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What causes Desync?

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I joined a lot of server having a very decent ping, but still having desync, I was wondering what causes Desync, is it my connection or the server itself?

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I joined a lot of server having a very decent ping, but still having desync, I was wondering what causes Desync, is it my connection or the server itself?

It has not as much to do with your connection as it does the server. If you have really fast, good internet then Desync is really just the luck of the draw. If you have it then oh well, it will go away in the next few minutes. That's at least the case with me; after around 5 or so minutes my Desync goes back to 0

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Wondering too if it can happen if someone else joins the server with poor ping... since their server related information would be transmitted back and forth at a slower rate. The few times I've had it it seems to resolve itself within about 30 seconds- at least as far as I notice it in game. If I look into my stats (p) then sometimes the desync will still lag a bit longer but not by much. 

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Desynce is dependent on your internet speed if I'm correct. But I'm not expert on that stuff. Like say if your internet has a downspike of speed then you get desync or if your internet is having a bad day and is slow you get desync atleast in my experiences. But I could be wrong

Edited by xImFriendly

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Wondering too if it can happen if someone else joins the server with poor ping... since their server related information would be transmitted back and forth at a slower rate. The few times I've had it it seems to resolve itself within about 30 seconds- at least as far as I notice it in game. If I look into my stats (p) then sometimes the desync will still lag a bit longer but not by much. 

If someone else joins a server with a high (poor) ping on their end, then it will ultimately increase their Desync. If they are running around Cherno while Desynced, then that means that others will 'faze' around for them, because the connection between players isn't good. So if someone has a high Desync then in almost EVERY SINGLE situation, you will have the upper hand; because they will be shooting behind you, because that's where it shows you are on their end. Now don't get me wrong, if they have a bad Desync then lets say you ran into a building; on their end you would still be at the doorway, but on your side you are all the way on the top floor, that shoot at the doorway and the server gets confused and hurts you, even though you are not at the doorway. But to answer your question, if someone joins the server you are on and their ping is high, then THEY will Desync. Not you. (as long as YOUR ping and Desync is good)

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Unpurified water, I think. Always boil. 

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Desync is a difference in synchronisation between the server and the player. It's can be caused on the client's end ( high ping, packetloss etc ) but mostly it is caused by the server being on it's performance limit, which is why high-pop servers desync faster than low-pop one's.


It occours when the server has more stuff to send to the clients than it can calculate at the same time. This is when gunshots are missed, player and zombie positions don't update smoothly, hitboxes get stuck and items become unresponsive.

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In the old days we used to find that when another player joined the server, and he had a high ping, we'd all get problems. We'd slow down, sometimes like slow motion, and then be killed by the laggy player who we couldn't even see.  But today, I have no idea what it all means because things have changed so much.  I'd be interested in reading detailed information on how desync happens and why but not had much luck finding information, so far.  If I find some I will share it here.  :thumbsup:

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