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POLL: How happy are you with the buildings and map?
ColonelBurton, in General Discussion
Player poll on contentment with available buildings and map
92 members have voted
1. How happy are you with the Chernarous map in general, layout, travel, roads, hills, towns etc.?
Chernarous is the best map I've ventured in any fps or tps game!! Ever!!!5
It is pretty good, but some improvement wouldn't be a bad thing.62
It is pretty mediocre. It would be good if the devs worked harder on it.11
I think it's pretty bad. It serves its' purpose but it's pretty damn repetitive.11
Chernarous sucks. The map needs hard work and major improvements0
Two words: COMPLETE... OVERHAUL...3
2. More focused on the buildings available in general, how content are you?
All the little huts create amazing ambience and there are sooo many cool special buildings on the map.2
It's pretty good, but a few more unique buildings would be appreciated, like Rify or the town hall.42
It's mediocre. Sure, the huts are nice. But we need some more variety.21
They're pretty boring and repetitive. We need a lot more variety!18
It sucks. We need at least twice as much variety in buildings6
Two words: COMPLETE... OVERHAUL...3
3. What buildings, if any, would you like to see added to Chernarous?
Large multi-storey car-park31
A small system of sewers or tunnels62
A large shopping centre like the super-duper-mart in Fallout 349
A decent sports stadium, able to accomodate, say, 10.000 people33
A large prison complex that actually looks like it can hold a lot of inmates55
Two highways crossing with an intersection along with underpasses19
A large bridge with a dual carriageway or two levels (e.g. one for trains)18
A military seaport with an explorable destroyer wreck37
A nuclear missile silo31
A derelict old coastal bunker / pillbox from the second World War40
A non-derelict, well maintained castle16
A more noble, fenced off community for Chernarous upper middle class36