Coheed_IV 381 Posted February 11, 2015 I know exactly what it means. But if lots of other alpha games come out and are optimized why can't I hold dayz to the same standards?Yes, let's all hold games certain standards! Now.... Why can't I have a view distance greater than 200 meters in all games, now!If your comparing games you've got to compare everything, BI is working efficiently, it will come when it's time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted February 12, 2015 I just bought myself an i5 quad, 8 gb ram and a gtx570 and so far, on high graphics, the game is running great for me wherever I seem to go. A little drop in the cities but nothing compared to what I was used to on my laptop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeaverProductions 441 Posted February 12, 2015 If I see one more person stating that BI developers are idiots for adding more brooms/hats/items rather than fixing optimization, I may just have to blow my own brains out, live on my YouTube channel. My faith in humanity is being chipped away post by post. We truly are entering into Idiocracy territory. Trying to say that BI should fix optimization NOW is just like trying put your coat/jacket on before you put on your shirt. As Weedz stated above, if you have no idea about game development and more specifically alpha game development, go play a completed game and come back later. Stop making yourself look stupid on forums. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted February 12, 2015 (edited) The game is a early early access, and with early access games there is growing pains. The game works well is some areas but in other areas or corky at best, down right crude and buggy in others. You guys are aware that BETA is like a year out? I am pretty sure thats what I saw anyways. Thats kind of a long time. May as well be patient. Heres how I look at it, a year ago I paid 29 dollars for Dayz SA. Thats what like what it cost me for lunch, or the fancy craft beer I enjoy. I mean not to sound like an ass, but thats not really that much money for a game. The whole time really I have only been somewhat active, sometimes I just dont have time or play other games. I got I think close to 600 hours, thats allot of time for any game. I know of players that have 2000 shit. Even if the game went belly up today, completly went away I still got my moneys worth. Its not pay to win, you buy once. In fact most games I buy I pay 60 bucks for and prob only put 200 hours in at the most. So you cant say there ripping anyone off here. Another thing is in all the interviews with Rocket or Hicks, they were completly honest about pretty much everything with this game. Steam makes it vary clear this is early accesss, its not finished. Pretty much in the past every thing they said was going to happen, up til now happened. They also never said it was going to be prefect. So to me they got a year, if this game is still in the same state is in now 2016, Im writing it off. But Im pretty sure it will be much better. If you dont like what you see now, but like the consept. Just wait and comeback later. Hell when gta5 comes out on pc Im prob going to take a long break. I mean theres only so much you can do in dayz right now before it kind of gets really blan and boring. The thrill of pvp weres off, you been every where on the map, and have met all the people you care to meet. What left is there really. I dont want to get so sick of it I dont want to play anymore this early. Edited February 12, 2015 by CJFlint 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munson_fry (DayZ) 312 Posted February 13, 2015 The game is a early early access, and with early access games there is growing pains. The game works well is some areas but in other areas or corky at best, down right crude and buggy in others. You guys are aware that BETA is like a year out? I am pretty sure thats what I saw anyways. Thats kind of a long time. May as well be patient. Heres how I look at it, a year ago I paid 29 dollars for Dayz SA. Thats what like what it cost me for lunch, or the fancy craft beer I enjoy. I mean not to sound like an ass, but thats not really that much money for a game. The whole time really I have only been somewhat active, sometimes I just dont have time or play other games. I got I think close to 600 hours, thats allot of time for any game. I know of players that have 2000 shit. Even if the game went belly up today, completly went away I still got my moneys worth. Its not pay to win, you buy once. In fact most games I buy I pay 60 bucks for and prob only put 200 hours in at the most. So you cant say there ripping anyone off here. Another thing is in all the interviews with Rocket or Hicks, they were completly honest about pretty much everything with this game. Steam makes it vary clear this is early accesss, its not finished. Pretty much in the past every thing they said was going to happen, up til now happened. They also never said it was going to be prefect. So to me they got a year, if this game is still in the same state is in now 2016, Im writing it off. But Im pretty sure it will be much better. If you dont like what you see now, but like the consept. Just wait and comeback later. Hell when gta5 comes out on pc Im prob going to take a long break. I mean theres only so much you can do in dayz right now before it kind of gets really blan and boring. The thrill of pvp weres off, you been every where on the map, and have met all the people you care to meet. What left is there really. I dont want to get so sick of it I dont want to play anymore this early.i never get bored of day z because im married! aaand i have kidsso time is a rare good ( 330 hours till now )i guess when we go gold ill have about 800 hours and a lot of motivation left. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16190 Posted February 13, 2015 I know exactly what it means. But if lots of other alpha games come out and are optimized why can't I hold dayz to the same standards?Hello there You can try to hold DAYZ up to some arbitrary "standard" but your standard is flawed. You have the right to be annoyed by games not being how you personally want them but that has to stay in your own head lest you show yourself up as being a bit daft. Game development does not work on a standardised production line (Grud forbid it ever does). However, there are gestures to a vague best practice. For example, we call this part of development Alpha. Not strictly everything thats done on to the game will be under the accepted terms of "Alpha". Most games stick to this term as it defines a similar arena of game development common to most games/programs. We could call it the foundation stage or happy whiffle time, but to simplify folks understanding we go with Alpha. Now, what we do in Alpha may not be exactly the same as other games, likewise with Early Access. Some products out there profess to be in Alpha whereas they are really far further down the production than they might wish the end user to realise. TBH you are comparing Apples to V8 Engines it just doesnt work. Here's the word of my Lord and Master Mr Hicks as to "y itemz no optimise" Any development team comprises of different smaller teams. Artists and animators cannot fix engine issues. They make clothes and animations. They can't stop doing that and start assisting programmers. Now, I do understand your Logic, flawed though it is, as in the dim and distant past I to said a very similar thing born out of frustration. But this was way back when that mysteries of game development were known only to a select elite few. Once it was explained to me, I realised how foolish I had been. Dont be like I was. Listen to the advice you have been given. Do a cursory search of the forum you will find all the answers you seek. Rgds LoK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted February 13, 2015 Trying to say that BI should fix optimization NOW is just like trying put your coat/jacket on before you put on your shirt. As Weedz stated above, if you have no idea about game development and more specifically alpha game development, go play a completed game and come back later. Stop making yourself look stupid on forums. No, the issue isn't that they have no idea about game development. The issue is that they have no idea about game development but think they know about game development. Sorry mate but you're going to be disappointed - stupid, lazy people are going to always be around talking about things they know nothing about and then thinking their opinion is worth something because they can log into a web forum and..... oooh :huh: hehehehe ;) 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jex 1104 Posted February 13, 2015 The game is a early early access, and with early access games there is growing pains. The game works well is some areas but in other areas or corky at best, down right crude and buggy in others. You guys are aware that BETA is like a year out? I am pretty sure thats what I saw anyways. Thats kind of a long time. May as well be patient. Heres how I look at it, a year ago I paid 29 dollars for Dayz SA. Thats what like what it cost me for lunch, or the fancy craft beer I enjoy. I mean not to sound like an ass, but thats not really that much money for a game. The whole time really I have only been somewhat active, sometimes I just dont have time or play other games. I got I think close to 600 hours, thats allot of time for any game. I know of players that have 2000 shit. Even if the game went belly up today, completly went away I still got my moneys worth. Its not pay to win, you buy once. In fact most games I buy I pay 60 bucks for and prob only put 200 hours in at the most. So you cant say there ripping anyone off here. Another thing is in all the interviews with Rocket or Hicks, they were completly honest about pretty much everything with this game. Steam makes it vary clear this is early accesss, its not finished. Pretty much in the past every thing they said was going to happen, up til now happened. They also never said it was going to be prefect. So to me they got a year, if this game is still in the same state is in now 2016, Im writing it off. But Im pretty sure it will be much better. If you dont like what you see now, but like the consept. Just wait and comeback later. Hell when gta5 comes out on pc Im prob going to take a long break. I mean theres only so much you can do in dayz right now before it kind of gets really blan and boring. The thrill of pvp weres off, you been every where on the map, and have met all the people you care to meet. What left is there really. I dont want to get so sick of it I dont want to play anymore this early. WTF - ur lunch costs you 29 fucking dollars? I'll do it for 25. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted February 13, 2015 WTF - ur lunch costs you 29 fucking dollars? I'll do it for Honestly that was my max, Greek food only got me 14 yesterday. Half the cost of day z. Ha ha Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CJFlint 357 Posted February 13, 2015 i never get bored of day z because im married! aaand i have kidsso time is a rare good ( 330 hours till now )i guess when we go gold ill have about 800 hours and a lot of motivation left.I only played twice this week, I have been revisiting Skyrim. I'm making like a ultimate mage character. I even have the grey beards out fit lol. Big as wizard beard, hell yeah! My character is un armed and I only relly on magic and shouts. Kind of funny I always play Bethesda were I play it for a while then put it down. I bought Skyrim in 2010 and am now I think 70% complete maybe. I did finish the main story, but there are so many side activities it insane. I want to finish doing my avatar build in day z over the weekend. I got kind board or burnt out last time I played. Just wasn't feeling it. I take breaks when I get that feeling. Just wanted to play something different. Last patch I played way to much. I spent a whole day playing, a couple of times. Its getting to the point were its seeming easy and kind of routine. I spent allot of time figuring out stuff like survivability and so forth. Dos and do not's. Sometimes I think even the players get predictable. I know what they want, I know were they pvp, seen were people gravitate. Military bases and big city's, pds, Baracks is, fire houses, oh....and check the industrial tower and apartments in cherno, that's were the snipers hang out. Then there's the Really many players do the same thing as each other. But there are some that are really unpredictable, cunning those are the ones you gotta look out for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites