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"There needs to be some kindling to start a fire"

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How many more of the damn kindling do I need to start a damn fire?

Here's a screenshot of my freshly made fireplace, still can't ignite. The message says "There needs to be some kindling to start a fire".b6da3219.jpg

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o and the 14 sticks that are "inside" the fireplace will just be ruined after you light the fire, so you might want to take it out.  because you will still need to feed the fire sticks once it is lit.

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Try 3 single.


raBit, he has a fireplace so has a rag/paper.

trust me add a rag.



when you create the fireplace, and before you light it you should see 5 sticks and 1 rag, or 3 logs and 1 rag.  once you light the fire the rag will be gone, so if the fire goes out you will need to add another rag to light it back up again... with the proper amount of sticks or logs.



Edited by raBit.
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trust me add a rag.



when you create the fireplace, and before you light it you should see 5 sticks and 1 rag, or 3 logs and 1 rag.  once you light the fire the rag will be gone, so if the fire goes out you will need to add another rag to light it back up again... with the proper amount of sticks or logs.



 Thanks, it worked. You saved my shivering ass. :)

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yep fireplaces got changed with 0.54 i think

if you remove the sticks and rags it will disappear again (unless it hasn't been ignited yet)


so taking out the rags/sticks results in that message

but at least you now only need 1x stick + paper/rags/bandage to make a fire, rest only makes it last longer

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Afaik you need a rag if the fireplace is cold. If it is still hot you can just add kindling and blow into the fire to light it up again.

This message about the kindling seems to be a minor bug/wrong message.

You don't need any logs, btw, if you only want to warm up your body. Kindling (and rag/paper) is enough.

Only use logs if you need the fire burning for a longer time.

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