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Basebuilding questions

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Hello, everyone and Happy New Year

Will basebuilding allow us to form barriers for doorways that don't have working doors?

I ask because for example, there are those really tall apartment buildings that don't have working doors. They just have open doors that you can't interact with at all. It would be nice to be able to board up those kind of apartments.

I'm worried that if basebuilding is coded to where you can only reinforce working doors, and we can't just build our own barriers on any flat surface.... then we are pretty fucked and won't be able to use half of the buildings.

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They will probably add movable barricades and traps. You could place traps on every floor of an apartment building all the way to the top. Then build your safehouse on the top floor. IMO they should make it like in The Castle Doctrine and make traps circumvent-able if you are super careful and observant.

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The search function is your friend..




My post from that thread..



Barricading is probably the level it will go to just now. So putting planks (or metal if it's introduced) over doors and windows of existing buildings to provide a level of cover and protection.


The question of course would be just how secure is that? We have crowbars in the game and I can assure you no amount of nails, wood and/or metal will stop a determined person with a crowbar (at least in real life anyway).


I would like to see some way of creating bases, but I appreciate Caboose's dislike of Epoch, and while I actually like Epoch I can see how it becomes more of a resource management game than a survival one.


The things I think that need to be introduced (or current items used) to make base building/barricading possible are:

  • Wooden planks - presumably from cutting down trees, perhaps the introduction of a wood saw similar but larger to the hacksaw.
  • Metal sheeting - if you could salvage this from the existing sheds this would be nice, but other than that sheets of corrugated iron would be the thing.
  • Sand bags - we have all the things necessary for this, imo, as we have a spade and a burlap sack. Individual sand bags might be a bit of a faff though, so some way to group them would be nice.
  • Razor/Barbed wire - I am guessing this would need to be a loot item as I can't see how to craft it. Ideally you would need to find specialised gloves to deploy, remove it, and to remove it you would also need pliers. The gloves aspect is important as, like real life, you should be able to steal other's wire but only if you are equipped correctly (gloves/pliers). Touching wire without gloves would cause you to bleed.
  • Nails - pretty straight forward. To be used for nailing wood to other wood or perhaps covering doors/windows of existing buildings. Nails however would offer little protection to a crowbar.
  • Bolts - these would be used for combining the metal sheeting, to use them you would need to have the wrench. Bolt would also offer much more protection to a crowbar.
  • Lockable storage - ultimately you need something that can store your valuables. Like an ammo box or protector case but with the ability to lock it. Ideally a little bigger but not to the extent you can keep large weapons in it.

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Yes I think they will make it as real as possible, dean hall mentioned that he liked the dead lingers barricading system (albeit still extremely WIP, the barricading system is exactly as described above , a free form board and nail style barricading).

I think that would be a no brainier , so this way people with crowbars or sledge hammers (or chainsaws if it's just wood) can spend some time to bust down barricades they find around chernarus, and when zombies receive their new Ai (hopefully this month ? :) ) they will attalck the barricades making for a crazy ass time .. Can't wait for barricading to become more robust and hordes , I want to record my characters slow demise due to the increasing horde surrounding me, inside of the conveinance store all boarded up or maybe the three floor school with the gun spawn :) .

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I wouldn't worry about any of that yet, its years away.its been over a year and still working on the most basic fundamentals. .its coming, just not this year.

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