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Should I buy Arma II for Dayz mod or Dayz Standalone?

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If Arma II --> should I get Combined or Complete?

I do think that the Standalone has potential, but I think it would be boring to play at its current phase due to lack of items etc. But I would like to know so I can make a purchase soon.

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You should buy arma 2 for ACE mod.


However I doubt there are that many active servers still playing it.

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If Arma II --> should I get Combined or Complete?

I do think that the Standalone has potential, but I think it would be boring to play at its current phase due to lack of items etc. But I would like to know so I can make a purchase soon.

I never played the mod so I cant to you how they are different. But Having played the SA for over 1000hrs I can to you I love it. I dont have a top end comp and it still runs fine.

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If Arma II --> should I get Combined or Complete?

I do think that the Standalone has potential, but I think it would be boring to play at its current phase due to lack of items etc. But I would like to know so I can make a purchase soon.


In my opinnion, only buy Arma if you intend to play other things then DayZ mod aswell. Arma is an amazing game and the possibilities in there, are near endless.

If you fell in love with DayZ and you dont want to play other Arma mods/missions, invest in the standalone.


You are right that right now, the standalone's gameplay is limited, compared to the mod, but in the end, the standalone will be a whole other beast, much more complex and complete, as a game, then the mod could ever hope to be.


The mod is also still in alpha stage and it will never go beyond that, updates are extremly slow, because its run by community developers, who update the game for free.


I hope you can use my opinnion to something mate :) Best of luck.

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i didnt like the mod at all, but really enjoy standalone... dont waste your time on the mod in my opinion.

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Besides the lack of vehicles/long term persistence the SA actually arguably has more content at this point than the mod (it definitely has more items).  At least, since the last time I played the mod any ways (not talking mods of the mod).  Of course, vehicles and persistence are pretty big.  But they're both implemented in a very basic state already.

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I prefer DayZ standalone. And if you would like to do some ArmA, then i would recommend buying ArmA 3 as well :)

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Buy the Standalone and just wait till Arma2 Combined Operations goes on sale for $ 3.99 , like it usually does every 2-3 months. Then you can have both.

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The mod all the way. Someday SA will take over....but that day is not today

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