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australian/new zealand players

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so just jump on ts3 and wait for sumone to talk to me?

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Well no if you see players in the dayz channels go in and say hello.

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Which US servers do you guys play on. Looking for a group to play with, lone wolf is getting kinda boring

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umm any really but we do have a few server we always play on

Edited by pkmaster655

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The teamspeak server is still kicking for anyone wants to join. We dont just play DayZ we play a wide variety of games.

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I'm in NZ, looking to team up as I'm fairly new to DayZ and only just found out what TeamSpeak is. Is it ok to join in if I'm not that good yet? What's the procedure, go into the dayz channel and just say "Hi" and find out what server everyone's on?

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most people dont just tell you where they are straight away, they will get to know you first and maybe meet up somewhere that isnt where they are camping out or what ever. But yeah just come in and say hi, but be warned people found ghosting will be banned from my teamspeak perminently.

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gday, just got dayz and am looking for a group/clan. Will jump on ts sometime during the week.

steam: hyper77

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Recent events of recruitment bullshit will no longer be tollerated, found doing it you will be banned for good.

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