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Spectator (DayZ)

New Player, 20 hours in, I'm decently geared, now what?

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get in as many conversations you can. from my experience less than  half of encounters ended up with someone dead. learn to communicate with other survivors without making them feel threatened and without exposing yourself for an easy kill.  I think being able to interact with players without ending it in a bloodshed is defenately one of the best skills you can conquer in this game, unless you're all about KOSing.


with 30 hrs ingame you couldnt explore the whole map at all. Also, from my experience, if you havent played any arma games before SA, id say the game requires quite a bit of "eye training". After you will be running the woods for some xxx hrs, you can be sure you will notice every pixel that doesnt belong there.


Go check all the easter eggs (statue, pyramide sign, blairwitch reference, naked dude etc).

Check all the military installations (could take you a few lifes).

Check the shipwreck just outside berezino towards svetlo.

Wildlife(from tuna&rabbit to goats,chickens & boars)

ponds (did you know a few updates ago, we had all the pipes bugged out, not working?)

crafting/planting...so much stuff

try every gun in game

try every melee

snipe zombies from 800m+

fist fight zombies untill you get the melee system and you can knock them out with one punch most of the time.without getting hit ofcrs.

try drinking alcohol

try puking it all out

try desinfectant

no,pls,dont try desinfectant

Get a truck, drive around cherno with ice cream van melody playing

Search for trucks, helicrashes. memmorise locations, make your own fastest route.

fill a mountainbackpack with glowsticks and light up a city & droll at the pretty lights

train zombies like its a MMORPG

Get yourself a Brian teddy before it's too late.

Make a party in cherno untill a group of armed guys KOS you all.


already mastered it all? get a gillie & bow, go back down to the beach, protect newspawns, robin hood style.

get a longsowrd and go konnan on their asses.


the sky is the limit

Edited by halp
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get in as many conversations you can. from my experience less than half of encounters ended up with someone dead. learn to communicate with other survivors without making them feel threatened and without exposing yourself for an easy kill. I think being able to interact with players without ending it in a bloodshed is defenately one of the best skills you can conquer in this game, unless you're all about KOSing.

with 30 hrs ingame you couldnt explore the whole map at all. Also, from my experience, if you havent played any arma games before SA, id say the game requires quite a bit of "eye training". After you will be running the woods for some xxx hrs, you can be sure you will notice every pixel that doesnt belong there.

Go check all the easter eggs (statue, pyramide sign, blairwitch reference, naked dude etc).

Check all the military installations (could take you a few lifes).

Check the shipwreck just outside berezino towards svetlo.

Wildlife(from tuna&rabbit to goats,chickens & boars)

ponds (did you know a few updates ago, we had all the pipes bugged out, not working?)

crafting/planting...so much stuff

try every gun in game

try every melee

snipe zombies from 800m+

fist fight zombies untill you get the melee system and you can knock them out with one punch most of the time.without getting hit ofcrs.

try drinking alcohol

try puking it all out

try desinfectant

no,pls,dont try desinfectant

Get a truck, drive around cherno with ice cream van melody playing

Search for trucks, helicrashes. memmorise locations, make your own fastest route.

fill a mountainbackpack with glowsticks and light up a city & droll at the pretty lights

train zombies like its a MMORPG

Get yourself a Brian teddy before it's too late.

Make a party in cherno untill a group of armed guys KOS you all.

already mastered it all? get a gillie & bow, go back down to the beach, protect newspawns, robin hood style.

get a longsowrd and go konnan on their asses.


the sky is the limit

First game ever: fell in shipwreck at berezino, broke leg, died.

Second game ever: accidentally drank disenfectant, died.

Last night was a slight breakthrough in that I interacted with a pc and we didn't end up attacking each other. He wouldn't talk to me though and went on his way.

These are all good suggestions, but one question: 'train zombies?' Wtf. I didn't know you could. Last night I got attacked by a zombie soon after spawning, was able to lock them in a room after leading it in, not die. That was good, but training them?

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These are all good suggestions, but one question: 'train zombies?' Wtf. I didn't know you could. Last night I got attacked by a zombie soon after spawning, was able to lock them in a room after leading it in, not die. That was good, but training them?

Sorry :) By training zeds(mobs) i ment aggroing entire place of zombies in order to follow you. I find churches huge enough to lock in entire city population of zeds.From my observation, they start glitching thru walls drastically at 7+ zeds so it takes allot of retries. Bonus points if someone fires at you; run/lure them back to church and open up the doors. Zombies love gunshots.

Edited by halp
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Sorry :) By training zeds(mobs) i ment aggroing entire place of zombies in order to follow you. I find churches huge enough to lock in entire city population of zeds.From my observation, they start glitching thru walls drastically at 7+ zeds so it takes allot of retries. Bonus points if someone fires at you; run/lure them back to church and open up the doors. Zombies love gunshots.

Wow that sounds great, I have to try that. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I like to pick a random yard in some town and yell at people to "stay the F* offa my lawn and NO you can't have your damn ball back!"


It's more fun if you have a friend on a rooftop somewhere just in case. ;)


Hahaha I love this, get a rocker set out on the porch and yell "when I was your age we ran uphill both ways to the NWAF...in the snow!"

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Find a group of friends, some handcuffs, a burlap sack and start putting some faces in the dirt. You can do it solo, but against one person you won't run into too many people that won't simply come at you regardless with whatever they have, be it fists or a firearm. When you have a group, people are much more likely to drop their weapon and put their hands up.


Alternatively, you can try to be friendly to random people or help them but you will be lucky to get very far with this before someone shoots you when your back is turned. Heroes only exist here on the forums, as soon as they start up the game they go right back to kos.

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I think now is the time for you to figure out who you want to be in game.


Try killing some people. See how you feel. If you feel exhillerated and excited, maybe you're a bandit. Play from there. Get a sniper, find a nice, covered spot and start sniping and killing people. Not the most honorable role, but you'll be enhancing (and destroying) others' experiences with the constant fear that somebody might just pop them in the head at any moment.


Try helping some freshies. Maybe you could be a hero. If you enjoy killing people, but also enjoy helping, you could target bandits and make it your goal to protect all fresh spawns (and gear them up when possible). Offer people food, meds, clothes and protection. Keep on your toes. Don't let people catch you off guard. When it comes down to it, even a hero who helped you ten minutes ago can be the perfect prey to push yourself up that ladder.


Maybe you're a mountain man. Go up north, preferably west. Look around, learn the map, pick a town and find a place nearby to stash loot. Collect loot in said stash (keep it in backpacks) and start farming, hunting and exploring. There's a lot of cool, secret stuff up north (try and find the dungeon full of bodies. That's all I'll tell you). If you enjoy this playstyle, you'll probably want to be as stealthy as possible. Keep to the smaller towns whenever possible - there's less people there. But always be alert. Always be ready. Today might be the day that somebody else is passing through Sinistok.


Finally, of the mainstream playstyles, there's the medic. Maybe you like helping people and just don't enjoy killing. Get yourself nicely geared, preferably in the best civilian loot and fill your backpack with medical supplies. You can have a gun, but it's advisable to keep to things you can hide in your inventory (sawn-off shotgun, sawn-off mosin, pistols, SMG's). Run around and help people you find. Look on Reddit and find people in need of help. Always be wary though. This is, potentially, the most dangerous playstyle (while Heroes might be targeted by the groups of bandits they killed, they are generally very good at PvP and can handle most stuff).


Or figure out your own, unique playstyle. Maybe you want to roleplay. You could be a preacher priest. You might be a mountain man who, every now and then, runs in to the towns to massacre people (whether for the good of humanity, killing bandits, or for the detriment - killing anybody you see). You might be a zombie hunter who only kills zombies. You might be a creepy stalker, following people on nighttime servers in nothing but a coat, cargo pants and a payday mask. Maybe you're an ex-convict who has religious convictions that prevent you from killing, so you hold people up, handcuff them and take their loot... But only what you need. Maybe you're a deranged maniac who chases people around with an axe, screaming down direct, only to knock them out, force feed them disinfectant and flee into the night.


This game, as it currently is, doesn't have much of an endgame. So, either kill your character and start again, or go and create an endgame for yourself. Over the coming months, Zombies and Animals are getting smarter and new additions should create more of an end game. Until then, you're alone. Or not. Maybe find a group who play in whatever playstyle you like the most.


Personally, I'm an opportunist. I like to play nice as much as I can and do, occasionally, go into cities with the specific task of purging them of bandits, but generally, I'll be more of a mountain man. If I'm out in the wilderness alone and see somebody, I'll probably kill them and take their stuff (or, if I really catch them off guard, just knock them out, handcuff them and steal some of their stuff. I don't really like killing people for no reason). I like to test things out (hunting, farming, cooking, crafting, etc), which provides me with a lot of content. A week ago, I dropped all of my guns at my stash and made myself a bow and a tonne of arrows. I spent four days using only these to see how well they worked and improve my skills in game. That kind of thing.

Edited by Beizs

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I apologize if this thread is redundant or rambly, I'm just new to Dayz SA (20 hours in, didn't play mod) and have several questions:

So I have enough gear to survive zombie encounters and stay alive against the elements, but I'm avoiding pvp encounters because I haven't survived one yet. I've had people tell me they're friendly only to kill me first chance.

So, what do I do now? Do I just need to head to bases or crash sites for military gear, to survive these encounters? Is the point to gear up and pvp, or just survive the longest?

Also, it seems like this game would be much more fun in groups, without posting in a recruitment thread how do I join groups/find players I can trust?

Also, dammit sorry, I've heard that server jumping is a mortal sin but I can't seem to find a stable server I want to stay in, either because its buggy, unpopulated, or full. I'm on the west coast of NA, any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.



I'd suggest parking your public character and finding yourself a decent Private Hive to play on. Each private hive gives you a new character, so you can have as many different characters as there are private hive servers near you. Some are locked or whitelisted, but many are completely open. The key benefit of a private hive is there is no server hopping at all, so people can only gear up based on what they can find on that server. Nobody can ghost in unless the hive has several servers connected to it. Generally there are a lot less hackers on private hives as the admins have more powers to kick and ban. I've not logged into my public hive character in months.


Post on the forums to find people to play, and give people a chance in game. Not everyone will kill you. Don't start conversations with, "Are you friendly etc". Just go with something like, "Hey Buddy, how's it going? Where are you from? California? Cool, I'm from X. You need anything?". You need to have a headset and be able to talk in game. People rarely respond well to text chat.


Essentially you need to build a connection with someone (being from the same country/state helps with this) and show that you're a real person like them, not just an avatar in a video game they can kill. It's easy to make friends in DayZ if you go about it in the right way. You have to accept though that sometimes you'll end up handcuffed, naked and being force fed human flesh. That's DayZ.


If you log into a server that gives it's teamspeak channel in the motd, then connect and chat.


Good luck.

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there is no real endgame. it's pretty much gear up, die, repeat. this may sound boring but with every character the experience can be totally different depending on the loot you find and the people you meet

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