 hour, it would be great if you guys extend death to atleast 3 hours. 

same goes for water, a man can last 3 days without water , my character 1 hour. let people have more time (especially the noobs) to search for water and food.

or just make food and water even more common loot than it is now.


thx for reading my idea


Its already too common, just practice and youll get it down - this game is Survival, making it easier would make it cheesy, might as well turn it into a facebook game

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people can last days without food, but my characters record is 1 hour, it would be great if you guys extend death to atleast 3 hours. 

same goes for water, a man can last 3 days without water , my character 1 hour. let people have more time (especially the noobs) to search for water and food.

or just make food and water even more common loot than it is now.


thx for reading my idea


thirst is okay but starvation is WAYYYY too fast.  you can last 10 times as long without food as without water.  the ratio in game feels like 2 to 1 or less.


hunger should be something you worry about over time, and should take a while to become critical.  the way it is in the game is far too immediate and just feels artificial.

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Even if going without food for x days irl is no problem, I don't think you should  survive longer in game without it. Also irl you would need to get quite a few callories every day when you look how we run around, to not do some long time starvation thing and keep your weight. Also, you are fully energized at 4000 energy iirc, but you can keep eating up to 20000. DayZ allows you store quite a bit of energy in your body there, that is nice. That means we only start with 5% of the energy our body could store, when we spawn - think we spawn with 1000, right? Basically you can think of it as spawning almost starved.


Now, why am I against it? I think gameplay would suffer. When you are a fresh spawn, you should look for food, drink, clothes, inventory items ... with having energy for longer at the beginning they could do a complete run around the map for military gear before even worrying about food. The normal flow should be neccessities (food, drink, etc) first, not everything else first and then starting to worry about food. This is a game and while it realism is all fun, there should be a development of the player with trying to survive first.


Concerning realism (never forget the actual goal is authenticism), just see it as the other side of the coin of mending broken bones with morphine, splints and treating bullet wounds in your vital organs with rags.

Edited by bautschi

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