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Scariest Experience in DayZ

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I was in the friendly town we all call Cherno, and I was playing with my friend when we met this guy, he was friendly and didnt kill us but it was full pop in Cherno and no one was there. We made our way to the firestaion when the guy DC'd right outside in the open, at this point my teammate killed the kind man because females thats why then died her self in the same place, so there were two fully geared out the ass bodys next to each other and im there trying to gather the best loot and stop any lucky freshie hitting the jack pot when I see in the corner of my eye the red fire doors close, no foot steps or anything, so I go the 3rd person through the little back door, freaked out a little at this point because I could not see anyone inside and nothing was out side to my knowlage the door right in front of me closes... Shit my self and GTFO. So to the ghost of Cherno or maybe just hacker, I hope you enjoyed it along with the free gear! GG, fun times hacks or not. :P

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My voluptuous asshole vertically ascended upwards and left contact with the chair...


You sir, are a word-smith. 

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i've had many scary experiences in DayZ but my latest one is quite funny,

so i was playing the DayZ Mod with my friend, i was at my Base gearing up etc. i decided to give my friend some food and water, and whilst i put the food on the ground on the corner of my eye i saw 2 players sneaking up towards me trying to get a position on us, i yelled to my friend players! players! and we toke cover and start taking shots at them. it wasn't really scary it was just the most randomist spot to see 2 fully armed players at and it really got our hearts pumping 

Edited by GhostSlayer

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I was in one of those military base and chased by 4 zombies....I was running around the open area and I have this fear I might get shot at by someone else just happened to be in the area...it's a low pop server (6-7) but it's a military base...

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Yesterday I was sitting in a third floor room in Elektro as i had just spawned there. I hear footsteps so I sit behind the door with my gun up. A guy comes in and rummages around for a bit without noticing me and I say "Hello". He almost shat himself. Poor guy. But we ran around for a bit after that.

Edited by Killawife

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A friend and I logged into a full pop server, we were in Elektro, it was night and the streets were littered with camp fires and all you could hear was gun shots ringing off in the distance, it has to be the most intense night I've ever had, truly the definition of apocalyptic

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Glitching through through the nw fire station with an amphibia in your hand and a stack of grenades in your backpack and surviving.......

Odd I know.

The amphibia is crap..... 


Until they made it heli only no one used that gun

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Last night I went and met a friend in Dolina, I was clearing a house when I opened a door upstairs and there was a zombie in the room. No problem, axe out, dealt with it. But when I turned round there was another zombie standing in the doorway and I shit-you-not the fucking door closed. My heart was pumping, I'm standing there like what the fuck just happened? Did that zombie close that door?! I opened it again and sure enough the zombie was still standing there, womp goes the axe and it's down but there is literally not another thing in the room. What the fuck closed that door?!

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always get an adrenaline rush when I see someone. I slightly panic, and it's hard to know what to do. I also get shaky and sweaty. So, pretty much anytime I know someone's around, but I don't know where, that's the scariest thing in DayZ for me.

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Scariest moment for me happened a few days ago when I was a fresh spawn running in the middle of Elektro at night on to the roof of the hospital to loot a fully geared guy my friend had killed (I died on the hill right before my friend shot him and got a lucky spawn at train tracks). There were 5 other guys watching the entrance and I climbed up the side of the building only to find a guy logging out with a hoxton mast right at the top of the ladder. Of course, I killed him and looted both bodies, but it was terrifying when I saw the mask pop out of the darkness at the top of the ladder. Nearly pissed myself I was so scared because I was so tense already.


This was in 1st person too so I didn't see it until I came right over the edge of the roof.

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The amphibia is crap.....

Until they made it heli only no one used that gun

Apparently this was my first heli gun I found at a helicopter crash site no m4 no fnx. But the amphibia has a non degrading suppreser, easy to find ammo, looks bad ass, and has clips easy to find. Have you actually tried to use it takes a while to kill a person but half the time they never know there getting shot at. By the time they know they got shot there dead or still up. Edited by DaNic2553

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Apparently this was my first heli gun I found at a helicopter crash site no m4 no fnx. But the amphibia has a non degrading suppreser, easy to find ammo, looks bad ass, and has clips easy to find. Have you actually tried to use it takes a while to kill a person but half the time they never know there getting shot at. By the time they know they got shot there dead or still up.



I have tried to use it and my exp varies. Given a healthy full geared person could take 5-6 shots of 22 rounds when i tried it out for a week they would normally have time to react and escape or try and evade.


Zombies require headshots or they nail you. The gun kicks like a mother for being a .22 which makes repeated shots difficult unless point blank.


Also requires you to keep one extra ammo type on hand, only holds 10 rounds vs 15 for an fnx, no scope and no stopping power.


Pistol suppressors are quire common and really a non issue to acquire.  

Edited by trev186

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My scariest moment would have to be this:

I finally bought the game for my friend so I wouldn't have to be a lone survivor. So I hopped on my favorite PvE server, showed him the ropes, let him kill a few zombies, no problem. We were looting near the factory plant North of Solnichniy. I was searching the houses near the barn behind the factory, my friend was searching the barn when he suddenly tells me he fell off the stairs and broke his legs. I thought, okay, I can easily get sticks, I have a hatchet and rags to make a split, a couple painkillers to ease the pain. I was well equipped and ready to take on any zombies that would happen upon us. So I went over to a small bush to chop it into sticks, as I'm getting ready to craft the split two zombies just come out of nowhere and attack my beloved ass, forcing me to jump out of my chair and blast my fear into my mic over Skype. Luckily my friend had his Mosin ready and blasted one while I'll picked the other one's brain with my pickaxe. Literally one of the most scary moments ever, they just came out of nowhere and made no groaning or snarling until they attacked my rear.  After that little incident we were on the road again and laughing it off. Aha..gotta love those zombies that want to make your rear-end their 5 o' clock rump roast.

Edited by brandokid25

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I was in a fire fight. Two of them and just me. We had popped off shots at each other but it had suddenly gone silent. I turned my headset up to listen for their steps. Out of nowhere, a god dang chicken strolled up behind me and let out the loudest cocka-doodle-doooo ever. I must of jumped a good foot off my couch

Edited by DroopyDawg

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The mod. First time I logged on.  Spawned in complete darkness at I think Elektro docks. Everytime I switched on my torch you'd get a hopper or crawler pass by, not close enough to react but close enough to be scary as sh*t. I spent 30 minutes lying in a shed, listening to two infected move around outside. Eventually got kiled. Went to make a coffee and got completely unnerved looking out of the kitchen window into the darkness at 03:00 in the morning.

Edited by Jonah_Hobbes

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