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Community Spotlight - 25 Mar 15

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Hey survivors,


As the bi-weekly Community Spotlight starts rolling, it's been interesting sifting through the vast backlog of player creations across Youtube as well as jumping between the massive amounts of Live streams that popped up during the past two weeks.


It seems like with other types of entertainment, there are several different categories of content. There are videos that explain the player's thought process behind actions, videos that showcase content / mechanics / features, and there are videos that feature entertainment in the form of roleplay for example.


This week we'll have a look at the works created by: SepticFalcon!


Among other things, such as videos showing pvp and other random goodness, SepticFalcon has created showcases of both Stable as well as Experimental updates for quite some time now. These videos serve as really nice informational sources for players that have just set foot on Chernarus soil, or players that return to DayZ after having missed previous updates for example. One such video is SepticFalcon's showcase of the current 0.54 Stable branch version wherein he highlights what has been introduced and/or reworked in this Stable branch update.


As mentioned, SepticFalcon does also do creations other than showcases of Stable/Experimental branch updates. A nice example is the video called “A Bad Negotiation”. This video is from SepticFalcon's great locker of videos that show his DayZ pvp skills – as well as a bit of bad luck for his adversaries at “6:05”, heh. Fending off foes while moving around and chambering rounds for each successive shot is no small feat (especially when you manage to still be standing at the end of the encounter). SepticFalcon, the guys at the office salute you!


As always, if interested in more, please feel free to follow SepticFalcon via the following social media accounts:


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Congrats, Falcon!  :)

More than anything, this guy is entertaining. Few people appeal to everyone, but if anyone could, it's SF!

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Whenever I see things like this, it makes me feel guilty that I don't get anything accomplished with my life.


Nice job though, Falcon!

Edited by SomeCallMeNomad
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Omedetou gozaimasu Falcon-san!! (Congrats!)


A well deserved award for all the efforts put into his work!  :thumbsup:

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