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An Idea that will make this game much more realistic and tactical

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As an expert player in this game who has logged many hours and a harcore realism nut, I am appalled by the fact that the developers made beans the primary food source in this game without including the natural bodily functions that come along with eating beans.

However, I have several ideas that may serve to solve this issue at hand. I propose that all players be given the mandatory task of having to defecate if they had eaten food (and the excrement be given different properties according to what they ate) and a "Urge" meter above their food/water icon which shows their need to "go". The excrement will remain on the spot where it was dropped, and should have the "investigate excrement" option for other players who come across it in their action menu.

This will surely add greatly to the tactical aspect of the game. For one, if a player sh*ts carelessly, his location may be unveiled to investigative players. For example, if another player stumbles across a pile of feces and investigates it and finds out that the feces is fresh and warm, it may alert him to the prescence of another nearby player. Thereby, you must choose your sh*tting location tactically and carefully. You should also be able to assess the material inside the sh*t. If I came across a warm pile of feces ingame, I would investigate it to see if it contains cooked meat. And if it does, that means the player at hand has hunting and cooking materials, making him a priority target for me.

The above are only a few tactical aspects that this idea would add. And to expand upon the idea of the "Urge" meter i mentioned earlier, If a player doesn't go when his/her meter is full, he will start farting spontaniously, thereby lowering the accuracy of his weapons, until he sh*ts his pants which increases the chance of a bacterial infection that requires antibiotics.

For further realism, diet should also be a part of this. For example, if you eat too much beans (or raw meat), you will get diarreah often, an uncontrollable sympton that results in dehydration and lowered accuracy during gun fights. If you only eat cooked meat, then you will be constipated, which requires more time sh*tting, leaving the player stationary and exposed to sniper fire while he sh*ts.

My friend will also suggested that sh*tting in lakes and ponds (water sources) will render the water unsafe for drinking, so that if players go and try to fill up their bottles there, they risk getting an E. coli infection which requires antibiotics to heal. This will add the tactical need for people to inspect and investigate the ponds they use to fill their water bottles at (Though this might be OP as bandits might constantly sh*t in the water).

So these are all my ideas right now to enhance realism as many people complain about the lack of total realism. Couple that with all the tactical aspects that this add (Compromised locations if you don't sh*t tactically enough, revealed inventories, diet management, water source investigation, need to scour for antibiotics, etc.) this is a must add in the next patch.

Feel free to add more ideas.

TL ; DR : suck my nuts.

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Too unrealistic? This a zombie survival game. Nothing is realistic about zombies.

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Too unrealistic? This a zombie survival game. Nothing is realistic about zombies.


It's a MOD that's in ALPHA testing.

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Ive had to urinate/defecat so many times IRL while playing but couldnt go for whatever reason. Seriously, it isnt even funny how bad it has been at times, makes me want to start poopsocking

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if this guy is serious about registering every BM, he should probably play The Sims and let us get back to the game...

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If defecating is finally put in game then we will have even more weapons for griefers to use.You do know that griefers will defecate in every loot pile they come across right??There are bad people in this world who live their lives in DayZ by killing just to kill and now they can shit on every loot spawn,dead body,zombie etc.Do you really want to be in the barns and zooming to see what is across the barn only to see turds everywhere??Think about that before you post these crazy ideas....

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A human can be 7 days without shitting easy if he eats only a little. Fun idea but I don't want it in the game. Also as TOCMasterK said u have to urinate/defecat many times IRL too so that leaves you exposed in the game.

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I think it would be a nice touch that food eventually goes bad. Let's say you have raw meat stocked up somewhere. It would slowly degrade and eventually be unedible. If you ate "bad meat" there would be a chance your guy's stomach gets bad and running speed & aim is affected. It's also realistic ;)

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lol I was perusing the forums and saw a bunch of realism-complaint threads and was about to post something to this effect....

touche you beat me to it

I whole-heartedly second the implementation of ericdude88's defecation proclamation!

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There is already night vision goggles and binoculars... how can this game get any more tactical?

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If this gets added, then it better apply to zombies too. Zombies eat brains all day and never have to poop. If this gets added, then after a zombie takes a few bites off me, it should have to stop chasing me and take a dump, leaving itself open to be shot or giving me time to run away. If you say that zombies don't poop so that wouldn't make sense, then you could also make it so that once a zombie eats too much it starts get bloated and slow, and if it eats even more than that it will eventually rupture it's stomach and die.

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I just have this image of a guy shitting on my corpse.

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If defecating is finally put in game then we will have even more weapons for griefers to use.You do know that griefers will defecate in every loot pile they come across right??

ROFL. You guys are killing me. Seriously. Like they say, it's funny because it's true. This is EXACTLY what would happen. Also, I give the OP 5/10 trolls.

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Bandits will start leaving turds in "tactical" places to grief us even more.Top of ladders,staircases and most likely littered all over open fields so when your crawling to avoid being seen you will have to zig zag?

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Zombies eat brains all day and never have to poop.

cant....stop...laughing....call for...help

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I have heard this suggested many times, but the idea of players all over Cherno sifting through each others shit made me laugh.

Then I read: "Though this might be OP as bandits might constantly sh*t in the water".

Milk is now on my keyboard.

Thank you sir, had a great laugh.

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This is pretty funny. Why not add in a "surprise" factor...when your poopometer is getting full, you void your bowels when startled, the smell of which attracts more zombies until you change pants.

And then, in airbases, you can find cosmonaut diapers to eliminate this problem!


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Its a fairly good idea in thoery, however I play this game to scavenge, survive and kill, not to take dumps in the field :P

Yes, yes, yes I understand IRL hunters, soldiers, etc have to be thoughtful about where and when they poop, but this is just a game :rolleyes:

Mabye urinating would be a better idea?

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