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Live AI helicopter crashes

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What about live helicopters or civilian airplanes (controlled by AI) that spawn far away outside of the playable area (over the ocean), circle a bit over Chernarus with random waypoints and crash on a really random location (land, not ocean). With random intervalls of maybe 30 to 120 minutes. It's OK when they crash into a deep, hardly accessible forest or into a big city like Zelenogorsk. I don't know if there's enough non-zombie Arma-AI left in DayZ to make it handle an aircraft.


Before they crash, you can see them catch fire and tailspin. Speaking Arma-ish, something like:

_x sethit ["motor",1];if ((position _x select 2) < 1) then { _x setdamage 1; [_x] exec "fireandsmoke.sqf"};

Concerning the loot, the wreck should be treated like an accessible Arma ammobox, since on really random locations the distribution of single loot-items in DayZ-style around the wreck as at the current crash sites may be inconvenient.

Edited by RogueTrooper
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What kind of loot would even be deemed worthy in the civilian category though for the civilian airplanes though? Maybe like the Winchester Alaskan on rare occasions, Press vest, large cashes of civi ammo and hard to come by banana clips for the .22, civi scopes, and other rarer clothing i guess?

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Before they crash, you can see them catch fire and tailspin. Speaking Arma-ish, something like:

_x sethit ["motor",1];if ((position _x select 2) < 1) then { _x setdamage 1; [_x] exec "fireandsmoke.sqf"};


That won't do any of that. That will actually only result in a non-spectucalor engine-shutdown and then an inexplicable explosion before it hits the ground.

Edited by kichilron

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That won't do any of that. That will actually only result in a non-spectucalor engine-shutdown and then an inexplicable explosion before it hits the ground.


I know (been modding and scripting for Arma sind 2007). I just wanted to state that such kind of helicopters would be easily to implement within 15 minutes of scripting (if there's AI left for operating air vehicles and non-destroyed 3D models - but most likely it could be copied from Arma or ToH). Of course this is not all code necessary. Just examples. Further explosions and smoke can be added within the air. And of course the devs' knowledge and skills with this stuff is a million times higher than mine.


More than the loot, it's more about ambience and the unpredictable live-situations that develop if multiple groups see the plane and rush towards it and fight for it. But why not make it filled with precious loot.


When I first heard about the heli-crash-sites a long time ago, I thought, it would be something like this.

Edited by RogueTrooper

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First of all it's more about ambience than the loot.


I do not doubt that there's going to be more ambient stuff coming soon enough. Everything has been pointing towards that for a while now and it's not particularly hard, as you mentioned. So I would assume that it is just a matter of finding the time when everything else is fleshed out..

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