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The Master Outdoorsman Club

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When the final version comes, we can think of a wiki with all the details of survival tested - average yields of plants, spawning areas of animals, how much meat per knife condition, this kind of stuff.


Also, I think it would be funny to gather a few lone wolves one day for a big barbecue with all kinds of meat and veggies.Especially as hopefully new features will be added.


As for overhaul of animal behaviour - it seems quite obvious that current animals serve really just as placeholders, even poorer than zeds. With a ranged weapon the effort is zero. Any kind of improvement is much welcome. And wolves and bears - are they coming our way in .53? Sweet. I can't help but wonder how a fistfight with a bear will look like. ;)

Hmm. I feel like a full-on wiki would be unnecessary (since we have a wiki already), but a standalone (no pun intended) guide specific to survival and living off the land would definitely be of use to people I think. Let's talk again in a month or two and see where hunting & cooking are at. :)


I would suggest that we all play on the same server. Interactions with friendly outdoorsman would be cool but as soon as the population starts rising more and more people join. 

I would support the idea of a PvE server for outdoorsmen.

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I didn't mean a separate wiki, just a thorough research and expansion of entries we have now. However, I believe we'll have to wait until at least alpha as previous info gets obsolete very quickly. Once I used to ask myself a lot of questions like whether a splitting axe is more resilient to chopping than a firefighter axe (I didn't notice any difference) or if various trees need different numbers of chops (appletree goes down quicker but yields less firewood), now you can make a full-blown fireplace without either an axe or pickaxe. So I guess we have to wait and for now treat research results as temporary.

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I didn't mean a separate wiki, just a thorough research and expansion of entries we have now. However, I believe we'll have to wait until at least alpha as previous info gets obsolete very quickly. Once I used to ask myself a lot of questions like whether a splitting axe is more resilient to chopping than a firefighter axe (I didn't notice any difference) or if various trees need different numbers of chops (appletree goes down quicker but yields less firewood), now you can make a full-blown fireplace without either an axe or pickaxe. So I guess we have to wait and for now treat research results as temporary.

I'm thinking something along the lines of my Guide to Screenshots or this medical guide used by the RRF, but in a format that suits the subject material (which there will obviously be a LOT of). I'm also always in favor of adding to the wiki as well, which I try to do from time to time as I learn new things and as things get added or change.



EDIT: While I'm at it, question for you: where have you had luck finding domestic pigs? I can't for the life of me remember where I killed mine. I have screenshots, but they're all looking at the ground and don't provide any context for me to figure out where I was :p

Edited by Tatanko

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They definitely spawn sometimes in Msta, at the usual place with goats and chickens, although I believe they are less common than goats. I'm sure I've seen swine in other locations, but can't recall it right now. Will let you know if I ever run into one. They're sure rare, I've seen only a couple.


FYI: they drop Boar steaks but also a Pig pelt which can't be used to craft a backpack.

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They definitely spawn sometimes in Msta, at the usual place with goats and chickens, although I believe they are less common than goats. I'm sure I've seen swine in other locations, but can't recall it right now. Will let you know if I ever run into one. They're sure rare, I've seen only a couple.


FYI: they drop Boar steaks but also a Pig pelt which can't be used to craft a backpack.

Thanks for the tip. I'm thinking Msta is where I got one as well, but for some reason I'm picturing somewhere else in my head. Oh well, that's where I'll be looking this evening. I'd like to track another down for exactly the reason you mentioned in your "FYI" -- they drop boar steaks. I wanted to try and kill several to confirm it for myself since drops can be a little variable.


I'm trying to confirm either the existence or non-existence of pork legs in the game. So far as I can tell, they've never been in the game; the only reference I can find is the February dev blog video that Dean made about a year ago. In that video, they used the same model that we now see for rabbit legs... but I don't think I've ever seen a pork leg drop from either a boar or pig.

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I killed at least 3-4 pigs and there never was a pork leg around, I'm sure of that.


I hear cooking tripods will be usable in .53, too. Seems like a good update for us mowglis.

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I killed at least 3-4 pigs and there never was a pork leg around, I'm sure of that.


I hear cooking tripods will be usable in .53, too. Seems like a good update for us mowglis.

Indeed. I just made some significant "updates" to the Wildlife section of the wiki thanks to our discussion and all the hunting I've been doing the last few days. Still have some hunting left to do for science, though :)

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i didn't know you run that section, cool! Let me know if you want to research anything specific. I read your thread about salmonellosis and was going to reply to that. What was the name in "Fallout 3"? I think it was the Wasteland Survival Guide. Yep, I'm up for doing something similar. ;)


One note - I'm quite sure that right now all kinds of animals drop a pile of guts, Ii this update I got them all sans chicken. Even trapped sardines yield a small pile (like rabbits, carp and I imagine chicken; bigger animals drop the normal one).

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Now go rub some sticks together while you all think about how awesome I am at outdoors-y stuff

Edited by DeatHTaX

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i didn't know you run that section, cool! Let me know if you want to research anything specific. I read your thread about salmonellosis and was going to reply to that. What was the name in "Fallout 3"? I think it was the Wasteland Survival Guide. Yep, I'm up for doing something similar. ;)


One note - I'm quite sure that right now all kinds of animals drop a pile of guts, Ii this update I got them all sans chicken. Even trapped sardines yield a small pile (like rabbits, carp and I imagine chicken; bigger animals drop the normal one).

Oh I don't "run" any section. It's a wiki, it's for anyone to edit :) Those of us who are heavy contributors tend to stick to areas of specialty though; mine happens to be the map/environment but the wildlife and vegetation sections are in need of improvement (due to both updates to the game and a lack of attention), so I've decided to focus on that area since I've already done so much with "locations." The Wasteland Survival Guide is exactly what I had in mind!


Yes, I'm pretty sure you get guts from everything right now. I'm not sure if it's 100% of the time, but I've gotten them from everything I've hunted in 0.52 so far, even chickens. I don't have anything in mind to research just yet, but I'll let you know. For now, you should check out the wiki (dayz.gamepedia.com) and see if there's anything you could contribute :)





Now go rub some sticks together while you all think about how awesome I am at outdoors-y stuff

We bow to you, sir :p

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Yarhh, same here! Managed to corner the deer by some bushes. The next iteration of the animal AI will most likely prevent me from doing so again though.

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Yes, I'm pretty sure you get guts from everything right now. I'm not sure if it's 100% of the time, but I've gotten them from everything I've hunted in 0.52 so far, even chickens. I don't have anything in mind to research just yet, but I'll let you know. For now, you should check out the wiki (dayz.gamepedia.com) and see if there's anything you could contribute :)



I used that wiki a lot, but now several sections needs updates, most notably 'Cooking', which dates back to 0.48 (firewood) and omits other crucial information (gas stoves bugged, fireplaces and stoves give 5 not 6 slots, etc.).


I'm not a native speaker of english so my contribution would still require some sort of editing by one. Also, we can wait with updating that section until tripods are implemented. Nevertheless, when I get some free time I'll try to do some basic research.

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I used that wiki a lot, but now several sections needs updates, most notably 'Cooking', which dates back to 0.48 (firewood) and omits other crucial information (gas stoves bugged, fireplaces and stoves give 5 not 6 slots, etc.).


I'm not a native speaker of english so my contribution would still require some sort of editing by one. Also, we can wait with updating that section until tripods are implemented. Nevertheless, when I get some free time I'll try to do some basic research.

Cooking is on my list to improve, but given everything that may be changing in 0.53 I decided to hold off. Feel free to PM me with suggestions if you don't feel comfortable editing yourself :)

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I'll let you know. As for 0.53 - I'm watching yt videos from the exp and it doesn't look like wolves and bears are there, only new AI. Not a very happy bunny. :(

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My friend and I once went family style on a wild pig. We only had hatchets and were starving, so we used teamwork to herd the pig towards each other. This was prior to the new AI  though...

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I chased a chicken with a bow and arrow for about 5 minutes. Tricky little f**kers to kill with that weapon!


Edit: If people are adding to this thread, to be the "true" master outdoorsman surely it's all got to be arrow kills.


bare fists only brah

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I'll let you know. As for 0.53 - I'm watching yt videos from the exp and it doesn't look like wolves and bears are there, only new AI. Not a very happy bunny. :(

There is still time for 0.53 to blossom into something fuller, don't worry.


My friend and I once went family style on a wild pig. We only had hatchets and were starving, so we used teamwork to herd the pig towards each other. This was prior to the new AI  though...

Yeah, I imagine that would be pretty difficult with the new AI. Even if you could corner them, the animals at present have a tendency to clip through buildings and fences so they could probably escape pretty easily even with strategy at your side.

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i yet have to find carps, sardines and a chicken to kill, will be hard for me since i pretty much only hunt animals with my trustworthy silent axe :D i made that mistake once travelling with my mate somewhere inlands, we saw a glorius deer at the far edge of a hill, nearly 500m away, it looked amazing, if i can find it ill provide a screenshot, i was sort of new to the game and decided to test my sniper skills. 1 dead deer later, out of nowhere we were surrounded by 4 guys, they killed my mate before i went unconcious, soon as i woke up i was handcuffed, 15m infront of me the 4 guys lined up, and a handgrenade next to my feet, without the pin.


thats the last time i ever shot an animal in dayz.




i managed to find the ss on my friends cloud:

cant post the image, says its too big.





how do u catch animals with an axe?

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how do u catch animals with an axe?

thats what my friends keep asking me :D only one of my mates did it so far, you basically need a bit luck, dont think it will be possible after the new animal AI,

sneak up on them from behind and wait for the right moment, but dont bother you only have 1 try, after it ran away once its pretty much impossible, you sneak (crouch) like about 3m on them,

stand up run towards it and axe it fast, you can hit them twice before they recognize you.

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I better get some animal melee kills in now before 0.53 hits Stable :)

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What is new with animal AI?

So far, it seems they are more aware. It's significantly harder to sneak up on an animal now, and if you do chances are you won't actually be all that close.

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I decided to try using rabbit snares a few different places on Skalisty Island just to confirm for sure that it wasn't possible to catch anything. Sadly, I was correct :( This means there are no animals of any kind on the island, not even magically-appearing trapped rabbits.

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I decided to try using rabbit snares a few different places on Skalisty Island just to confirm for sure that it wasn't possible to catch anything. Sadly, I was correct :( This means there are no animals of any kind on the island, not even magically-appearing trapped rabbits.


Well I mean it makes sense...have you ever seen a rabbit swim? I haven't...


hold on, googling that now.









Edited by DeatHTaX
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