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Whats with the lag?

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Hello my computer specs are crazy good. I have : 

Processor : Intel core i7

Processor Speed 1.8GHz (with Turbo Boost up to 3.0GH)

Graphics card : Nvidia Geforce 745m


I'm very pissed of like seriously? I can play battlefield at 60 FPS on High grapics and I struggle to get more then 10 frames on Dayz standalone USING EVERYTHING ON SUPER LOW. This is horse shit. Also tried everything on youtube. doesnt work and makes the game look like shit. Also no game boosters work.


Other random problem I have is I logged in today into a super high pop server, I logged in and boom I was dead? My screen was on "please wait" then it was on "you are dead" Like just great. There goes my M16 fully loaded. Never died once in this game intill now. just wow. I would like to know if a admin or someone can Restore my items cause this is super not fair.  I KNOW THIS GAME IS IN ALPHA BUT YOU CAN FIX SUPER BIG PROBLEMS LIKE THESE. WE ARE HALF WAY THOUGH ALPHA. I'm truly update. I wish I knew how to use torrents. THIS GAME IS NOT WORTH MORE THEN $10.

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 There goes my M16 fully loaded.


 There goes my M16 





Most offensive part of the entire post.

Edited by Geckofrog7
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Woooow oh dude that's super unlucky. Hmm. Let's see if we can get you gea... No hold on a second. SHIT HAPPENS. It's a game in alpha state. The devs are working there ass of for people like you and me so we can have an awesome gaming experience. Have some respect. And also if you didn't notice. In the description of the game in steam it literally says don't buy this game. Also "UNLESS YOU WANT TO ACTIVALY SUPPORT DEVELOPMENT OF THE GAME"

Please read the whole description here: http://steamcommunity.com/app/221100?l=english

And also read the message when you launch the game. The one where you press "I understand".

Have a nice day

Edited by MrCactusMan
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This is what happens when you grant alpha access to the entire world. 


There isn't a facepalm large enough for this thread.

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 I would like to know if a admin or someone can Restore my items cause this is super not fair.  I KNOW THIS GAME IS IN ALPHA BUT YOU CAN FIX SUPER BIG PROBLEMS LIKE THESE. WE ARE HALF WAY THOUGH ALPHA. I'm truly update. I wish I knew how to use torrents. THIS GAME IS NOT WORTH MORE THEN $10.

"DayZ Giveth and Dayz Taketh Away". Has always been the way.......

Please use the SEARCH FUNCTION


There you will find all your questions will be answered, as well as a million posts Exactly the SAME as this one

What Bubbles said.

This is what happens when you grant alpha access to the entire world. 


There isn't a facepalm large enough for this thread.

But there are some funny ones.....



Edited by B@ker

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You obviously simply don't understand how it's working.

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