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0/30 Players, WAIT FOR HOST

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Hi all,


Have just started playing DayZ in the last week but a few of the regular servers I play on often have no players so when I try to start them all I get is Wait For Host message.


Is there a trick to starting a server?



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Hi all,


Have just started playing DayZ in the last week but a few of the regular servers I play on often have no players so when I try to start them all I get is Wait For Host message.


Is there a trick to starting a server?



The trick is to wait for it to restart. Times like 0900 0800 are bad times and are still in restart. You want times like 08.05 or 09.57 (examples)

Never ever join a server in restart because it may clear your character data.

Better wait till 1-4 people have joined.

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My resident private server has crashed a bunch of times for full cycles- (two hours or more) you can often tell if your history and Internet lists show them at the same time but different numbers of people. If (in addition to that) you wait two minutes and the time doesn't change with a refresh it's probably crashed.

Edited by ENO75

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It's Wednesday. Every Wednesday there is server maintenance, in which they check the hardware and clear the servers amongst other things. This is what your experiencing currently.


EDIT: Oops, just read your post again.


Sometimes (mostly persistent servers) just crash. Jump off, and rejoin a different server.

Edited by Alldaypk

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Battle eye should have notified you dozens of times in the last couple days about the Wednesday server maintenance window, in which all servers are unavailable.

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So any server that has 0/30 etc is restarting? Surely there are some servers that are ready to use that are just empty?

I understand the server restarting issues but I don't think this is related to not being able to join empty servers.

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So any server that has 0/30 etc is restarting? Surely there are some servers that are ready to use that are just empty?

I understand the server restarting issues but I don't think this is related to not being able to join empty servers.


The same thing has happened to me since the very beginning, for whatever reason sometimes you just can't join servers with 0 people on it. It sorts itself out eventually so if you really want to play without worrying about players just join one with only a few people on it, if by some huge coincidence you do run into one of the few people on they will more than likely just want to avoid you and go on their way as they are there for pretty much the same reason you are.

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So any server that has 0/30 etc is restarting? Surely there are some servers that are ready to use that are just empty?

I understand the server restarting issues but I don't think this is related to not being able to join empty servers.


The same thing has happened to me since the very beginning, for whatever reason sometimes you just can't join servers with 0 people on it. It sorts itself out eventually so if you really want to play without worrying about players just join one with only a few people on it, if by some huge coincidence you do run into one of the few people on they will more than likely just want to avoid you and go on their way as they are there for pretty much the same reason you are.

Have you guys actually read my post? Geez...

Server times!! Look at the times.

If its a round number like 0800 its in restart/down.

08.05 is generally oke to join. Still id advise to join servers with at least 2/3 playing so you know its running normally.

(But yes you may actually run into that ONE other person on the map who ruins what you came to do ;) no innuendos ;)

If waiting for host stays longer then 20-30 seconds its usually no good.

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Have you guys actually read my post? Geez...

Server times!! Look at the times.

If its a round number like 0800 its in restart/down.

08.05 is generally oke to join. Still id advise to join servers with at least 2/3 playing so you know its running normally.

(But yes you may actually run into that ONE other person on the map who ruins what you came to do ;) no innuendos ;)

If waiting for host stays longer then 20-30 seconds its usually no good.


Nobody is paying attention to you because you keep hammering that point when its not what the problem is. I have the same issue as this guy where I sometimes can't join ANY servers with 0 players while populated servers remain unaffected, it has nothing to do with server restarts or server times and seems to happen randomly or after I leave another server. I can get a clanmate to join an empty server I can't, then I am able to join after that. I can continuously try to rejoin for much longer than a server restart... same thing happens until someone else joins.


Ever sit and watch a favorited server sit at 0 players for a long while, then after you join all the sudden others start joining? I would venture to guess those people are having the same issue and looking for 1 player servers to hop on to.

Edited by Chzy

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