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Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

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Certainly guys, just come on TS and apply on our site. With as many people that post on this thread it is really hard to add everyone to steam. Not to mention I have to keep deleting people because my list keeps getting full haha.

Just pop on teamspeak :)

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yea sorry!

The box US 20 is on has been under a 5GB DDOS attack!!! Its crazy! All our servers are uptodate. Our names must have not been changed, changing them now :)


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Infiltrator of our group has been kicked out and is now Shoot on sight, mortalPL. He runs with a guy named Jabes.

May ye have the luck you will need :)

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yea sorry!

The box US 20 is on has been under a 5GB DDOS attack!!! Its crazy! All our servers are uptodate. Our names must have not been changed' date=' changing them now :)



whats the new name? I still cant find it, I really need to get to my tent I was killed on a different server after US20 was missing.. thats my backup shit held in there for emergencies lol

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Don't be shy about hopping on teamspeak. Everybody's helpful and respectful here.

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I've been running with these guys for almost 2 weeks, they are great players to be with and anyone of them are not shy to run 9 clicks across the Zed infested world to save you.

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We're getting our Squad.xlm setup so look out for the hammer and sickle

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Applied, will be visiting the TS3 after dinner. Seems like a good bunch of chaps! ;)

Good Hunting!


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These are the guys that restarted their server (EU 25 now called EU 2 hosted by Vilayer.com & CQF) after I shot the driver out of their Ural and stole it. They didn't bring the server back online until the next day. Pretty cool guys.

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Good for you, Jabes!

Unfortunately for you, the current score is:

CQF: 55

Bandits: 9

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I personally had maybe 9 or so CQF kills. My group of 3 in total had 25-30 kills within a 4 day period. It was a pretty sexy shot and ambush we had set up, too bad you guys had to go and restart the server because you didn't want to lose all your AKs and M4a1's lol.


look familiar?

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Jabes, I wouldn't accuse if you don't know it makes you look foolish. Good on you for killing a bunch of us and for having a friend infiltrate the group. In the long run it has no impact on us.

With a unit that numbers into the 300's its really insignificant.

Though I do appreciate you giving us the excitement for a bit.



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Hey johnny!I would like to be a part of your group since i am getting Dayz today or this wensday.I meet all the requirments ,i am not gona lie though ,i am 14 but not an immature kid.

You could have in trial for some time.Even if you 'll say no i will understand!

Thanks in-advance


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Unfortunately COD4NOOBS, Joker is right. We used to have an underage trial period but it really didn't work well. I apologize, but you need to be a bit older


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signed up at CFQ. AFK at the moment (making dinner). Will be on most of the evening. Looking forward to getting to know other friendly survivors!

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Great group of people to play with, always people on and active.

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