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Third person being worked on

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Many of the people who think that 3rd person in DayZ doesn't need fixing are probably the same people who justify server hopping.


I don't play 3rd person because it is immersion breaking and is EXPLOITABLE.


Why should some KoS knob get the drop on me because he can astral project his soul over his body to see me from the other side of a wall?


3rd person in DayZ was never done properly, period, and needs a full overhaul.


I very rarely play on 3rd person servers but I probably would if the peeking exploit didn't exist.

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Many of the people who think that 3rd person in DayZ doesn't need fixing are probably the same people who justify server hopping.


I don't play 3rd person because it is immersion breaking and is EXPLOITABLE.


Why should some KoS knob get the drop on me because he can astral project his soul over his body to see me from the other side of a wall?


3rd person in DayZ was never done properly, period, and needs a full overhaul.


I very rarely play on 3rd person servers but I probably would if the peeking exploit didn't exist.


Your whole point goes up in smoke after you said that  :rolleyes: What a ridiculous statement.

Edited by Victus Mortuus
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I agree, why do we 'have' to play FP all of a sudden? If we don't want to we shouldn't have to and TPP provides that choice.

Nobody is trying to make you play FP they are merely having a discussion asking if changing the camera position in TP would make it a bit more immersive.  There is no need to turn every post like this into a debate about who is better, it all just sounds elitist and stupid.  For me personally the deal breaker with third person is the corner camping and not having to expose yourself to assess your surroundings .. its a huge immersion breaker for me and I choose to stay away from it as DayZ is all about atmosphere and immersion to me it has nothing to do with one being better than the other.

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I'll just never understand why 1PP players don't play their first person servers, it's been this way since the mod. Devs/modders made 1PP servers, 1PP don't have enough numbers or don't care enough to play them, so why do you want to change the entire game just to suit your needs? 


What about the players like me who like the TPP how it is and don't feel it needs to be changed for a small minority. I imagine most TPP players in Dayz would rather the game just stayed how it was.



Maybe we should turn on them rather than playing the game how we like? Maybe we should try to point out how wrong they are? Maybe we should try to "fix" their servers or issues?


Nah, just kidding, too boring, there are still other things to care about. :-P

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Nobody is trying to make you play FP they are merely having a discussion asking if changing the camera position in TP would make it a bit more immersive.  There is no need to turn every post like this into a debate about who is better, it all just sounds elitist and stupid.  For me personally the deal breaker with third person is the corner camping and not having to expose yourself to assess your surroundings .. its a huge immersion breaker for me and I choose to stay away from it as DayZ is all about atmosphere and immersion to me it has nothing to do with one being better than the other.


I personally think it's fine how it is and that it shouldn't be changed so let's hope the Dayz devs don't do something stupid. 

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Looks great. I mostly play 3PP because it is easier to survive and kill people. So anything that doesn't let me use cheap 3rd person tactics so effectively is great. This game is supposed to be difficult after all.

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Your whole point goes up in smoke after you said that  :rolleyes: What a ridiculous statement.



It was meant to show you the correlation between the 2 as an EXPLOIT.



If you are willing to wall peak, then you could probably justify server hopping....

Edited by BioHaze

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What's that saying "Don't blame the player, blame the..."?


Seriously, this thing where people think none of us sickly pussies would have a problem if we just turned off headbob is laughable. It's not headbob etc. It's a result of the engine and jittering/low frames. Combine a low fov and a low fps and you'll get players getting motion sickness regardless of headbob. The reason it's less of an issue in third is because the brain can anchor onto the visible character on screen.

Most likely that people who have problems also using the wrong screen ratio - 60% or more of the screenshots i see around the web are using wrong screen ratio....

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Most likely that people who have problems also using the wrong screen ratio - 60% or more of the screenshots i see around the web are using wrong screen ratio....


So, there is a right one? Which would it be?

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3rd person only works for those games that are designed for it fully like Gears of War or in games where it doesn't really matter that much as som RPG games where you play against AI.

You can always throw a "play how we like" arguments even for hacking...

It's a design and gameplay thing the devs want now to address or play with. Some games don't have 3rd person or has their own kind of 3rd person because EVERYONE knows it's easily exploitable and can even clip through.


You've to remember this isn't Arma anymore and in the end the dev team can go the way they like with the 3rd person so it would fit the game or make how they like it. That doesn't mean something like the "fourth wall" solution but just a view that fits the world. Though that occulsion culling or simply removing 3rd person are the only way to "fix" the view from exploits. Playing with different view points can ease it but never fix anything.


My opinion has always been to simply remove it so there's no player base split and one more variable for the countless other rules that will (likely) come. And then just address more in the first person immersion.


And what comes to 3rd person, lower and closer like in GoW and RE4 is cooler looking. Just like in the OP it brings things in scale better. Swithing from left to right might be a cool thing. I'd say maybe lower it bit more but it's hard to say from that picture what the view really is.


That's why I find it odd when I see all these threads about fixing 3rd. If you want people to play first don't just change third. Instead make first better.

How about making them both better?

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