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Action!- Gameplay recording and streaming

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So i used to record dayz with a program called Action! i bought it off steam around christmas. but for like the last 3 or 4 patches i cant use it anymore . the program runs but it only records my desktop and obviously thats no good. It is frustrating that i cant use it anymore because last night i was at the vybor military base and wiped out a clan on my own and now i dont have it on film which would have been nice. does anyone else use this program or know how to fix this. i heard its wont work because battle eye considers it a hack or something like that.

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If no solutions turn up, you could try contacting BattlEye and see what their comments are on this subject: [email protected]


Alternatively, you could also try to contact the support team for the software you purchased.

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I have been trying to keep an eye out for good recording software because fraps doesnt really cut it and shadowplay only supports geforce cards and i have radeon

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I used Open Broadcaster Software to record a few short videos. It worked but only if I started it on the right GPU - otherwise it would only record the sound. Not sure if it still works on 0.54 though.

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yeah, i'd check the software help first.

Have you received any patches for Action! recently?  There may be some funny opt-out update feature that turned on, recording your desktop instead of what's going through the GPU?

Do you run multiple monitors or SLI or something?


I run Shadowplay through my Nvidia Geforce Experience drivers.  It's free and for every card about the new 6xx's i think.  Not sure about quality / compression rates though, but maybe have a look in the interim if you run a Nvidia.


Good luck!

Edited by q.S Sachiel

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It's caused by the recent (patch 0.54 IIRC) update to BattleEye.  BattleEye will NOT give Mirillis Action! an exception and Mirillis will not change the way that Action! works.  Impasse.


However, there is a work around (apparently - not actually tried it myself yet) from this thread on the Mirillis forums:  


As a temporary work around, anyone still wishing to record DayZ using Action! Launch the game in windowed mode, and use the "Active desktop region" mode to select the game area. It works fine! It's a little bit extra work, but it should keep people recording in the meantime!
Good luck!
Edited by krazypenguin

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