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We ought to have some more time to survive. Today i had found a can of tactical bacon and an apple, but 20 min or so after i was dying, running around chasing a chicken with a shovel, but i died before i could catch it. The apple and bacon should have sustained me for longer, at least an our.  

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We ought to have some more time to survive. Today i had found a can of tactical bacon and an apple, but 20 min or so after i was dying, running around chasing a chicken with a shovel, but i died before i could catch it. The apple and bacon should have sustained me for longer, at least an our.  


Yeah, about that. The devs feel that there are too many apples and berries in Chenarus so they have forced us to get rid of them all. Picking apples and berries are the way to survive now.

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Today I found ~50 apples, ~30 berries and a few zombies who were no match for my fists of fury.


Try the apple trees or gathering in general. While doing so slowly move away from the coast and loot the villages further inland. If you have the tools switch to a better food source (farming, hunting, fishing). We have more time to survive but we could need a somewhat more enjoyable gathering system as the current one is basically like rolling many dice and collecting sixes (don't do this for a living - do it for getting to areas that are not picked clean by others).

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Yeah, about that. The devs feel that there are too many apples and berries in Chenarus so they have forced us to get rid of them all. Picking apples and berries are the way to survive now.

That would be fine if a couple of apple's could sustain you for an our or two. I did pick the one apple but could not find any more after that.

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Today I found ~50 apples, ~30 berries and a few zombies who were no match for my fists of fury.


Try the apple trees or gathering in general. While doing so slowly move away from the coast and loot the villages further inland. If you have the tools switch to a better food source (farming, hunting, fishing). We have more time to survive but we could need a somewhat more enjoyable gathering system as the current one is basically like rolling many dice and collecting sixes (don't do this for a living - do it for getting to areas that are not picked clean by others).

 How long did 50 apple's last, and how much time did you spend hugging the same tree's? Fifty apples is lot should we really eat that many in one day to survive?

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 How long did 50 apple's last, and how much time did you spend hugging the same tree's? Fifty apples is lot should we really eat that many in one day to survive?

I died in between. I usually just picked a few apples per tree and then moved on. I am not a fan of hardcore grinding so I just used them to sustain myself (= avoiding starvation). Hugging the same tree is pretty inefficient as your goal is to move away from the coast to areas with a chance of finding loot. Going fully energized and hydrated and then moving is a leftover method from the times where food was easy to find. It may work but it's neither enjoyable nor efficient.

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I died in between. I usually just picked a few apples per tree and then moved on. I am not a fan of hardcore grinding so I just used them to sustain myself (= avoiding starvation). Hugging the same tree is pretty inefficient as your goal is to move away from the coast to areas with a chance of finding loot. Going fully energized and hydrated and then moving is a leftover method from the times where food was easy to find. It may work but it's neither enjoyable nor efficient.

Okay i will try that. i just think we should have some more time before dying from starvation, i feel like i am running to keep up with my stomach.

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You can in fact go quite a ling time without food so yes. Starvation should be, and most likely will be in the future, lengthened. Water on the other hand, you can dehydrate rather quickly.

I find in game that I have to drink much more than eat though. It may also have to do with what it is youre eating.

Edited by 8bit_Survivor
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Apple and Berry picking right now is a joke.


I didnt sign up to stand at a dam tree for hours pressing the same button. 


The amount of actual food you get vs how much hunger you burn at bushes and trees doesnt make sense.  Takes you almost 10 minutes to find an apple that gives you enough energy to last 5 minutes?  Pointless.


"I have not found a thing"  Really bud cause I can see the apples in the tree right in front of you.  However after 30+ attempts you still cant find one eh?


I tried 4 different apple trees and 3 berry trees.  Clicked scavange about an average of 6-7 times per tree\bush.  Got one set of berries that didnt even move my hunger bar what so ever and about 5 minutes after eating said berries I died from starvation.


Somethings pretty broken right now thats for sure, im all down for forcing us to use other sources as food etc but at least make them viable.


Again I have no interest in playing a game of standing at a bush for an hour pressing the same button....

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