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australian/new zealand players

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Were still going strong guys, feel free to join us! We are here just to have fun, and don't take things TOO seriously. However if you decide to join up with, just remember to say hi when you come on, introduce yourself etc. We are a little bit paranoid about being infiltrated again. Anyway, hope to see you all there. Iv got trial exams coming up so Ill be on a little less in the coming weeks.


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Having some issues finding your TS, me and a mate have been player together for awhile now and would love to play with some other people

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Come on the TS we can give you all the info you need. We probably shouldn't broadcast too much info on forums :)

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please dont post your recruitment crap on this page thank you...

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im not talking about you derp im talking about the post that got deleted

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Hey i just logged on to say gday :)

Hopefully can find some peeps to squad with later

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Hey, any of you guys gonna be on in about an hour, gonna get patched up by greasymnky from the medic squad then I'll be up for anything

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yep about 8 of us on atm, we play on different server due to hackers on nz and aus server constatly

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