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Banning for inappropriate behaviour...

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Rags, you will discuss this per PM or not at all.


On topic now.


EDIT: I have not touched a single post in this topic, so you can all keep your hatemail for now.

Edited by Max Planck
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Rags, you will discuss this per PM or not at all.


On topic now.


EDIT: I have not touched a single post in this topic, so you can all keep your hatemail for now.

Well, i got a notice that on of mine where hidden too. Would be nice to have a PM on what that was about for later.

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That's just the point.....only in computer games.

Not in any other public situation would it be acceptable or tolerated.

Things have to change IMO

I operate cranes for a living and from the top of Canada to the bottom of USA racism is alive and well in the workplace, dude. I'm not necessarily an advocate, but people should be able to say whatever they want if they're game to risk a broken jaw.

Also, not sure where you're from but racial slurs don't get you arrested in Canada.

Edited by Grimey Rick

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Freedom of speech does not encompass racial slurs.


Actually it kind of does, unfortunately.

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105 comments for this topic WOW.


My 2 cents:

If you implement GMs/Mods who should pay them?

If you implement a mechanic like "If x amount of users report User A he gets banned" this could be abused by lets say 20ppl who play together and just reporting others for fun / revenge


Sooo. its up to the server admins i guess




If you read about the Sony / Interview thing just think about it.

Im pretty sure some people are butthurt by this movie while many American citizens watching it "As a padriotic act of the freedom of speech". Im not supporting North Korea or Sony in any way. But its kind of hard to serve everyone right.


If you want to live without hate, you should maybe live with wolfes. They don't know hate, only hunger and dominance.

If you want to live with hate, just try a MOBA game. You will see the Dayz comminuty in a whole new light after that.

Edited by Freshmen

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the day our actions (aside from hacking type shit) are monitored and policed is the day DayZ dies.


one of the big allures to this game is the freedom to do whatever the fuck you want, be it slurs or psychotic trolling its a fucking game.


Op some of your responses actually made me cringe...its a game...

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You know what.....I can only assume MOST you guys have never had to console a loved one or friend who has  been the victim of racist remarks. Some of the horse shit....."They should take resposability for themselves".....fuck off! They don't know its going to happen....it just does....by the time they log the damage is done......real damage.


But hey fuck them right....who cares what pain it can cause, they should all grow thicker skin. As long as it dosent bother YOU fuck the rest who it does.....Because stopping people saying N****r or C**n would so drastically change your gameplay, and infringe so badly on your freedoms......BULL....SHIT!


Step into a grown up world for 1 second....where we make concessions like this to ensure the majority of people are not caused discomfort or pain. 


Yes im getting angry now as this does strike a nerve for me from personal experience, and I wanted to show a certain someone that most aren't like that and would jump at the chance to be rid of it....guess I was wrong.

im sure there is worse things going on in game that people have had to console there loved ones about ...and racism is the only thing you want censored... im sure there are numerous mother groups out there that could give you a whole encyclopedic report on bannable content ...you must have had a very priviledged life if racial slurs are so emotionally devastating to your family .. im sure there is content in game that gets alot of people "ANGRY" as you are ....im pretty sure the generic most logical answer would be dont play the game ....so i put it to you simply find another server or dont play at all 

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