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australian/new zealand players

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Hay Guys. I'm pretty new to the game. I'm considering coming on.

just wondering if there are any rules or limits for people to join

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rules are basicly if you get caught ghosting players, ie listening in and killing them, or hang around get cozy then kill people i will ban your ass. Thats basicly it other than that when you come in you will get a dayZ newbie tag then after a while you will get a dayz regular tag its just so people know whos been around a while and who hasent.

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Yer I'm not that type of person :) i wont be a dog.

ill come on throughout the week whenever I'm free just to say hello :)

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It's still working mate are you sure you are doing it right

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Sorry, but may i ask what the server for Team speak is again??

Edited by -xyLo

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It's still working mate are you sure you are doing it right

Yeh it worked after i posted lol. Musta been down or summin

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jw im a nz player what server do you guys play on and do you have a clan?

steam name: jimmybo22

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yes we have a clan but you cant just join in straight away, these a few steps of things you have to do before you join in, and we play on us server as aus or nz server gets attacked by hacker quite offen

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Im interested in playing with a group so how does this work do I just join ya TS servers introduce myself and see what DayZ server you are on?

I play on NZ01 NZ16 NZ23 and ANZ07 Im happy to play on US servers if my ping is ok.

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yea same have started on us aswell for same reason

you have a site for applications?

and i understand about not being able to join straight away

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On holidays at the moment but still on the forums due to my obsession with this game!! May join up with yous when I'm back.

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