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Horrible FPS on good machine, can't figure out why

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Hello everyone, 


I have a pretty good computer that I've built and for the most part it runs amazing. However I've noticed that with DayZ it gives me extremely low FPS when I play, even when not on the max settings and antialiasing disabled. Just standing in buildings not moving is getting me like 18 FPS. However I've run games like Dragon Age Inquisition just fine at 60 FPS on ultra. I've also tried running the Valley Benchmark test on highest settings and average 80 FPS or 60 with Vsync enabled, so I don't think it is my computer that isn't working. 


This really has me stumped and frustrated how this game is causing my rig so many issues so I greatly appreciate the help.


Here are my specs: 


Here are my specs:

Intel I7 4770k @ 3.5GHZ

Two Nvidia GTX 770 4GB 


1000W Gold PSU

Asus Z87 SaberTooth mobo

Samsung 840 250GB SSD

1TB WD Black HD


Thanks again everyone.


Edit: Text was in some weird white format.

Edited by Darkearth

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Welcome to DayZ.

This has been mentioned about 3 million times now I think, once for every copy sold - it doesn't run very well yet especially in the cities where there are many things adding to the workload. 

There are ways to tweak it that may or may not help you, if you search the forums.

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Something is definitely wrong, as I have almost the exact same setup, save for just one of the GPUs. I don't drop to 18 fps anywhere that I recall. Normally the game runs just fine for me.


Try this guide: http://dayzintel.com/dayz-guides/dayz-standalone-performance-guide


If you have SLI enabled, disable it. No idea if it'll work, but I know SLI sometimes causes problems with games.

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oddly enough, turn your graphics preferences up, not down.  low settings puts the load on the cpu instead of the video card, and it bottlenecks.  saw it mentioned here and tried it, and it works.

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Welcome to DayZ.

This has been mentioned about 3 million times now I think, once for every copy sold - it doesn't run very well yet especially in the cities where there are many things adding to the workload. 

There are ways to tweak it that may or may not help you, if you search the forums.

Sure the game is buggy, but I've seen streamers playing at 60+ fps in large cities, hell my sister with her 4 year old $700 gaming computer runs the game at a solid 30 FPS at all times without doing anything to it.

Something is definitely wrong, as I have almost the exact same setup, save for just one of the GPUs. I don't drop to 18 fps anywhere that I recall. Normally the game runs just fin0e for me.


Try this guide: http://dayzintel.com/dayz-guides/dayz-standalone-performance-guide


If you have SLI enabled, disable it. No idea if it'll work, but I know SLI sometimes causes problems with games.


I've tried disabling SLI before, nothing changed. I will try these fixes when I get off work and post back.



oddly enough, turn your graphics preferences up, not down.  low settings puts the load on the cpu instead of the video card, and it bottlenecks.  saw it mentioned here and tried it, and it works.

Interesting idea, I'll also try this later and post results.



Edit: Increasing graphics and changing some steam launch options gave me like a 20 FPS boost. Going to try the rest soon.

Edited by Darkearth

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The game is still alpha and the new renderer and optimisation process has yet to take place, so for now at least your graphical performance within the game will be lower than desired.  However based on your setup you should indeed be getting better FPS, I might play with some of the suggestions given here and see if I can find a few more frames myself.

Edited by Velenon

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